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Everything posted by Specialist290

  1. Welcome to the forums! That's certainly a creative little setup there. I'll be looking forward to seeing how you got those to the Mun.
  2. I've gone ahead and done it for you since you requested it, but for future reference: Edit your first post, then choose "Go Advanced" and change "Unanswered" to "Answered" in the drop-down menu.
  3. You shouldn't have any issues with installing mods mid-game in general. About the only issues I can think of would be either issues caused by changing the properties of parts on active craft or anything that changes the structure of the tech tree while you're in the middle of a Career game, and Kerbal Alarm Clock most definitely does neither.
  4. Seconding Taki117's post. The Launch Window Planner should be able to tell you everything you need to know about when and where to plot your maneuver from orbit. You may still need to make a few slight adjustments to get spot-on, but it'll definitely put you on the right track. EDIT: I'll also vouch for allmhuran's technique as well.
  5. For the record, the HTML embed codes won't work here. What you can do, though, is take that little identifier at the end of the url and put it inside IMGUR tags, so that this (minus the asterisks): [imgur*]cWgDK[/imgur*] Becomes this:
  6. I believe it's safe to say that this thread has served its purpose. There doesn't seem to be very much hope of salvaging this thread and turning it into a productive discussion, given how quickly that situation escalated. Thread closed. Have a nice day
  7. Welcome to the forums! Glad to hear that you've been enjoying the game.
  8. Welcome to the forums! Glad to hear you've been enjoying yourself, and that you like our humble little community. Playing KSP is definitely a learning experience. I was really into space exploration at a young age, but as I got older I sort of got distracted by other interests. It took finding this game and discovering it had been the sort of thing I'd been hoping to play ever since I was very young to rekindle my interest. I've found myself buying a lot more books on astronomy and historical space missions in recent months than I've read for several years before that.
  9. Dropping this in the Space Lounge, since it's about another game. Carry on
  10. On the subject of heat, we of the moderation staff have noticed that the temperature is rising a fair bit in this thread. We know that this is a topic that a lot of posters are quite passionate about, and in and of itself that's not a bad thing, but there seems to be an undercurrent of passive-aggressive and dismissive attitudes toward anyone with an opposing viewpoint in quite a few of the most recent responses in this thread. Pointing out legitimate flaws in your opponent's argument is one thing, but accusing or implying that your opponents themselves are inferior or unintelligent because they "just don't get it" is neither productive to the discussion at hand nor behavior we consider acceptable. We're all reasonable people here, I'm sure. Let's all keep a cool head, and attack the argument, not the person.
  11. I'm basically going to second KOCOUR here. It's very much possible to get overloaded or "burnt out" on a video game, just like with any other hobby. Sometimes, if it starts to feel like something you enjoy is getting to be a chore, it's wise to "decompress" by finding another hobby to take your mind off of things, then come back to it when you're ready.
  12. It's a little late, but welcome to the forums! If you get stuck, feel free to check out the tutorials and other resources I've listed in the Drawing Board, which is conveniently linked through my signature. Quite a few of those are oriented to new players, but there's a little something for everyone (or so I try to ensure). Congrats on successfully and safely landing on the Mun! So what are your plans for your next planet or moon to visit?
  13. Welcome to the forums! If you need help refining your construction technique, you may want to take a look at some of the tutorials in the Drawing Board, which is conveniently linked in my signature. You might also find some inspiration from the things other users are sharing in the Spacecraft Exchange. There's no body count yet There is an upcoming update that allows you to track your space program's reputation in Career Mode, though, and I'm sure that keeping your kerbonauts alive will help keep that positive.
  14. Welcome to the forums! We'll be looking forward to seeing what you've been working on.
  15. Glad to hear it's proven useful
  16. Moving this over to General Add-On Affairs If I had to pick favorites, I'd have to say the one I've gotten the most mileage out of is Kerbal Engineer Redux. I've almost grown dependent on the little readouts it gives. I'm also a rather big fan of Deadly Reentry and RealChutes as well.
  17. This may be of interest for y'all: While I was checking for new resources for the Drawing Board, I came across a delta-v map for "simple flight paths" -- basically, rather than relying on transfer windows, he put the map together on the assumption that the player would leave Kerbin's SoI and then plot the transfer from solar orbit. Don't know if it's what you're looking for specifically, but it sounds like it might be relevant to the topic. Hope it proves useful
  18. Welcome to the forums! As others have already mentioned, feel free to ask questions if you get stuck on anything; we have a number of knowledgeable users who are quite willing to share what they've learned with other players. I also maintain a little list of tutorials and other resources called the Drawing Board, which is conveniently linked through my signature. Feel free to share your accomplishments with the community as well. Hope this helps!
  19. Welcome to the forums! Glad to hear you've been enjoying the game. Feel free to ask questions about anything that you might still be stuck on, or to recount your most recent or most notable exploits, or to share screenshots of a design you particularly like. Enjoy!
  20. Not exactly "today" so much as "over the weekend," but I got the urge to reproduce my self-landing rover in 0.23.5:
  21. Welcome to the forums! Unfortunately, if there's no license listed with the parts, it's best treated as under "All Rights Reserved." In that case, you'd need the author's explicit permission to modify the code for anything other than personal use or upload it anywhere yourself or at least to share it here on the forums or through any of our official channels. If you haven't been able to contact him, then I'm afraid your out of luck That said, if you know what you were doing, you could code your own parts from scratch using your own assets (or assets you'd be licensed to use, provided you abide by the terms of whatever license they're under) and share those as your own original work. Hope this helps!
  22. Sounds like a plan. I did something similar myself when I first started out with docking: I sent two small, easily maneuverable craft to meet one another, both with fuel and RCS. Once I managed that, doing the same with larger ships docking to stations simply took remembering what I had learned and applying it with a little more precision and patience.
  23. We're trusting that the community itself will be able to decide which two teams it wishes to represent them in the Kerbin Cup without any outside interference from SQUAD or the forum leadership. We'll be on hand to make judgments on any deadlocks or disputes that arise, but aside from that, the selection process itself is entirely in the hands of the community.
  24. Understood. Just remember that sometimes you have to fall off the bicycle a couple of times before you find the trick to keeping your balance Like riding a bike, though, once you've done it once, it sort of sticks with you, at least in my personal experience. At any rate, don't be afraid to take the plunge, and if you encounter any issues while you're learning, we'll be here to help
  25. Welcome to the forums! If you're still having issues with docking, you may want to check out some of the docking tutorials that are listed in the Drawing Board, which is conveniently linked through my signature. Also, feel free to share highlights from previous or ongoing missions, or just to generally make yourself at home.
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