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Everything posted by Nori

  1. Everything is looking great Beale. Definitely got one of the best, well rounded part packs out there.
  2. Theoretically applying this in a MM config would work then right? @PART[radialDecoupler*]:Final { @fuelCrossFeed = False }
  3. I'm guessing this? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/75554-Exploded-ship-view-Axes-on-the-VAB-other-stuff-now-released-into-public-domain/
  4. Thanks! Such a odd issue. This has got to be one of those that leaves you scratching your head eh?
  5. It is a FAR issue. One supposedly fixed in tihe DEV version.
  6. BTW, the overlay in 1.0.9 is beautiful and insanely helpful! I love seeing the amount of a certain resource that I have. It is something I've wanted to have forever. So thank you very much for adding this in.
  7. Indeed I do. I wonder if I delete the KW tweakscale cfg (thus removing the module from KW parts) if that would fix it. I wonder why (for me at least) it is only affecting KW parts? I couldn't replicate it using other parts (with the tweakscale module).
  8. Hmm, you would think that for price competitive reasons they would want to have two companies doing this. If boeing (or SpaceX) wins then then they would get to set the price. Whereas if Nasa tries to kind of go between the two they could at least try to get better prices.
  9. Just use the thrust limiter or throttle down. Or am I missing something in your request? I frequently use engines with TWR over 2 in FAR and I just throttle down a bit. Once you get up a ways that higher TWR is actually nice. I would argue that he should balance around stock and people with FAR should really be using KIDS to re-balance difficulty.
  10. I hate strutting under fairings... :/ But yeah your idea sounds the most workable. I think the limitation of a secure orbit would have to be in place otherwise it would probably be squirrely.
  11. Eh, I felt like Skype was on a downward trend way before MS bought them. Lets say that you are correct in that is has peaked. There is still the possibility of Minecraft 2, Minecraft merchandise and any other Minecraft themed products. Minecraft has become a big name and big names game be leveraged for sales. Anywho, I'm on the fence on whether this would be a good thing or not. Minecraft lives on in large part because of it's plethora of mods, but MS hasn't ever really been mod friendly in the past. So I guess that would be my main concern. But hey, at least it isn't EA...
  12. Well, assuming it worked similar to Procedural fairings (the fairings automatically resize around the payload) then you wouldn't have to worry about sizing the hanger around the ship as it would be done automatically. And of course it would be lighter and less expensive. While it would be interesting, I'm not sure if it would be worth it considering it would probably be a lot of work for you to implement.
  13. I don't have my logs, but wanted to add that I ran across the same issue with the scaling as the other people here. KW parts all of a sudden got really weird. Deleted Kerbal Engineer and they are fine. Add it back, broke. Downgrade back to and fixed. If the logs provided aren't enough I can recreate the issue tonight and post my logs.
  14. If you are looking for a different experience with new gameplay mechanics than I recommend checking out Rover Dude's mods. I would consider KAS and TAC-LS to be required if you get his full set of mods. Another set of mods that is cool together is the whole Near Future pack. New propulsion, power general and various other things and all designed to work together.
  15. WOW! You have no idea how useful that would have been yesterday... Was KAS EVA attaching radial chutes (30 of em......) and it was getting kind of crazy with the physics. A tether would have been AMAZING!
  16. Maybe I'm missing something but I've read the second post several times and I didn't see any mention on how MM prioritizes when there is a conflict, such as two separate @PART[]:Final editing the same value. Guess it doesn't really matter now as the config is going to be changed anyway.
  17. For point 3, I believe he is trying to figure out a way to lower part count, but keep the payload fairing he is used to from other mods. So if I understand correctly. He would create a ship, "hide" it with a payload fairing configured hanger. Then after reaching somewhere the fairing would be ejected. You could do this with the hanger as is, but the concept is different I suppose.
  18. Well in his defense, I think someone wrote it for him... Anyway, that is the value I'm trying to override. I could just delete the file, but then I may forget about that when/if I update. Hmm, if folder name matters then I might be ok. I put all my cfgs in zCustom (I assumed it was last, but never was quite sure). I would probably write the following: @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[RealChuteModule]]:NEEDS[DeadlyReentry]:Final { @maxTemp = 1700 } But I have a feeling it could be overridden. I'll be trying it tonight if I get a chance, but I was wondering what the official word is on order of operations for conflicts like this.
  19. Is it possible to make any cfg files I create process after any other cfgs including ones that might have :Final? I'm wondering as I've run across a conflict where a mod applies a change: @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[RealChuteModule]]:Final { @maxTemp = 1150 } I'd like to override the change, but am not sure how MM determines who is really the "final" cfg.
  20. I believe your second point is possible. If you have a ship in the hanger you can open the hanger controls and transfer resources (at least I think you can, I've always launched full ships so I haven't tried).
  21. Just wanted to say thanks for this mod. I just launched a 4 satellite Remote Tech 2 setup all in one launch using a awesome hanger.
  22. Trying to remove TweakScale from command modules. Have the following but it doesn't seem to work. @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand]]:Final { !NODE[TweakScale]{} } I imagine I'm doing the delete wrong but not sure.
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