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Everything posted by razark

  1. Reasons such as what some random person on a video game forum said?
  2. Because the company started as Six Flags Over Texas, referring to the six national flags1 that have flown over the state. It has since expanded outside of Texas, but kept the name. 1Those being Spain, France, Mexico, Texas, USA, and CSA.
  3. So, is anyone in here voicing a legal opinion actually a lawyer?
  4. There's been some recent discussion on this (or a closely related) subject here: You might want to look in that thread to see what people's ideas are.
  5. Pssh! That's not that far! It's only seven inches!
  6. The quote from Bridenwhatsit was "the risk went up 44%". So whatever the risk was before, it's now at (risk)*1.44 over the next ten days.
  7. I don't see it as very viable. Aircraft carriers tend to be escorted by entire battle groups and carry an airwing larger than most countries' air forces, including strike, defense, and air superiority roles (among others). A lone 747 is not going to live long in any sizable conflict.
  8. No, it was everyone who had bought KSP before a certain date, which was shortly after the "error" was brought up and fixed. (Although, that might as well be the same in effect, it was the way it was worded.)
  9. Go to place. Click button. Go to next place. Click same button. Go to next place. Click same button. Et cetera, et cetera, ad nauseam. I'd love an exploration simulator over a button pushing simulator.
  10. Internet posts that consist of several pages worth of quoted material, including multiple pictures and videos, followed by a one-line response.
  11. PC players didn't get it for free for buying early access. Some people got it free because Squad had a slightly ambiguous statement in their purchase agreement, and some people threw a fit over it. You could say it was "a mistake that should've never happened. "
  12. Add new planets. People go there. People don't have anything meaningful to do there. People get tired of going there and doing nothing. People ask for more planets. Add something to do at the places we have, then add more places to do those things at. We don't need new places to do nothing at.
  13. The Antonov A-40: It may look like someone strapped wings to a tank, but that's just because that's exactly what happened.
  14. Because someone built a 3D model, and movement on screen looks better than treating an expensive model as a stationary matte painting.
  15. How many people hang out on forums for games they don't like?
  16. razark

    Monday Monday

    Woke up, felt sick, managed not to throw up, got ready for work, and went in three hours late. Did some work, listened to the ex whine about her sick family, left work. Came home, checked the mail, was too lazy to make dinner, melted some "cheese", and am eating it with chips while reading the internet. So, pretty much the same thing as every day (except the being sick part).
  17. If I screw up, I play it through. If the game screws up*, I revert. *This includes the brain-damaged automatic staging decisions that sometimes happen.
  18. When they released a new version but the shutdown ended the same day, so I had to go back to work.
  19. Well, the entire reality is simulated. Why not replace everyone's memories with fake ones? Why are they all sharing a reality in the first place? There's a lot in the movie that just doesn't make sense to me. (Why does the matrix allow incoming connections? Have these machines never heard of a firewall?) How do you know that's not the way it is now?
  20. You know those moments during the day when you just kind of space out? Or you walk into a room and completely forget why you were going there?
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