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Everything posted by Climberfx

  1. Today i gave me a little time. So, starting Cockpit! updated front:
  2. Gonna be soon MeCripp. But this and next month i am in a job that take me all time. so will be giving a break here. But will be back after that, soon. I may release the parts i have here, since i finish the first version of cockpit. Cheers!
  3. Tô em campanha aqui em Curitiba, quando estiver mais susse, volto a evoluir no Omicron.
  4. Calm down, i did not try yet, still on my money/work here Lets hope too, the most important is to solve the 0/1 to 1/1 crew when the seat is used. But if i can solve two problems at once, is better. (The second problem/solution was to have a IVA camera on each Kerbal seat too)
  5. it do, the ref nodes for docking ports use the same principle! The nodes where the Kerbals seat in reference to the seat mesh itself is that way too.
  6. Yep, is what i understand, and what i gonna do! You can do only nulls objects, easy on Unity.
  7. For sure JPLRepo. As soon as i try it! Cheers commanders!
  8. Cool, if the IVA camera/view is the only thing i need to have it counting 1/1 crew in the part when in use, i gonna do it. My seat are separated from the crew module part. Each seat is a part. For me is no trouble to have a black back ground. Gonna try it, thanks SpannerMonkey.
  9. I can't find a way to have my Kerbal seat (custom one, that i made) to have the Tag when it is in use, appear used. It always appear like there is no one seated in there! Is there any flag i must discriminate in unity after i export the .mu file? Like it have in stairs (Tag Ladder, and Part Triggers in layer 21). Can any one help me?
  10. Pode ser, algo do genero, uma versão hatch, pois o conversível é 100% sem teto. Só deixa eu avançar no cargo bay e cockpit principalmente, ai começo a pirar nas dicas.
  11. Só ler a listinha na primeira página tu vai ver lá o cargo (ou os tipos de cargo) bay.
  12. In the past, i found 6 cube textures, from one artist around that did that on the helmets. Is basically a setup of textures for Texture Replacement plus a cfg for it (i believe that a have a cfg, but not sure. The cube reflection textures i have sure). So, give a search on the actors that are listed in the first post and you will find it, for sure!
  13. Mirroring the similar faces on the UVW process to optimize space is a good thing, but here the problem is only in Maya, when transferring Tangent normals from a high poly model to a low one. I do a out position for the mirrored ones (out of the uvw box), so the process go right. Then i put back the mirror faces, and had no problem in Unity neither in KSP for that. Using a Grey Tangent Normal and a RGB Tangent one too.
  14. Did you try renaming the io_kspblender folder to the same as mine? io_object_mu? I don't know if is this, i just know what i see what is different from mine, and that here it works. So, try to have exact the same way may result positively!
  15. Here is working fine, OS X El Capitan, Blender 2.77a and the latest plugin for it. Just copy all the Github to Blender plugin folder. (right click on Blender icon, show packages...)
  16. Thanks Papa. Giving a break this week, need to finish my client's work.
  17. No man, this time is not you. The link on first page/post is wrong or was deleted. I have the same return here too.
  18. Just if you wanna to, i don't think this is important, the fact i am doing the physical seats and internals, intend to the use wanna move inside the vessel to change position, so, this "magic" to make crew jump from place to place, was necessary with the "commands" stock a like. I only report it so you have the info. Cheers Papa. edit: the thing that bore me is that even with a Kerbal on the seat it appears that non are there. This could be a KSP error or a "take command" module error. I will make some tryouts to see where is it!
  19. Getting this: In the seat i have this: In the adapter and fuel tank this: (between command module and crew part, and fuel between crew parts)): And in the crew part i have this: I rate to give bad news. This is not the most important thing, so, feel free to ignore. Cheers commander!
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