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Everything posted by Climberfx

  1. Great, and all this work with the stock animation module? Or i use a know plugin? I'm studying this moment Quiztech Aero Parts that use more than one animation in some parts to see how he did, and try it here. But the part of doing the animations inside GameObject on Unity, is the way i gonna do. Thank you.
  2. Well, i see this post have a age, but i need this type of solution, for multiple animations (that i can make inside Unity, with pivots and parents), but still don't see how to make it work on Ksp. Is there now a solution for this already? And a tutor? My model will have parts with two windows and two hatches, all need to work separately.
  3. Tem que ser né Luizo, para depois funcionar eles passarem por tudo. Se não não teria sentido eu criar os interiores e eles não conseguirem passar por nada. Consegui testar a parte do adaptador "egg" para mk2, e tudo funcionou corretamente. Ou seja, o projeto continua como planejado. Proximo passo, terminar os detalhes do módulo de passageiros com as respectivas animações e exportar para o KSP para testar tudo. Seguem algumas pics do adaptador no jogo. Textura não é final.
  4. The port to KSP work all fine. So, i port the "egg" to mk2 adapter, and it's all working as expected. The texture still not final, just a place holder, but the model for the adapter part is already done. Next step is to evolve on the passenger part (almost done) then port it to KSP, with animations for windows and hatches.
  5. Here the things how it goes: I'm in the ends of crew module, and different from before, i'm going to test this part on KSP, upfront the problems i may have in this process. This way, i believe i can have more certainly of the possibilities. Here goes a pic of how the model is, with windows and hatches already done (in Maya). From here to Unity, test animations, apply shades and create a CFG file to test all in KSP. Crossing fingers!!!!
  6. Segue o estado atual das partes. Estou nos finalmentes do modelo do modulo de passageiros, e diferente da vez anterior, vou pegar essa parte e portar para o jogo, adiantando assim os problemas que possa vir a ter nesse processo. Dessa forma, imagino que terei mais certeza do que posso fazer e se funciona. Aqui vai o modelo como está, janelas e escotilhas já funcionais (no Maya). Daqui vou para o Unity, testar animas, aplicar shades, e depois confeccionar um CFG para fazer os testes no KSP. Vamos que vamos!
  7. ahuahuahuahuhauhua. Nada, é low poly. Mas gostei do comment. rsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsr. Andamento do dia: Medidas e mais medidas dos espaços internos, antes de finalizar "novamente" o módulo de passageiros.
  8. Don't worry, i will made the seats part independent of the ship, at least i will try it. (because i'm not thinking about the collision mesh yet) This time i wanna made some tests before i go furder. update: Progress of the day, mesures, inner spaces, for the passenger module (4)
  9. Valeu Edu. Mais um update do Kerbal, Um rig básico só para fazer as poses. (sentado, etc.) Agora voltando para as partes...
  10. Just one more update on the Kerbal, the rig is ready to pose. (basic rig only) Going back to parts.
  11. Hello. Again, since the previous release, i got no response on why 6DOF is not yet supported on OS X? I got this message in the config, and i can't use it in game. So, will it be? If yes, when? Thank you!
  12. Very pretty design you have sir Cheers!
  13. Huhuhuhulllll! Pas by to send a hug!

  14. Kerbal low poly pronto para skin bind, será usado para ajustar a escala dos interiores de acordo.
  15. Kerbal low poly ready to skin bind, will be used to adjust the sit position inside the craft. p.s. For future goggle search, here some words: Kerbal, Model, Maya, 3D.
  16. Pois é Edu, vamos que vamos. Já terminei de converter e importar as partes do jogo que uso como Referência para fazer as minhas... Agora estou fazendo a pose do Kerbal que achei num post aqui no forum, e retexturizando, por que quando vem do Blender para o Maya, em FBX, ele perde isso. E a pose de sentado, para usar como base também. Ai é só baixar os polys e voltar para começar a modelar... Ref models by Rafael Valle, on Flickr
  17. I know that man, i watch every launch and return. What i don't know is how much it slow down. To what speed. I try that try too. I did the slow down in two ways. One, that resolve the head (but i thing is because a bug, or a non realistic cool effect, when the engine is on, stock telling)is to have the engine on in 1% of power, so, that way the speed goes down slowly, from around 55km high until near 10 km. Other was to burn full power (or almost) on the moment it start to show the temp bar., slow it to half speed, like 1250 m/s. But that way it still burn and explode some time latter. I thing that is a bit odd. p.s.: Sorry to bother you with this off topic comments. Was only to be a outflow! cheers
  18. Tell this to Elon Musk Falcon nine man. They do it almost every flight. I know, it is not on the terminal velocity, but half. and in half, in KSP it still explodes...
  19. It upsets me to see the rocket blowing up the part of the engine, which is designed to withstand high temperatures on reentry in Kerbin. This is nonsense (in the case of stock) Besides that, i like the hardness off DR.
  20. KCS123, i did not tell that because DR is superfluous, besides that. I was telling that Stock KSP is too sensitive and already explode what was made to survive the reentry... I love DR.
  21. On 1.1.2 i don't need deadly reentry because it burns all engines in normal stock reentry. Even the smooth ones...
  22. Thank you by sharing PeterEdwardson. Using your model as ref to making my parts in the correct scale inside. Ask you if they are near the correct scale proportions of the one in game?
  23. Manage to have all ref parts i need to start in correct scale converted and imported to Maya. That way, all will fit perfectly. Now, i'm preparing the 3D Kerbal in the sit pose, fixing the textures, (because all come white from blender when imported) and then converting it to low poly. (Kerbal i found in blender is to high density in polygons) Ref models by Rafael Valle, on Flickr
  24. I love Ckan, even using it in a Mac via Mono. It facilitate my updates, my life. The only thing i don't know how to do, is when i have installed a plugin manually, i don't know how to update it via Ckan. Besides that, just minor bugs, like the one when i try to update a particular plugin, Scatterer. It keeps in loop and won't do it.
  25. I doubt that they would substitute land able 1st stage Falcon 9 for a no land able one. The original name for "Raptor", is Merlin 2. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merlin_(rocket_engine_family)#Merlin_2_concept) Take a look:
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