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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Welcome to the forum, Capthenrysand. Nobody's missions work right every time. It doesn't mean you're bad at the game. Often, those missions make the most entertaining stories.
  2. Thread moved to the Challenges subforum. Please review this sub's guide to submissions.
  3. @Dynastic Labs, your question has been merged into the master thread for this sort of question. (For reals, this time.)
  4. Reply from America. Welcome to the forum.
  5. For pictures, @Pixel.? Upload your screenshots to a picture sharing service like Imgur.com, and use the link they provide in your posts. No membership required.
  6. ShockerGamer, your question has been merged into the master thread for this kind of question.
  7. Once again, if you do not like the terms of a challenge, skip it. Do not throw around accusations of trolling. There's no call to get angry about this kind of thing.
  8. So let's get it back on, shall we?
  9. Guys, please do not ask for someone else's threads to be acted upon, because then we just have to go to that person to make sure it's a legitimate request before we can do anything anyway. Have the OP make the request, please.
  10. Thread moved to The Lounge, since it's not about the game itself.
  11. Thank you for doing this, and moved to Kerbal Network, since it's not about the game itself.
  12. What the what? This is news to me.
  13. If they're bad flamewars, we remove the posts from public view so that others are not tempted to reply to them and keep it going, so you forum members don't see the really bad ones.
  14. Please wait for that thread before posting in it.
  15. We have enough team members these days, but as always, we will make an announcement when we are seeking more.
  16. Since this is not about KSP itself, the thread has been moved to The Lounge.
  17. These suggestions for the game's development have been moved to Suggestions & Development discussions.
  18. This report of a mission has been moved to Mission Reports. Also, congratulations.
  19. Each person can only have one forum account, IcarusBen/Icarus_Vice. Choose which one you want to keep and we will merge them under that name.
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