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Everything posted by Specialist290

  1. Locked upon OPs request (Be sure to drop me a line when the new one hits!)
  2. Whoops! Well, looks like it all worked out in the end.
  3. Welcome to the forums, axsomer! I've taken the liberty of merging your post with our currently active thread on the movie.
  4. To the best of my knowledge, you should be able to transfer all data from any science part into a command module by EVA'ing a kerbonaut, approaching and right-clicking on the part to recover the reports, and returning to the pod with the data in hand (or storing it in the appropriate pod by right-clicking as well). You won't be able to reuse the "harvested" parts unless you can reset them at a Mobile Processing Lab (just like with transmitting the data), but you'll get full value for the data just as if you brought the science module itself back. EDIT: Ninja'd!
  5. No problem. Hope you find it helpful! (Also, welcome to the forums!)
  6. Welcome to the forums! Glad to hear that you've been enjoying the game. Hope your video series does well! As to your questions about your forum account: All new users go into a user group with some restrictions, so we can more easily deal with them in case they turn out to actually be some sort of vile spambot. Among other things, posts have to be manually approved by the moderation staff, and certain privileges such as avatars and signatures are turned off as well. Don't worry, though; once you've made a few posts (not very many; ~3-5, IIRC) and we're sure that you're human, your account will be bumped up to full functionality. You may want to take a look at our New User FAQ for details on this, as well as for other little bits of info that might be helpful to new users. Hope this helps!
  7. I'm a bit late to the party (what else is new?), but still: Congratulations on 10K posts, sal!
  8. While I can't say anything definitive on the part of the dev team since I'm not part of it myself, and my memory of the events is a bit hazy, a little forum archaeology might shed some light on the situation. A while back, Unity 64-bit capability was quite the hot topic. As mentioned in many of those threads, Unity's 64-bit support was (and presumably still is, judging by the nature of the current topic) quite unstable, and thus Squad in all likelihood was reluctant to commit to what was (and possibly would remain for some time) an unstable and untested platform. Then some particularly bright spark managed to find a way to get it working on his own copy and encouraged others to do the same and share their findings. Again, while I can't speak on behalf of Squad's motives myself and this conclusion is as much speculation as anyone else's, I have this sneaking suspicion that, seeing the community's enthusiasm and knowing that you can't unring a bell once it's been rung, the developers decided that they might as well release what they had already worked on so that players wouldn't be restricted to having to jury-rig it up themselves. Thus, many users ended up, in this one instance, getting exactly what they had asked for... though whether this was what they wanted is, of course, an interesting matter to ponder EDIT: And I've just been reminded by one of my peers that Squad did have a few words to say on the matter themselves as part of the FAQ to the 0.24 "First Contract" Update.
  9. That's quite an impressive replica. I like the attention to detail
  10. For the record, if it helps: Your English is much better than my Arabic Seriously, though: Don't feel like you're unwelcome just because you haven't found anyone else who speaks your native language. The users here come from many different nations and backgrounds, but hopefully we're all united by our love for the game and the experiences it allows us to share with one another.
  11. Friendly moderator reminder: Please remember that, regardless of your views on how desirable or harmful this particular mod and its features are, insulting other users' intelligence is not kosher behavior on this forum and, additionally, is not going to help you make your case.
  12. I've got a hunch I know what the issue is, but just to confirm: --Are you running the game in fullscreen mode, or windowed mode? --What resolution is the game running in? (should be listed in the Settings) --What's the native resolution of your computer screen?
  13. Dropping this in the Space Lounge, as this seems more like a request for recommendations than a discussion of a matter pertaining to ongoing research, development, or "philosophy of technology." Admittedly, that tagline for the Science Labs is just a tad too vague...
  14. Based on the general lack of activity for several months, as well as the fact that Innsewerants himself hasn't posted on these forums in quite a long while, I'm going to say that this mod is most likely dead, and therefore I'll be locking this thread to keep people from bumping it back up. Should Innsewerants show up and wish to resume development, he can feel free to send a message to the moderation team and request the thread be reopened.
  15. Impressive work! (Also, welcome to the forums! )
  16. Moving this to the Kerbal Network subforum, since that's where questions of this sort go If you look at the left side of the bottom row of a particular post, you should see a set of symbols for various different options. The six-pointed star lets you "Give Reputation" to the poster for that particular post.
  17. Impressive work Makes me wish I had the patience to assemble missions like this.
  18. I've thrown up a link to it on the Drawing Board. Excellent work
  19. Indeed, OP's post is just a tad out of date at this point. I'll be closing this one up.
  20. Welcome to the forums! Glad to hear you've been enjoying the game. Don't be afraid to ask questions if you ever get stuck. Make yourself at home!
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