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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Thread moved to Kerbal Network since it's about a player rather than the game.
  2. Of the people I was familiar with, too many to list have come and gone.
  3. Lord, that show was cheesy. But it had some nifty spacecraft, alrighty. Also, terrific theme music. Oh, and nice models.
  4. We were chosen to be moderators because we are helpful on the forum. Not because we are game geniuses. I myself am only mediocre at the game itself, and a couple of us have never left Kerbin SOI still.
  5. Moderator part of the post: Guys, you really need to leave religion out of discussions on this forum. We've banned the subject because of the arguments and hard feelings it brings up. Some posts have been edited or removed. Forum member part of the post: I'm sorry, but I don't know what meaning you're attaching to this with regard to the pyramid's capstone. A pyramid is one of the basic 3 dimensional geometrical shapes. You can find ratios of proportions and whatnot in the others, too, but the main reason several civilizations made monuments in pyramid form is not magic, but rather that they are conceptually simple to construct (though laborious), and perhaps more important, so stable as to resist erosion for thousands of years.
  6. And what conclusion are you drawing from this? It is unusually sophisticated for a large stone assemblage, it's true, but more than "any other building" is a pretty sweeping statement.
  7. The pyramids were not typical tombs. They were the deluxe models for the kings. Also, it's difficult to say what is a "typical" Egyptian tomb given that the country's history encompasses about 2500 years, so burial customs changed over time. Yet the pyramids did have a number of the features you list, though only the pyramids themselves are easily visible in modern times. In antiquity the pyramids themselves were surrounded by additional tombs, temples, walls, causeways, and so on. So there is absolutely no question that they are tombs. No question. At all. Not even a little bit. Zero.
  8. Deddly's not finished with his turn yet. (Though he's taking his sweet time about it. >:( )
  9. Firstly, a number of posts about religion have been removed from this thread. You know it's off-limits here, guys, because of the arguments it causes. Secondly, I'd say please stick to the topic of this thread but I'm not clear about what the topic is. What is the original discovery that is being discussed? Thirdly, the pyramids were most definitely burial monuments. There is no doubt about it. They are referred to as such in Egyptian documents, they were decorated as funeral moments, they contain sarcophagi and other funereal items although the bodies and most of the valuables were long ago stolen, and the sphynx serves no "practical purpose" because statuary, as a rule, does not. It's decorative. Oh, and the idea that the pyramids were built by slaves is a very old misconception. They were paid artisans, and the village where they lived has been excavated to show how they were paid, fed, and housed. http://www.touregypt.net/featurestories/gizavillage.htm
  10. Hello and welcome to our forum, Matt_ > I've removed your broken link and moved your post to the support subforum. Please provide a working link and people will be happy to try to help with your problem.
  11. The thread went off topic a while back and veered into epistemology and religion. We've removed those posts so please get back to asking silly questions and giving serious answers.
  12. I do not know, and also, thread moved to modded support. Good luck with your issue.
  13. Yes, it sounds to me as if you are early in a campaign-mode game and don't have access to those tools yet. Is the projected line of your spacecraft white rather than blue? That will also be the case early in a campaign.
  14. I did well in Eve Online, so I am in a good mood. Thanks for asking.
  15. Please remember to post in English or at least provide a translation when submitting a post anywhere other than the foreign language subs.
  16. We can disagree with each other without attacking one another. Some comments have been removed from this thread.
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