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Everything posted by brusura

  1. Allora ci siamo ancora qui? Cosa state facendo in ksp? Io mi sto dedicando a capire come funziona il mod interstellar , i reattori sono molto interessanti e praticamente ti durano anni! Credo che rimuoverò progressivamente il kethane mod in favore di questo
  2. But the 1,25 AM container works with the GigaXL and electric charge , when it start to fill and require more than 36 EC per seconds or 36 Kw ( max output of 2x GigaXL is 36 EC ) then blow up
  3. Are the small antimatter bottle working? I have four of them and one antimatter collector , the collector get 3,98 am per day but the bottles are not filling, they say charging and they are actually consuming power from 2 giga solar panel, if I put instead 1,25 am containter them AM start to flow but 2 giga solar panel are not enough when the container start to fill.
  4. nope ferram4 I have update from v0.13.1 and thanks for the aerodynamic explanation I was going to record a video to show the isse but the quality is very awful, the craft file is in my signature, dunno if you need some log everything seems to work fine just I am not getting the same speed as before ( sorry I am an aerodyamic noob )
  5. Nice update, just had my control surface ripped off during a landing I have a question, does this: Reduced supersonic and transonic drag to somewhat more reasonable levels means that I should go faster with less drag? Before the patch I was able to go up to 34.000 m at around 1900 m/s now I start to lose speed at 24.000 m at 1500 m/s ( I am using a look a like skylon craft )
  6. Yeah should be, but the next one also take a long time not as the first one but still longer without ATM
  7. I keep bumping in this thread but when I use it my ksp loading is slower for every time I start ksp, am I missing something or my pc is rubbish? I have a Q9300 2,5 Ghz
  8. Max mi sono sentito stanco leggendoti Benvenuto!
  9. Uhm beh, la stazione e il ssto sono totalmente stock, appena ho un pò di tranquillitàfaccio un video per dettagliare il problema da sottoporre a squad
  10. Stesso caso per me con un SSTO in attracco alla stazione, ma quindi è un bug del gioco? Il vettore viola del target è sballato rispetto al punto da cui ci controllo nave
  11. Secondo me aspettano un secondo moderatore, aprire una sottosezione con un solo moderatore in lingua non è il massimo, se il nostro diomedea si deve assentare per pò che succede? Chiaro siamo quattro gatti ora ma una volta aperta la sezione le cose potrebbero migliorare, si spera. Nel frattempo ho una domanda, vi è mai capitato di dover fare dock con una docking port posizionata molto lontano dal centro della massa? Quello che succede è che se faccio control from here il vettore posizione sulla navball è un pò falsato e devo fare il dock a vista senzo contare sul vettore del bersaglio.
  12. Uhm very slightly to the side yes, but dunno if is shielded by the nose, that little bit is so significat at high speed? This is the craft file if anyone want to give a look https://www.dropbox.com/s/jlrr1wm6tuy3i6l/Shuttle%20-%20stock.craft
  13. Guys, what would cause a so asymmetric heat like this? http://imgur.com/4kC6y2o One canard staty at 400° and the other one around 1200° and I had a levelled asset for all the time during descent
  14. Dai ma è la prima introduzione di questa nuova possibilitàe giàcome prima versione non mi dispiace, dagli il tempo di costrutire un gameplay più vario intorno agli asteroidi...e poi se non li traccki più dopo un pò gli asteroidi scompaiono non credo che ti appesantiscano il gioco.
  15. Maybe use negative gear for reverse? But with S you would use power to stop and then start backward once your are full stopped, yeah I could use B to brake and then start with S I know Also I'd like to have a toggle reverse on wheels so I can turn a rover like a tank, the left wheels go forward and the right wheels for backward something like this:
  16. Edited my previous post, It was my mistake
  17. Hello TaranisElsu as I said earlier I had only those two mods toolbar 1.7.1 and the fuel balancer , now my ksp installation is again a mess of mods I'll do a clean installation with only those two mods and I'll try again, as for the log, do you mean the KSP.log under the same folder as KSP.exe ? Thanks for the fast reply EDIT: Shame on me, wrong installation, folder TacFuelBalancer was directly under GameData instead of be under ThunderAerospace, sorry TaranisElsu
  18. Thanks for keeping this mod updated I jsut saw you added Gear Up and Down to gui, would you also add a reverse ?
  19. I am using the stack double chutes but only one of the chute full deploy the other one stay semy-deployed, they have same configuration
  20. Hi blizzy if the icon is not showing correctly and nothing start is a problem on tac fuel balancer side, right? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/25823-0-23-0-23-5-TAC-Fuel-Balancer-v2-3-22Dec?p=1069031&viewfull=1#post1069031
  21. Infatti, oltre ai mod credo che quello che rallenta il gioco sono anche il numero di flight attivi
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