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Everything posted by BFGfreak

  1. If you don't mind me bouncing ideas off you, how about having kessler clouds be tied into the actual orbit of debris with incresed likelyhood of these clouds appearing near the active spaceship the longer the debris has been there. Basically with it tied to debris orbit you'll only have to worry about getting kessler'd where your orbits get close and not get pelted by your equitorial rings when you're over the poles.
  2. I like having light almost white clouds on top like what Astronomer has in his pack, it makes Eve look inviting and makes you want to go down to explore it. Only by the time you realize the danger it's too late, Eve now has you in its grasp and drags you down to the dark sinister layers where crushing heat awaits in the sunless void.
  3. and then he became rock crab chow when night fell.
  4. Thanks, I guess I must have missed it. Anyway here's the post where Mr. Kell created that beautiful miracle of coding.
  5. Just by looking at it, it looks like you might have a thrust to weight issue. When you launch it, does it look like a lumbering behemoth struggling to get airborne or does it go zipadeedoodah and it's off? The former is good, the latter isn't since you're most likely exceeding the maximum dynamic pressure your rocket can handle.
  6. The only problem I have with these tanks is that it still requires those ugly fuel ducts that ruin any aesthetics you guys create.
  7. And this guy hits ctrl-Z to undo. Lets see which cultural reference is used to beat this guy
  8. +1 blank since I'd most likely name my S-25 fleet Zarina, Periwinkle, and Silvermist to go with my current KSO fleet: Rosetta, Fawn, and Vidia.
  9. Unlock additional kerbals for $1.00 (15 euros)
  10. I couldn't find a picture of an asteroid, so here's a giant metal ball being slam dunked into your basket.
  11. it's all revealed to be some guy in poland playing a video game and creating little stories as he goes along.
  12. Granted, you can now have all the time in the world to play with Barbie. I wish that the next poster gets a cookie.
  13. So has anyone figured out how to make the particle effects grow as the atmosphere gets thinner?
  14. So you discovered that the mun is made of trampolines. I call that a successful impact experiment.
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