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Everything posted by Specialist290

  1. Banned for having an animated avatar.
  2. 8/10 Shame it cuts off toward the bottom is too awesome for me to comprehend.
  3. 10/10 Thread OP, of course he's famous!
  4. Banned for attempting to succeeding at ninja'ing a mod.
  5. 8/10 - Good thing a plane doesn't need brakes most of the time.
  6. Banned for mentioning Internet Points shh, they're supposed to be secret!
  7. As this thread is a duplicate of a previous thread that has already been locked due to disputes over the possibility of using licensed material without permission, we of the moderation staff have decided that this thread should be closed as well. To reiterate a point from the previous thread: We aren't opposed to users creating modpacks, as long as they take the time to ensure that everything is above-board regarding respecting licenses and obtaining permission (when and where necessary) from the original mods' creators. Everyone have a nice day Nevermind; see sal's post below. Now that everything's been sorted out, carry on.
  8. First, welcome to the forums! Here's the latest official statement from SQUAD: As a general preemptive notice to the thread as a whole: Feel free to discuss the implications of how kerbal androgyny might affect their society, but let's try to keep things respectful and away from any of the disputes that have sunk previous threads on the subject.
  9. Can't believe I'm only spotting this now. This is certainly quite a find
  10. Hah, didn't mean to come across that way if I did. To put it a better way: I hope to see what you've come up with soon!
  11. Huh, didn't notice those in the thread earlier... The EFC and Harran Aerospace threads should now be closed.
  12. In this case, since TouhouTorpedo is active again, we should probably leave the decision of whether or not he wants his thread closed to him.
  13. Moving this to the Fan Works subforum I for one find this idea highly amusing. If something does come of this, I'd like to see the end result.
  14. This is a brilliant mod idea. Can't wait to try it out myself!
  15. To put it simply, yes. Any "craft" (including debris, asteroids, etc.) that passes below a certain threshold in the atmosphere (~23.1km on Kerbin) is automatically deleted by the game.
  16. To sum it up: It may be either more or less, depending on what direction your original velocity is and the direction in which the thrust is applied. In simplified form (assuming a linear vector and instantaneous acceleration), it all comes down to a three-dimensional Cartesian geometry problem.
  17. Apologies for the backlog of unaddressed posts. I'm just coming back from a little week-long forum break. Feel free to share whatever you've come up with for scrutiny Glad to hear I'll see what I can do about adding new videos to the list; admittedly I've been getting a bit lax on searching for them lately. As always, if anyone has made something or sees something that someone else made that they feel might be worth my time, feel free to drop me a line, either in this thread or via PM.
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