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Everything posted by BFGfreak

  1. Just out of curiosity are you still working on this size variant?
  2. I'm curious does anyone know of some good Ven-alike part mods out there?
  3. What are you plans concerning engines that already run off monoprop such as RLA stockalike's engines?
  4. Shoutout to fleet support vessels like this Supply Class oiler. You ain't staying out at sea long without one of these refilling your tanks.
  5. Sweet, a engine to haul my oversized grand tour vessel. Speaking of grand tour, any plans on revisiting your inflatable habs? I'd really like some 2 meter stuff for larger vessels.
  6. Just out of curiosity, is there any reason for us to have men in the ISS when all the experiments can be controlled remotely from the ground? I would imagine that it would be the same principle, largly PR in an environment where death is only a few centimeters away.
  7. Yeah, I guess I should have worded it a little bit better. I just don't want to add a mod that adds heat without a way to get rid of said heat.
  8. Sad face indeed. Anyway I'm hoping you can get that sorted out, the mesh you posted was really great. Now I just have to think of some way to plop that cockpit on my grand tour vessel.
  9. It does? hold on let me check. Huh, I never noticed that the stock wheel protrudes out of the wheel base.
  10. Concerning the new gear bay, My concern is that it's weird that a part undergoing atmospheric reentry has it's rubber landing gear exposed to the plasma stream. Now for planes that are not expecting reentry effects it looks cool and I can see why you'd do it like that, but for the most part if I think that the rubber wheel could stand to look like it's shielded for the rigors of reentry.
  11. Dang Europeans, always trying to force their date methods down our throats. Why can't you just convert to the Mayan long count system
  12. I was referring to the 2.5 meter parts like the mainsail.
  13. If I might make a suggestion while you're doing spaceplane+ parts, do you think you can do a mk2 to size 2 adapter?
  14. It looks like some of the concepts I've seen for the hypothetical Nova lift vehicle that was tossed around back in the apollo days.
  15. Perhaps we have diferant views on what the parts should look like, but I've always viewed the individual parts as being more interconnected than just simple docking ports since if you can see them in space odds are something bad has happened
  16. So if I'm understanding what you're saying correctly, than even though both objects are accelerating at the same speed, because of the mass it has higher force than a lighter object so that the air needs to be enacting a higher force to stop it's acceleration. Is that about right?
  17. For the grey ring around what looks like the crew access what about adding something that looks like umbilical support like sealed pipes and wire plugs?
  18. Well realistically it would most likely be unpainted on the back, but I did have an idea should you do emissives: Have it where close to 100 percent the shield begins glowing on the other side in spots just as a visual cue that things are about to get really really bad, so I guess a dark grey to make such an effect stand out. Granted the only people who would get to see that effect would be those running deadly reentry, but I'm sure it's something to consider.
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