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Everything posted by RockyTV

  1. We've released the update today (December 10th, 2016). Changelog is here, and you can download it from SpaceDock.
  2. Just wanted to give an update to you guys. 1.2.2 was released and yes, DMP does work with 1.2.2. I already updated the compatibility checker and the change is up; however, we're not tagging it yet (releasing a new version). I want to add as many fixes and features I can before tagging a new version, so, for now, use the dev build to play. There were no protocol changes so the dev build works with (KSP 1.2.1) servers.
  3. What does this mean?
  4. LMP is not DMP, thus the DMPUpdater by @godarklight won't work. EDIT: is here, supporting KSP 1.2.1. Will take a bit until the version hits SpaceDock and Curse. Client: http://godarklight.info.tm/dmp/build/release/DMPClient.zip Server: http://godarklight.info.tm/dmp/build/release/DMPServer.zip
  5. I've been trying to debug a mod and I get these messages on the dev console: get_realtimeSinceStartup can only be called from the main thread What are the suggestions? Is there any way to patch it? EDIT: can't remove these calls (Time.realtimeSinceStartup) from the mod code as the whole mod depends on it.
  6. I just pushed a new feature to the unstable branch, please test and provide feedback. Server admins can now provide a setting that will make DMP kick users that have been idle (no keyboard or mouse buttons pressed) for the defined amount of time. As always, release, master and unstable builds are available on @godarklight's build server.
  7. Somehow IPB broke my Dropbox links and converted them to GitHub, I don't know how. Anyways, is 1.1.3 compatible, just a FYI.
  8. Okay, seems like the missing method exception was fixed by recompiling DMP with the new DLLs. I've recompiled and here are the unstable and development (master) versions to download. Please note that these versions are not compatible with servers. The only thing that differs right now unstable from master is that unstable has a commit that prevents a certain ScenarioModule of the Kopernicus mod from being loaded (client-side). Download DMP Unstable for 1.1.3 Download DMP Master (development) for 1.1.3
  9. What @Kaizen said above is true, however, I can't promise anything. I will do my best to push a few fixes here and there, but I'm not promising anything. These years are pretty rough for me due to some personal stuff, but I will keep the challenge. I just pushed 2 things right now, one fixing the tracking station bug where nothing would be shown on it after a new game was created, and other adds new gameplay settings for server admins. Beware that this is a protocol bump, thus if you are using a release client, I wouldn't recommend connecting to development servers.
  10. Found out about this topic at #spacedock. Honestly, I don't like the design, but I'm kinda excited about your project. If anything helps, you could try looking for CSS frameworks that can make your "service" prettier. A personal choice? Materialize CSS. Anyways, here's a tip: don't give up on your dreams. If this project is your dream, do not give up on it.
  11. I don't think having the site half black and half white would work. A greyish color would be nice, or even a blue grey (since SpaceDock is blue). Regarding reviews, videos and other stuff about KSP: they're nice suggestions, but turning a service which was made for hosting mods only, into a kind of social platform for KSP isn't going to succeed. One or two features can be implemented, but in general, I think SpaceDock is still not ready for this kind of stuff unless the developers change the goal/objective of the service.
  12. Sim, é caro. Mas quando você vê uma empresa do tamanho da Facepunch (eu diria que é tamanho mediano?) vende um jogo Early Access por 15 dólares, e compara com uma empresa pequena (Squad), que cobra o dobro de um jogo Early Access (que por sinal o preço vai continuar o mesmo depois que o Rust sair de Early Access se não me engano), você percebe que tem algo de errado.
  13. Aí galera, estava discutindo no tópico em inglês de discussão sobre o KSP, e decidi fazer o mesmo aqui. O que vocês acham do preço atual do jogo? Na minha opinião, eu acho que está um pouquinho caro (R$72.99) para um jogo/simulador indie do tamanho do KSP. No Brasil, o preço é quase o dobro do preço de jogos bem maiores, como por exemplo Rust. Rust tem muiiitoo mais para oferecer do que o KSP, e o Rust custa somente R$36.99. Acredito que se a Squad abaixasse o preço para R$36.99 o jogo teria bem mais jogadores (em torno de 10 a 15 mil jogadores, ao invés de 5 mil).
  14. Squad is actually missing out. KSP is not big and good enough to cost $59.99, like other AAA games. The current price is not accessible to everyone, and it is the reason why KSP has a steady 5k active players. If it was more accessible, it would have much more players. EDIT: KSP is not an AAA game to be priced $60.
  15. Bigger in features. These other games have much more to offer than KSP (although they are different genres), and are cheaper than KSP.
  16. I don't know if I should create a new topic just for this. Personally, I think KSP is rather expensive for such a small game it is. Well, it isn't that small, but it's an indie game, and it's small compared to other games. Compare it to Rust. KSP is small, Rust is big. KSP costs $39.99, while Rust costs $14.99. Why? If Squad wants KSP to be a huge success (more than it is actually), they need to lower the price. I understand that the game is fully released now, but the price should go down. You can pay almost $20 less for a bigger game than KSP.
  17. You need to cool them. Use some parts as radiators.
  18. Got a satellite equipped with the Survey Scanner on a polar orbit around Kerbin. It didn't take about 5 minutes for it to complete the orbital survey of the planet. I think it should take more time. What are your thoughts about it?
  19. Ah, I thought it was open for everyone who wanted to test it.
  20. No, my friend bought it on the KSPStore and gifted it to me.
  21. I have a quick question. I received my Kerbal Space Program copy from a friend, and it was purchased on the KSPStore. However, I want to activate KSP on Steam. Is that possible, using the copy my friend gave to me? If not, are there any workarounds? Cause I really want to test this QA Branch out.
  22. I don't know quite much about docking in DMP (I don't even know how to rendezvous on KSP), but I think that, when someone is going to dock with your vessel, you spectate them when they dock. If you do anything with your vessel, it will bug out and docking will not be possible. (that's when me and @godarklight where trying it out, I've accidentaly messed it up by throttling my vessel, even though it had no fuel.)
  23. I don't really know if this is what's causing the issue, but, I think that the setting on the server config file is the maximum number of untracked asteroids. That way you can track dozens of asteroids, and you will still have 30 to track. However, I don't think that it should be this way. I'm submitting a PR right now to add a new setting. Thanks for reporting the issue!
  24. That's weird... @godarklight please, let me take a look at it, so I can learn more about KSP's weirdness (or DMP's).
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