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Everything posted by razark

  1. There's no single answer to that. It varies with my mood. But quite often, I'd probably answer with The Maltese Falcon. (Can I claim Lord of the Rings as a single movie?)
  2. https://www.amazon.com/ChromaLabel-Color-Code-Labels-Dispenser-Metallic/dp/B00VRUZBVU/
  3. I refer to looking for stuff as "desk archeology". I can tell how old something is by the layer I find it in.
  4. It can be mastered through tough, thorough thought, though.
  5. The thing about the English language is that there are no rules. There's only common usage. If you can get enough people to change spelling, punctuation, or word meaning, you change the language. Literally.
  6. Same for me. I never bothered to download Making History before last night, though.
  7. No, I'm saying Steam controls the marketing of what Steam is selling. Private Division doesn't enter the equation at all.
  8. Not really. It sounds like marketing. Someone who doesn't own KSP sees the robotics, says "That would be cool if the base game wasn't so expensive. Oh, wait, it's on sale, I guess I will buy it now." Instead of making $0, Steam sells both with a discount, and makes $X, where X > 0.
  9. Yes. I'd prefer something a little less intrusive to indicate an object can be interacted with. You ever try to smash a bug with a forum? Besides, manuals are portable and I can sit and read it wherever I want.
  10. I would find that annoying to see every time. I'd rather have a nice, hefty manual to read through than see that message pop up all the time.
  11. Well, between @Gargamel and @Vanamonde, I'm not sure where there is left for this thread to go... Although, I feel like we're missing a really interesting story here.
  12. What directory is the .exe file in? Is KSP installed in that directory? What happens if you run the .exe in the directory KSP is installed in?
  13. Well, if it's not out immediately when it's supposed to be released, what are we paying for? Oh, right. Take your time, make it go smoothly, no rush, guys. Besides, I'm stuck at work for 4.5 hours after release, anyway.
  14. Yes, please hit the big red button in the data center near the servers.
  15. So, what you're saying is Squad will be providing a seafood buffet for the DLC release? There's been a decent amount of turnover, and I can't quite keep track of who has/hasn't held a official position.
  16. But was that quote from an actual Squad spokesperson, or was it a regular forum user? I read it 20-15 years ago, and I reread it earlier this year. I miss Sir Terry, the knight with a sword forged from a meteorite. Edit: And now I am sad, because I just realized I completely missed Towel Day/The Glorious 25th of May.
  17. Heh. As I recall, it was actually branded as an "Official Mod". And both the World Cup and ARM were released before the game was released. Edit: Works Cited: https://www.pcgamer.com/kerbal-space-program-gets-second-official-mod/ https://steamcommunity.com/app/220200/discussions/0/540744474721452198/ https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/114911-first-official-mod/ https://kerbal.curseforge.com/projects/kerbin-cup?gameCategorySlug=ksp-mods&projectID=221319
  18. Do we have any word on if this is going to require a 1.7.1 or 1.8 release, or if the only download will be the DLC?
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