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Everything posted by 123nick

  1. hey, you heard of yongetech tech tree plugins? i heard they make tech tree creating easy http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/125338-1-0-4-YongeTech-Tech-Trees-Plugin-(v1-3)
  2. but that vacuum isp was absolutely awesome, and for the relatively low thrust... dont you think you can just bump it back up a tinyyy bit? like 385 or 390? also: plan on adding MFR support to the fuel tanks?
  3. hey, how does the prarie greenhouse work? i tried it, inflated it, time warped for 90 days, then i checked it an... nothing happend. im using USI life support, is that whats wrong?
  4. any procedural interstellar-fuel tanks? like, i couldve sworn that with kspi or kspie you would get a procedural interstellar tank if you had both mods installed.
  5. don't you think its good enough for release already? like, look at other planet packs, does yours not seem to be of equal quality, if not better? and i know you want to wait "till its ready" to release it, but the problem is it IS ready, even if it isnt in your eyes. sure, there's a couple things missing, like biomes and science, etc, but that can wait for further releases. like, i am pretty sure a couple other planet packs released without biomes, science, good terrains, etc, and they were still great when they released. don't you think that, although it isnt 100% done, isnt 90% good enough for release? like, KSP released without plugins, docking, planets, i don't think even the mun, many parts, asteroids, science, money, or even landing legs, and it was still a great game. don't you think you can just release it just a tiny bit early? sorry if this is a double post, or i repeat my self a bit.
  6. if you have like, alot of mods, and planet mods, including new horizons, OPM, and trans-keptunian, all together, can you just install this, on linux 64bit, without any problems? i tried to, but i think it didnt work quite well. also, astronomers visual pack isnt updated. is is usable with 1.0.4?
  7. im not sure about using this, for a couple of facts.... like, what would i use for long-term power? i guess solar panels and batterys, big ones would work.... but one mod, SSTU labs, has a lander fuel tank part that can have a RTG as one of its configurations, and because of how its implimented, might not get picked up by the recently posted MM config... and i know this is a slight bump, but, hey. also, LLL adds in a salt reactor that generates EC out of nothing, and that would probably get detected by the MM patch. does the MM patch tune the output of converted-rtgs based on there original output? i might use it, but im not sure what repercussions it would have on how i play..
  8. maybe you can still release the FAR module manager config? it will probably still work, i doubt the context or syntax is being changed in module manager
  9. regardless of whats in or isnt in ksp , you can get most things that you would like via mods. and if your gonna use alot of mods, then just dualboot linux, and you can run all the mods. works great.
  10. after watching someone do a grand tour of the kerbol system with a relatively small spacecraft, with some drills and a ISRU module, i realized that. scanning equipment, for finding ore and other resources, is completely unnecessary. in the video, he just lands anywhere, deploys the drills, and timewarps, and, eventually, gets enough ore to fill the spacecrafts tanks up. because although there is places with more ore, and faster gathering rate, it doesent matter because you can just timewarp. if there was a minimum amount of ore gathered per second, or however its measured, it would make a need for actual scanning equipment. it can be simple, just a plugin that detects if a drill using the standard stock drill module, and maybe even some modded resource gathering parts, from stuff like karbonite and mks for example, has a gather rate, that is below a minimum, it will turn it off, automatically, thus preventing gathering of ore unless your on an actual ore deposit. sorry if its a bit hard to read, i typed it fast, and i probably might have repeated my self once or twice. anyways, your perspective on the idea? think its neat?
  11. maybe tweakable everything, tweakscale, and maybe another thing or 2 are messing with it? although, i dont think it would... or should.
  12. you know, bobcat industries actualy had a nautilus X space tow or something, i think. its a bit outdated, but maybe you can take ownership of the parts, maybe?
  13. are sstos in ksp not dead? like, who uses them any more? if anything, dont most people instead of attaching rockets to a plane, attach jets to a rocket? like, its simpler lift off profile, simpler landing, simpler... everything. and it worked.
  14. hey, how does the drill configurator work? i have a drill o matic mining excavator, and i cant seem to switch what it mines. any help?
  15. why not have the gunpod be 2 or 3 seperate parts: you would attach the 12,7mm main gun radially, then it would have 2 attach nodes to attach the 7.62mm miniguns
  16. or stack mounted guns.. like, stockalike stack mounted weapons that can rotate 360 around a fuselage, or rocket core, and still be somewhat aerodynamic.
  17. it just seems to be a bit old, compared to all the updated rectangular icons and fancy layed out version text, etc.
  18. is it just me, or is there a bug with kerbol plus that, whenever you click on the tracking station, the space center view becomes bug, a null reference exception is made in the log, and the camera resets to its original position, and no building can be clicked, and you have to return to main menu to try again. also, how should i set this up with EVE and stuff, because i just installed EVE, then the stuff from the kerbolplus eve config pack, onto the game data folder, replacing all, and hoped it work. apparently it didnt, and without eve i got a graphical glitch with the planet with all the craters, christo-something or something? it was similiar to that, but, still. edit: i think the planet i was refering to was the phiscool one, its just an entirely pink orb, texture bug i think. also, have you thought of using sigma binary to creat a binary system, instead of using a barycenter? (can you land on it?) double edit: turns out it was calad. also, the cryo volcano isnt rendering. am i missing something? do i need EVE?
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