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Everything posted by Kevin_kerman

  1. i will not do that because i am adding supermassive blackholes that will mess with you (they are around 4-5 times that of kcalbeloh)
  2. oh, it takes a ton of ∆V to get there but they are absolutely worth it, some are comparable with RSS though
  3. a few oblate moons and planets are coming in update 0.5!
  4. I will probably make a small mod for just myself that adds a 100 meter part capable of holding 500 kerbals, it will be 5 meters, I might post it as a mod, but as of right now it is not likely, I will also do a 7.5 meter centrifuge I will also do a 7.5 meter crew cabin
  5. Yeah, thats true you could just launch 500 rockets to bring up a bunch of fuel to slow down and use air-break passes to slow down how many stars do you plan on adding?
  6. with breaking ground and the kal controllers you can definitely do it as shown here
  7. What about a binary planet system with one oblate planet and another normal planet?
  8. ok I will try, I don't have discord though, I will do it later I can't do it rn, I will do it this weekend
  9. the venter ignores your request to open the window Waiter, There's uranium in my soup!
  10. I am working on a mod and I want to add easter eggs, but I don't know how to, does someone know how to and provide guidance? I already got the 3d models.
  11. what operating system do you have, it doesn't work on MacOS, and you need kopernicus for it to work
  12. yeah, that's what I was thinking, wow I did not realize tyrant was 8 kerbin masses
  13. yeah, I think that the limit is like 10 earth masses, so this could theoretically be possible as this would be like 5-10 kerbin masses
  14. I don't play RSS, but this looks really cool, I hope to see more soon!
  15. Update 0.5 will have texture updates for Jodi, Ido, Lav, Fooms, Jeroga, Jeor, Rewt, and a new sunspot texture for poly, there will be more in update 1.0, and all gas giants will get better textures(including rings, Normal textures, and color) I will also add sunfix I just had a new idea that might stretch the realm of possibility, but what if there was an abnormally large rocky planet 3,000 kilometers in radius and a ice planet 3,800 kms in radius and they were binary, let me know what you guys think!
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