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Everything posted by Schmonzo

  1. and just when i read your comment it works for me too, lol. Don't know what it was...
  2. final frontier crashes the latest ksp version for me. Anyone else have this problem? Does it only work with ksp 1.9? Works fine.
  3. somehow i only have the modded contracts in my game and none of the stock contracts... what did i do wrong? It's a new game and i didn't mess with the contracts in the setup
  4. Has anyone got this working in current ksp or is working on continuing this mod?
  5. any chance you could point me to that version, because i was quite sure i got the newest version of all the dependencies. I used these: https://github.com/RangeMachine/TextureReplacer/releases https://github.com/WazWaz/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/releases https://spacedock.info/mod/141/scatterer https://ksp.sarbian.com/jenkins/job/ModuleManager/149/artifact/ModuleManager-4.0.2.zip
  6. so the visors of my kerbals helmets are bright magenta (I guess placeholders). What is the workaround for that? Or what did i do wrong? Screenshot
  7. I would also like to have that recompile if possible please
  8. thanks for updating, you are a hero icedown!
  9. does this work with 1.3? I really like this mod
  10. I did indeed, but i noticed that yesterday and deleted it, yet still i have the same problem EDIT: Im an idiot, I used this built with 1.3
  11. hey guys, didn't play ksp for a while. Now have come back but for some reason the ui of kct bugs out on me. after starting a new game when i click on option one or two i have no potions just blank/not fully showing windows i can't close. any way i can help you help me? Please i don't want to play without kct. Mods: [x] Science! Toolbar Ablative-Airbrake BetterBurnTime Chatterer CollisionFX CommunityResourcePack CommunityTechTree ConnectedLivingSpace ContractConfigurator CrewRandR CrowdSourcedFlags CrowdSourcedScience DistantObjectEnhancement DMagicOrbitalScience DMagicUtilities EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements FP_DPSoundFX JanitorsCloset KAS KerbalConstructionTime KerbalEngineer KIS KRASH Docking Port Alignment Indicator FinalFrontier RemoteTech DeepFreeze AmpYear SCANsat scatterer ShipManifest StockVisualEnhancements TextureReplacer TAC Lifesupport KSPAlternateResourcePanel UniversalStorage DeflatableHeatShield (xyphosAerospace)
  12. I am having trouble with the cloud textures. All required mods are up to date. http://imgur.com/a/tVZjn there is a screenshot NVM i deinstalled the mod.
  13. any news on a stable release? I really want to play the new version of ksp, but this game is not complete without kct...
  14. dude, chill! Someone will take over, TACLS will come back, it'll just take a bit longer thanusual. Considering ksp1.1 does not bring too much new stuff you should be fine playing with your 1.05 game until then. plus with TAC LS you are able to choose what specific other "realism" mods you want to install... Kerbalism forces a lot of stuff down your throat, much of which is not better than what is already out there. So while there a no doubt great features in kerbalism I'd rather have control over what type of LS-, Satellite- or failuremod I use.
  15. one of many good reasons to buy this game from the store instead of steam... But I think uninstalling TextureReplacer on your 1.1 until the mod gets patched shouldn't be a problem. Just make sure to reinstall it when it's ready to enjoy all it's awesomeness!
  16. I am running the following mods: Generic Mod Enabler - v2.6.0.157 [D:\G\Sim\KSP_1.0.5\MODS] ContractConfigurator_1.9.2.1 ContractWindow_5.5 CPAnomalySurveyor CPGrandTour CPRemoteTech CrowdSourcedScience DeadlyReentry_7.3.1 DistantObject_1.6.4 DMagicOrbitalScience_1.1 FieldExperience_1.0.2 FinalFrontier_0.9.1-1749 Fusebox_1.51 GCMonitor_1.2.7.0 Infernal_Robotics_0.21.4 KAS_0.5.5 KerbalAlarmClock_3.5.0.0 KerbalEngineer_1.0.18.0 KIS_1.2.3 KJointReinforcement_3.1.4 KSPAlternateResourcePanel_2.7.4.0 PortraitStats_7.0 PreciseNode-1.2.1 ScanSat_14.5 SmartParts_1.6.6 SolarActionGroup SrvPack_0.3.3.0 StageRecovery_1.6.2 TACFuelBalancer_2.5.1.7 TACLS_0.11.2.1 Toolbar-1.7.10 TransferWindowPlanner_1.4.0.0 UKS_0.31.12.0 WaypointManager_2.4.4 CactEye 2 BETA 5.2 TweakScale-master Trajectories_1.4.5 RealChute_1.3.2.6 RemoteTech_1.6.9 Far_0.15.5.4 RasterProp_0.24.2 RPMVesselViewer DockingPortAlignmentIndicator_6.2 Chatterer_0.9.7 ScieneAlert_1.8.9 TextureReplacer WindowShineTR_11 EVE_1.0.5 ASETAvionics_1.0 AsetProps_1.3 KerbalConstructionTime_1.3.0.0 StockBugFixPlus_1.0.5a.3 DynamicTextureLoader KAS IVA Upgrade 1.3.1 ModuleManager_2.6.17 RCSSounds_4.4 CollisionFX_3.3a I have used Eve in the past with astronomers visual pack and installed. I do kind of know what I am doing (I was at least able to remove lightning and citylights in those older versions) In the new version of EVE I have made no changes to mod to see if it works. The Clouds are black (sometimes during day too) and kerbins cloudlayer does not cover the whole planet. I am running windows 7 and the 'normal' ksp.exe (which is 32 bit).
  17. They are probably still on the old version of eve...
  18. I have the same issue. Can someone link me to the post in the eve thread where this is ddiscussed?
  19. It does. However, I haven't gotten to test the occulsion experiment. Is it fixed yet?
  20. Can anyone tell me what I have to do to make the pod compatible with TACLifesupport?
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