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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Imgur albums have never liked our forum software. You might be better off sharing them as individual pics.
  2. That one is my favorite of his. Welcome to the forum.
  3. One name change per person. Just Jim cannot change his own name. He does not have admin superpowers. And now that y'all have called my attention to this thread, I find that it is profoundly off-topic. Please return to the subject of Emiko Station.
  4. Hmm. The ablator supply held up for the whole pass?
  5. Mod-related issue moved to the mod-related support sub. And good luck with your problem.
  6. One day Comcast just up and started giving me and charging me for all 10 HBO variants. I had not requested it, but kept it long enough to catch up on the shows everyone was excited about. Neither really excited me (Westworld and Game of Thrones) so I cancelled it. They were puzzled about how it happened, but I suspect it was an attempt to trick me into keeping and continuing to pay for it.
  7. Whatever happened to that game/software which was supposed to allow a DM to make up the adventure as the players went along? It had a Baldur's Gate-kind of look to it but was supposed to play like PnP D&D? This was maybe 2 years ago.
  8. Because he always played as a thief? So this is the first time I've ever heard anyone mention Traveller. That was a spiffy game system. The same combat rules covered everything from fist fights to starship battles. I had several rule books and a few of the related games, but this was back in the pre-internet days when it was darn near impossible to find anyone else with the same game interests, so I never played them with anyone.
  9. This mod maker means that he* is not interested in doing what has been suggested, and he's the final word on his mod, so let's all please move on. *Yes, I assumed your gender. Could be wrong, but was based on the avatar. No offense intended, anyway.
  10. This question about how to play the game has been moved to Gameplay Questions. Where I do not know the answer, because I have tried that particular mix of parts yet.
  11. Suggestions for add-ons to be made by non-Squad should get moved to Add-on discussions. Suggestions of including mods into stock do belong in S&DD because they would become stock. And suggestions which get implemented would become part of the game's development and so they belong together. So unless I'm not understanding your point, things are already working the way they're supposed to.
  12. This. ^^^ The challenge maker sets the challenge rules. If you dislike them, don't participate in the challenge. A number of posts have been either removed from this thread or edited to get the discussion back on-track.
  13. You'll get better with practice. Try it, and when you have specific questions, feel free to ask them.
  14. "Finally"? Now that you're here, hello.
  15. Vanamonde


    Welcome to the forum, dogeGAMr.
  16. There's no right or wrong way to make a station. If it's in space, has a control part, and a power source, it's a station. Anything you add beyond that is optional. You could add fuel tanks to serve as a gas station, or science parts for research, or living quarters for residents, or whatever. Get creative with it.
  17. Thread moved to General, since it *is* about KSP.
  18. On the one hand, if you are having trouble with software, you MUST be able to give the developer as much information as possible, or he/she simply can't help you. That is frustrating for everyone. I know I hate having to collect all that stuff before I contact IT here, or at work, or wherever. But it's just a fact that no one is able to get around. So if the dev asks you for certain info, find it and give it over, or stop using the software. On the other hand, please keep in mind that we were all newbies at one time, that not everyone here speaks English as a native language, and that the cartoonish aspects of KSP draw younger people to the game and to the forum. There's no call for being grouchy with them. Please just hit the report button and let us moderators deal with it. With these points in mind, one or two posts have been removed from this thread. Now please remember that you're all trying to work together to make the game more enjoyable.
  19. Yep. Your path will be affected by Mun, but not beyond Kerbin's SOI. The projected path line would terminate at a point in space if that where the case.
  20. Explain what? It's his/her challenge, so he/she can set the rules.
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