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Everything posted by Climberfx

  1. I had that message when configuring the cfg for my parts, and i give up after i try putting all enable in all parts. I was trying to transfer a kerbal from a stock mk2 standard cockpit to my seat on the crew part. gonna try soon... You are the guy! May the force be with you!
  2. Cool. I found these days a web based program that generate a normal map from a grey image. I use it to make the padding on the cockpit of my mod. I found it very useful and practical. Here the link: http://www.smart-page.net/smartnormal/
  3. a pat on the textures and normals...
  4. This is working in 1.1.3! Have some limitations, but is working.
  5. Great explanation Nliwork, thank a lot. I find another way in the doc's of Texture Replacer. If i put the NRM in the suffix of the normal map, when exporting from Unity, then i replace the normal with the original tangent space normal, it use the tangent space RGB, original from Maya/Photoshop. I had the impression on KSP that the result was great. But is good to know that this "Grey" is to a tangent normal map too. Cheers Commander. Live long and prosper!
  6. Is there a way to make Unity standard Shader open in KSP? With that shader, we can go further in the textures of models... This could be a major update for this mod!
  7. Reflexes working on KSP OS X, the only thing is that i can't find a way to have transparent windows + reflexes + keep my emissive details + normals
  8. Manage to have the reflexes of TR working here! The only problem is that one you already told me. the limitation of Reflective/Bumped Diffuse map. I am using Bumped Specular(Transparent), in the windows, so, i can't loose the transparency on then. For the other parts i could use it, but i prefer to have the emissives than the reflexes on the body. Will wait to have a more evolved version of TR in the future, where i can have the transparent and emissive together the Reflexes. p.s.: Would love to know how the transparency/reflexes work with helmet and not with the parts?!?!
  9. New normal maps for the seats. (they are not so normal, but don't say that, they are sensitive)
  10. Novos mapas normais (são meio doidinhos, mas não fala para eles, eles são sensíveis), das poltronas.
  11. What is the KSP material that use the normal map? because i'm using the Bumped Specular (Transparent) and Emissive Bumped Specular, and both convert the original normal map i create in Maya/Photoshop to a bump map in KSP. Don't know how to make it export as normal and not bump. I already unchecked inside Unity the "Create from Grayscale" checkbox on the texture normal map. Is there a material that is not listed on the KSP materials?
  12. Os posts iniciais tem a idéia de como serão. Os Vtol laterais é uma peça com a capacidade de mudar o vetor de propulsão, e podem ser acoplados em qualquer superfície. No meu caso, as partes do formato Egg (é como estou chamando o "reskin do mk2", pois não é Mk2, só se encaixa nele, mediante o uso da parte adaptadora). Os outros motores, tu vai poder usar os stock, terá adaptadores para todos eles, mesma bitola e tal, e terá a parte onde eles se encaixam, também tem nas primeiras prints dele, no começo do projeto, que poe uma "casca" ao redor da parte dos motores, assim eles ficam no mesmo layout do veículo. Mas terei sim minhas variantes de motores atômicos, de foguete e talvez o ion também, respeitando as config e balances. Motores a jato não, salvo os vtol laterais que serão Sabres, ou seja, jet/rocket de alta eficiência e velocidade, que usa ar quando na atmosfera com ar comprimido, e no espaço usará oxidante e combustível. Edit add: Acho que o que confunde com o mk2, além de ser base para o formato "egg", é que sempre que mostro as pics tenho colocado o Cockpit mk2 stock. Mas logo produzo o Cockpit do Omicron, com suas variantes e ai tudo vai se encaixar... Mantendo contato! (imediato de terceiro grau) Vida longa e próspera Prothean!
  13. That's good news, can't wait for it, and enable my parts to be release with all this in the package!
  14. Ainda dá para abrir os modelos Sturmgeschutz. Tem um plugin para Blender que importa os .mu. É só baixar o conteúdo do Github e jogar na pasta dos plugins do Blender. Tem tudo explicadinho na página onde baixa tudo (Github repo) E para as texturas, tem como abrir tanto os .dds quanto os mdm (mdm é mais complicado, mas os .dds tem até plugin pro Photoshop)
  15. Some updates in emissive material and normal map (normal still under execution, did seats and sections).
  16. ahuahuahuauauh. Boa. Vamos hibernar então! Logo logo! Aqui vai com os emissives! Já fiz alguns dos mapas normais, do seat e das secções, mas como tá de noite, não vai dar para ver. Assim que termina-los eu ponho umas fotos.
  17. ahuahuahuahuhauah. Ué por que? a cor né, meio amarelinha. Para mim é aconchegante. Estou implantando os mapas de normais e emission, tá ficando massa, logo eu mostro.
  18. What is this new module mangle.dll i never ear before? lol, rsrsrsrsrsrsrsrrssr
  19. I believe the code on the mod for Kerbal to leave a set, is that it will put the Kerbal out of the vessel, in the given direction, it don't care if is 1 mm or 10 meters in that direction, so for you to be sure, i already try changing the direction do Z+ (front in SPH, or up in the VAB), and even in a very long vessel, the Kerbal jump to the front out of it. So, that manner, my mod (the link in the signature), already have internals, windows, but if i leave seat with windows closed, Kerbal will jump out through the glass. If i open window, it jump out the volume the vessel, and come back inside with gravity. You already can walk inside the vessel. Go take a look! Cheers!
  20. PapaJoe, any way to have the ejection force for Kerbal when leaving the seat adjusted?

    I tried ejection with windows closed, the kerbal jump out the ship!


    1. Papa_Joe


      Good question.  I do some research.

    2. Papa_Joe


      Ok, looked into it.  You can control the direction of the ejection, but you cannot control the distance.  I'm looking into work arounds, but it may require Squad to change some things in the game engine.  I will need to characterize it some more before I approach Squad with it though.

      What are you trying to accomplish?  get them to stand next to the seat?

    3. Climberfx


      Yeah, i already try some different directions, appear that the module try to put you the next position "out"of the vessel. So, if i change direction to Z+, front os vessel, even if i have a very long one, it will jump to the front of it. So, the actual module will not suit me when i have the windows closed, but is not a super problem, i just need to open it before.


      I was trying to have it leave the seat and walk inside, but without need to open windows.

      I just remember i can't do it, because, if i don't open window, i can't click on kerbal do leave seat, :P

      So, no problem!

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