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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. More posts have been removed from this thread. No matter how angry you are about this situation, attacking each other isn't going to make anything better. If this keeps up, we will have to close the thread until tempers cool.
  2. Some posts have been removed. Steam keys are an issue from 2 years ago, and are not the subject of this thread. They are only available through Steam purchase. Also, please do not attack each other for having differing views on the matters in this thread.
  3. Guys, Steam sells access to games. Some people who bought KSP before it was available on Steam were given the courtesy of switching over. But that was a limited offer because it involves Steam giving away its product for free, which they obviously can't do indefinitely. However, that transition was 2 or so years ago, and is not the subject of this thread. Please go back to discussing the new version and its testing.
  4. That was a very old thread, so your post has been moved to its own thread, zchsh. Feel free to edit the temporary title.
  5. While we appreciate our members sharing funny stuff with each other, this has, like, 700% more cussing than we can have on our forum. Thanks for the thought, but please be more conservative next time.
  6. English is in the Universe. Checkmate.
  7. A fair number of posts have been removed from this thread. Please have something to say (in words) rather than just cluttering the forum with reaction image jokes, okay, guys? (2.3.c)
  8. "Adult content" such as the use of intoxicants is off-limits for our friendly little space game forum (2.2.c). This thread will be closed now.
  9. A number of posts have been removed from this thread. You all know the rules, people. Keep it clean.
  10. Thread moved to the off-topic Lounge, since it's not about the game itself.
  11. Please don't start fighting amongst yourselves, guys. We've had to edit or remove a couple of posts from this thread.
  12. Thank you for calling attention to this, but we already have a SpaceX thread.
  13. Modding discussion moved to the modding subforum.
  14. Serious answer: read the OP, which suggests several subtopics. If you do not feel you can discuss them without getting into politics, skip the thread. Your participation in it, after all, is not obligatory.
  15. If you don't feel you can participate in the thread without breaking the rules, just skip to the next thread. Problem solved. No need to derail this one.
  16. Which is why we're not locking it.
  17. I made an illustrated guide with example ship you can download. It might be helpful.
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