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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. A couple of posts have been removed from this thread or edited. Please do not insult each other on our forum, no matter how angry you may get. We're all here because we like the same game, so please don't treat each other like enemies.
  2. @corbett , I am sorry but I had to delete your log post because it was so long that it was causing page loading errors. Please upload the log on a file hosting site and only use the link to that site on our forum.
  3. Kerbal EDU is this game, with some educational enhancements. You already have the bike. Why are you mad that you don't have the version of the bike with training wheels? I believe it's also a bit behind the standard KSP version because after a new version of the normal game is put out, the EDU version has to take it and modify it.
  4. Yes, there already is one. You don't need permission to start another, though, if you wanted to.
  5. Since this thread no longer seems to have anything to do with KSP modding, it will be closed now.
  6. Welcome to the game and to the forum, DONUTS.
  7. That is a nice-looking little ship, iainonline. Welcome to the forum.
  8. How about we stop theorizing why a fellow forum member asked a question and either answer it or skip to the next thread?
  9. Some posts have been trimmed from this thread. It's just a friendly discussion, guys. Please don't make it personal and acrimonious.
  10. Welcome to the forum, Tonicky. Could you explain more about your question, please?
  11. This seems to have turned into a joke thread, and so it has been moved to The Lounge. @Nucluer, if you intended a serious discussion, please start a new thread in the Development Discussion subforum. To forestall these ^ clowns, though, please give it a more specific first post with some indication of which matters you'd like to discuss.
  12. Most game versions require mods to be updated, and .90 is several versions ago, so I would not expect those mods to still work. Check their threads in the mod subforum to find out.
  13. Modding question moved to the modding subforum.
  14. This suggestion for the game's development has been moved to Suggestions and Development Discussions. And welcome to the forum, @SpaceastronautX.
  15. This is what SAS used to do. I still miss it. There was some technical reason I don't remember why it had to be altered, but I'd still like the old mode as an option.
  16. The forum software has the option for dislikes, but it is turned off and will stay that way. There's enough negativity in the world.
  17. Mr. Musk seems to be concerning himself with the process of getting to Mars, and leaving the matters of survival there and governance to others. So that this thread doesn't become too much of a grab bag, why don't we follow his example? Please take the discussion of colonization to another thread, and leave politics for another forum altogether, since that never ends well here. (And yes, I realize I contributed to the clutter by merging some threads recently, but what can I say? Threads evolve.) Edit: like this one.
  18. It was nice of you to offer a suggestion, @Ackoli, but greenbow66 has either solved the problem or moved on by now.
  19. Modding question moved to the modding subforum.
  20. This will not be a stock thing. Squad has said that weapons and fighting do not go with their concept of the game.
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