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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Sadly, no. Ships are only fully rendered when you get within 2.25kms of them. Otherwise, they are little more than moving points in space.
  2. Squad has said many times that Kerbals are genderless. You are free to interpret some of the randomly generated names as feminine, and you can even edit your saves and give them female names if you want, but officially, they are neither male nor female. And as hard as it may be to believe, this subject has started some of the forum's nastiest arguments and is actually listed as a forbidden subject to suggest implementing in the game, so let's please be careful about keeping this discussion from derailing.
  3. Earth's moon crosses the length of its own diameter in about 8 minutes. Of course, that's a visual thing almost entirely due to earth's rotation rather than Moon's motion against the background sky, but it is quite noticeable if you're patient.
  4. I was assembling my ships at a shipyard for a while. It does look spiffy, but the station adds to the ship's part count and lag quickly becomes insane, so I just assemble my ships in orbit now.
  5. Yeah, as has been pointed out, the old tower is not entirely gone. Go visit KSC2.
  6. "Free" is one of the four camera settings you can advance through with the V key, giannis1996, or are you asking for one of the camera mods?
  7. There is a sub-forum for suggestions about game development, which this thread (Presto!) now occupies.
  8. An engine that is not firing is dead weight, holding the ship back and reducing fuel efficiency. Either don't put them on there in the first place, or fire them all every time.
  9. How fast are you going when they break, and how large is your ship?
  10. Well, we certainly do not condone pirating the game, but you are not the first person who liked it so much as to repent by buying a legitimate copy. Congratulations on redeeming yourself.
  11. Vanamonde


    Hello bowfonz. And yes, your first few posts must be approved by a moderator so we know you're not a sneaky spambot, but soon you'll be converted to a full member. So, be chatty.
  12. Hello Rekilein. Most people don't play the demo for long before deciding to buy the game. You won't regret it. (Unless your grades start to slip.)
  13. There is a sub-forum for mod help and advice, and this thread is being whisked there even as I type this.
  14. Thread moved to gameplay questions, where it is more likely to receive helpful attention.
  15. Since OP's question has been answered and this thread is in the wrong sub-forum, it's closing time.
  16. Your problem, as others have noted, is not in the docking arrangement, but in your engine choice. Much more fragile ships than that do just fine as long as you're not blasting them with umpteen Gs.
  17. Is it only those modded wheels that have this problem? Because I've never seen it. ("Sub-reddit" indeed. )
  18. This is a nice presentation, but I'm puzzled by your method. If you'd already set a 0.6km closest approach, why stop and re-burn to approach at 10kms and 2kms?
  19. Hello kizentheslayer. By seeking advice on the forum, you will soon be able to build much more efficient hulking towers of death and fire.
  20. Vanamonde


    Eskalante is asking specifically for things that give him more science activities.
  21. This thread seems to have served its purpose. Rest well, old friend.
  22. Hello BadRocketsCo. I'm glad you're liking the game, and I hope you enjoy the forum.
  23. Vanamonde


    Hello Eskalante. Science is a pretty new addition to this developing game, so I'm not aware of any mods that amplify that aspect of play. There are some which alter the existing system in one way or another, but I don't think any expand it.
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