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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Question about the wiki moved to Kerbal Network. And welcome to the forum.
  2. Reproductive biology, corsets, and high heels are not suitable topics for discussion on this forum.
  3. The first one is now unlocked, but the second was never locked in the first place.
  4. Well, this has gotten just silly.
  5. Modded support questoin moved to the modded support subforum. And good luck with your issue.
  6. This is odd. If wings aren't necessary, as I found, then aren't they adding drag rather than helping keep the craft up? In that case, mine should be faster than the winged ones. I did have to fly it with slight pitch-up input to keep it level, though, which slowed it down some. Perhaps that cost the craft more drag than wings would have?
  7. 745 m/s in level flight, though it's difficult to keep it spot-on level for more than a few seconds.
  8. Your link leads to a real-world solar eclipse map.
  9. We don't know what's going on in this thread, but apparently it's not about KSP, so moved to the Lounge. @The_Arcitect, keep in mind that you're responsible for anything done under your account, so maybe change your password or whatever it takes to keep others out of it?
  10. Went up a few thousand meters, popped the capsule off, rode down on a chute. Was in the original demo. Couldn't even get out of the ships back then.
  11. Watch the tempers, guys. We're all friends here. (Or at least we all should be.)
  12. Imgur albums have never cooperated well with our forum software. How about sharing the pics themselves?
  13. That is a nice-looking little plane.
  14. Moved to modded support, since this looks mod-related.
  15. I am lucky if my SSTOs reach O, let alone anywhere else. Good job.
  16. Maybe. Why don't you try to my guide and example ship?
  17. This forum software has dislikes. We turned them off.
  18. A post or two have been removed. Let it go, guys. You don't get to have the last word just because you're sure you're right.
  19. On the one hand, please keep in mind when asking for assistance that modders are volunteers and do not get paid to deal with demanding people, and on the other hand, please keep in mind that we were all newbies to the forum at one time or another.
  20. If anybody knows how to do this it would be the modders, and so, moved to Add-on Discussions.
  21. Support issue moved to Support. And it's modded support because their mere presence can contribute, so that is a factor in diagnosis and remedy.
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