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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Since this is not something which occurs in stock, the thread has been moved to modded support to avoid confusing people.
  2. We get notifications like you do for pings and stuff.
  3. This thread has wandered quite far from its topic. Please return to it.
  4. I've moved your post to its own thread, Enceos, since it's a technical issue rather than a policy question.
  5. I think my issue is more a matter of piloting ascent profiles than craft building, but yes, I only wanted to make planes that can actually do something useful, not just go up and come back down.
  6. I'm currently about 4.5 years into the game and I am struggling a lot with SSTOs.
  7. The process is exactly the same, though maneuvers cost more dV due to the velocities required by Kerbin's mass an orbital speeds. So what kind of problems are you having at Kerbin?
  8. @Red Iron Crown, the first rule of MQDB is, you do not talk about MQDB.
  9. Not so much expect as require. Political discussions always turn into arguments, and so have been ruled off-limits for this forum (2.2.b).
  10. We have a private subforum and an IRC chat. It's hard to say, since several people are on leave and may or may not come back, depending on real world events. There is this list, though. I usually read a bit here and a bit there. I rarely follow specific threads closely because there are so many. It's actually fun, most of the time. When the arguments are not overly bitter. You're welcome.
  11. I haven't seen that happen. How steep are these slopes? Do you have any mods installed?
  12. Oh, hey. I guess this counts. it's a docking practice ship I made for newbies.
  13. 1) Yes, which is the point. It will teach you stuff. 2) No, as long as you don't mind crashes as you learn to make stuff work. 4) Not hard to make epic ships, but it is hard to make them fly the way you want. This thread does not seem stupid. And the game is extremely fun, though there can be a frustration factor.
  14. Please avoid the talk of politics, intimate relations (whether drug-assisted or not), and post in English without character subsitutions.
  15. Yes, let's talk about little flying things you pilot without being in them at the time.
  16. Since the game is still being adjusted and added-to, there are no guides to the whole game. We do have a gameplay/tutorials subforum, though, if there are specific things you would like to investigate. But really, the best way to learn KSP is to do what you are doing, and just play it. Start with small rockets and build larger ones as you get the hang of things. Welcome to the game and to the forum.
  17. Some posts have been removed from this thread. To repeat what Red Iron Crown said earlier, if you don't like the terms of the challenge, don't play it and/or go make your own.
  18. Please do not let a thread about arguments turn into an arguments thread. Also, please do not pull arguments from other threads into this one.
  19. I do not feel a need to apologize for Kerbals.
  20. There's no rush to build big things, and the more time you spend learning the game with small ones, the better your large ones will be when you work your way up to them. Also, I tried for 4 years before I could make my first worthwhile SSTO plane.
  21. If you have no life, then you will fit right in here. Welcome to the forum.
  22. This is a pretty old thread, and since then we've had trouble on the forum with people trying to "claim" parts of Kerbin and/or insist that the place names they like are official. Let's please not start that up again.
  23. This going to end up being a craft sharing thread, and so it has been moved to the craft-sharing subforum.
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