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Everything posted by Kevin_kerman

  1. I don't know if this is even possible, but if you try this, the rules are simple, Launch a rocket with a payload on board put the payload in an eccentric orbit that allows you to get a gravity assist of the Mun or minmus try to get to Jool with just gravity assist and only 2 tons fuel. Probes or crew you are allowed to do small burns if you have OPM or beyond jool installed, for an even crazier challenge, go to Sarnus or sarkin if you have any interstellar mod installed, try to get to that system(wormholes allowed)
  2. There could be other substances that can do the same thing but are just green
  3. There will also be Kargatua: To Close For Comfort which will add Yaqq, a lava planet incredibly close to Kargatua Inferno, a lava planet with an atmosphere, but a very thin one, orbits Reo, and at one point, might become habitable Kraket, a hot Jupiter with only 2 moons Jeiq, a small lava moon of Kraket Odet, a small odd moon Jris, a large lava world really close to Cynus Lavis, a new moon for magnus
  4. Update(not really) there will be a new separate mod that is kinda like an add-on to this mod, adding a new star (this one will be special, I won't reveal to much now) and a few planets and moons including; Torus, a lava planet having a meltdown(literally) full of lava with 1 only landmass at the north pole Urgyus, a cold planet with frozen lakes of methane Ety, a tiny asteroid less then 1 km in radius Tromb, an ice giant with some moons Ury, a small icy moon Rost, a minmus like moon Rint, a larger moon Troy, a moon of a moon This is all for right now, more will definitely be coming Any suggestions
  5. What new moon of sarkin that has hydrocarbon lakes and oceans but a really thin atmosphere that is a little bigger than kerbin? also a moon that looks like moldy cheese What about a moon of rage? that would be cool
  6. thanks, i just added more stuff, including more details on Kargatua: Poly Centuri System
  7. Kevin-Kelvin has been delayed to the next update, reason being that I don't want to have to make 5 different habitable planet textures.
  8. I think that this could become a great mod
  9. the rings will get a better texture soon, then more screenshots of the updated stuff sorry, the accretion discs, not rings, but the rings will also get a new texture and Herac will get some soon
  10. Yeah they are, just placeholder textures for testing purposes, i will make new textures before the realease
  11. the reports will probably start with putting a relay sat network in high kerbin orbit I will be using deepfreeze to freeze the Kerbal so that I can use limited LS and I need comnet to use the vessel
  12. ok the reports will start coming hopefully this weekend
  13. I will post some pictures of the ssto's that i made to transport cargo to and from the surface of the planet
  14. @Eclipse 32 Do you want me to make a flag for Eclipse Aerospace?
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