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Everything posted by sirkut

  1. Life has a funny way of getting in the way, mostly on my end. I apologize for the wait.
  2. Thanks for making the IVA's texture a PNG. I couldn't look at the myriad of colors so I just replaced it with a plain grey texture. *whew* Love this pod.
  3. Love the pod but are there any plans for a periscope of sorts one could use to view out the PPTS?
  4. While I certainly don't condone the use of that link because it will trick someone to install potential spyware you can bypass it by unchecking the checkbox that says something about downloading helper app which is an exe. I tested it by unchecking the checkbox and it will download the full Infernal robotics package. If DeepOdyssey gives me permission I can utilize his changes into the parts pack.
  5. Disable surface attachment and try again. Another option is to use editor tools and toggle surface attachment.
  6. Good news on the delay being optional. While I like some realism I don't need all of it.
  7. I forgot to add a small caveat. The smaller sized items have the smallest node. It's a simple fix in the CFG if you want to change the size.
  8. Considering that more than one satellite can map at the same time I don't care about havin an all in one. Just deploy some mini sats from the main one and be happy.
  9. The fuss about multiple parts can be fixed by copying the module scansat portions from the 6 parts into one. Then all you need to do is right click and pick from the 6. Maybe create a 7th part that is a little heavier and possibly bigger that houses all of the scanners them everyone can be happy.
  10. Just edit one part's CFG and paste all the module SCANsat definitions...
  11. ferram. I tried the update and I'm no longer getting the stuck launches. I'll let you know if I notice any other strange errors.
  12. Would be nice one day to be able to zoom in on a particular grid and have a small 3d window preview that you can rotate around to get a real sense of a place to land.
  13. ferram: here's the logfile. This test has a lot of mods and I can't say it is the one soviet part either. Maybe the logfile will help. http://www./view/y2vgata54wl200c/bug.txt
  14. Yes, I was curious if any of the satellites were enabled based on the orbit. The only time a map wouldn't generate is if my altitude was wrong.
  15. I have noticed the slippage but it was a particular ladder. Let me try that again and let you know.
  16. ferram. No output log yet but I have actually narrowed down the part that is the culprit. It's the Proton Payload Decoupler from the Soviet parts pack that is causing it to suspend in the air. For the output log, do you need just the log portion from VAB to the Launch Pad? Do you need to look at the CFG for the part?
  17. Try quick saving before switching and see if it loses it's settings. I am working on a new part where it messes up when docking. I'll try to see if I can repair it.
  18. Ok. I tried your craft out and I see the strange wobble. I don't know how to fix it right now. Seems like a strange physics bug. Maybe due to the parts being recessed? Not sure. The nodes are already shrunken down to it's smallest size which is "0" in this case within the CFG.
  19. From your own tests how did they jive with information in the link?
  20. Someone did all the hard work already on what orbits are best for mapping the planets. I haven't tested them with SCANsat but I assume it should still work. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/27999-ISA-Mapsat-Ideal-and-Non-Ideal-Altitudes
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