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Everything posted by Specialist290

  1. From what I gather, it was basically started by a hobbyist to help with his own pen-and-paper games. He didn't exactly make it with the intent to "market" it to anyone in particular; it just sort of developed a fandom as time went by. They do also have a wiki, if that helps.
  2. Not everyone likes to have potatoes, corn, turnip greens, and eggs every night Nope. Both bags would have been full of groceries. Nothing out of place to the casual observer.
  3. He lives in a rural area, and the houses are spaced out a bit; you can walk for a couple miles down the road before you come to one. The local gas station (or really, it's more like a general store / diner with one or two gas pumps out front) is sort of the closest thing to a central community hub there is for the farmers there. The bus stops to take on passengers and fuel there as well, so it's basically become the jumping-off and return point for a day trip into the city. Hmm... You might be on to something here I'll go ahead and reveal that it wasn't one of the children, though; they wouldn't have the experience the person who figured out spy's identity out had in order to spot the clue.
  4. As has already been pointed out, suggestions involving weapons and warfare are on the WNTS list, so I'll be locking this one up. Have a nice day
  5. Welcome to the forums! Hope that launch goes well, and let us know how it goes. (Maybe even by sharing a few screenshots, eh?)
  6. Welcome to the forums! The easy answer would be "Whatever you can think of." If you want some inspiration for anything more specific, feel free to check out some of the mission reports, screenshot and craft showcase threads, or even just ask a few questions around here.
  7. I've observed this issue myself a fair bit with the new engines. It seems to be related to the heat distribution issue that Mainsails had when attached to the Jumbo64 tanks before they fixed that in an earlier version. I'm guessing that "anchoring" the engines to a smaller fuel tank or a small part closer to their center of mass might help.
  8. Friendly reminder from the moderation staff: Let's keep this civil. Hostile or condescending remarks aren't going to help the case for either side of the argument.
  9. I've taken the liberty of moving this to the Add-on Development section. Feel free to continue sharing development progress here as it goes, and to create a new thread in the Add-on Releases and Showcases when you have it ready to share with the public
  10. That one's a slip on my part. Changed it to "a playground in a public park" instead
  11. Nice Guess that means it's my turn to post one. I had one in the back of my brain a while back; let me see if I can remember it... Alright, I think I remember how it goes now. It's a bit more of a logic puzzle than a proper "riddle" as such, but hopefully it's still within bounds. Many years ago, two countries were engaged in a sort of undeclared war. They never clashed directly -- there would have been too much to lose on either side -- so the conflict, such as it was, was waged mainly by spies and saboteurs trying to steal each others' secrets and muddle one anothers' secret projects to gain the advantage. Both countries were fairly well matched, up until one country sent their best field agent behind the lines. This agent had been a veteran military intelligence officer of many years, and he was always very careful to keep his cover secure. He based himself out of a small country farmhouse, and sent his messages home through a cleverly-disguised transmitter. Every weekend, he would go into the city to buy groceries; while he was there, he would receive the information for his next transmission from his contact, who would slip it into one of his two grocery bags as he walked to the bus stop for the bus that would take him to the gas station a few miles from his home. The path to the bus stop led him past a playground in a public park, and so he quickly became a familiar face to the children; they would call out to him and wave, and he would wave back with his free hand. As was mentioned, the agent was a very clever and careful man. Nevertheless, he was eventually captured because he had made a very small mistake, one so small that even he thought nothing of it until the man who first spotted this mistake called it to his attention during the interrogation. What was the slip-up that gave him away? This is not an open-ended riddle; there is a certain answer I'm looking for, and all the clues for it should be contained in the text of the story, though it might take a bit of thought to link them all together correctly. Enjoy
  12. Nicely done! I especially like the attention to detail involved in getting the asteroid into the proper orbit.
  13. I'm going with "family," on the assumption that the key word in question is "related," and that "finished" in this case refers to the family line going extinct. EDIT: Soylent Green is people! You gotta tell 'em!
  14. It's an issue that's been brought up in the past a few times. For now, I'd advise just using the Advanced Search option whenever you need to find something, as that gives you much more control over the results you want displayed.
  15. Your best bet would probably be to contact SQUAD directly about this issue in particular.
  16. As Pecan already touched upon: When building your launcher, make sure that your rocket's thrust goes through the Center of Mass of the combined vehicle. Otherwise, it's prone to turn cartwheels.
  17. Quick rule of thumb: Almost any rocket that can make it into orbit around the Mun generally also has enough delta-v to make a transfer to Duna (especially if it has a little bit of reserve fuel for corrections and unforseen circumstances), and Duna's atmosphere, though thin, can still allow you to aerocapture into orbit if you aim for a 10-12km periapsis on your approach. A lander that can land on and return from the Mun by itself can also generally make a parachute-assisted landing on Duna and return to orbit (again, especially if it already has a fuel reserve). The main thing you'll have to account for after that is having the delta-v to transfer back to Kerbin, though again, considering you can aerobrake and reenter at your destination, this still ends up being a relatively cheap expense on the delta-v budget by comparison.
  18. I've played this game for a little more than a year now, and I can state with absolute certainty that there are still aspects of it that I'm nowhere close to mastering and locations that I haven't visited yet. Nevertheless, I've had fun both learning to improve what skills I have and passing on my knowledge to those who have stood in the places I was once in before, and I suspect that the same is true for a great many other people on these forums. KSP just seems to be one of those games that encourages people to encourage one another to achieve ever-greater things.
  19. This seems to be veering too close for comfort into political discussion for these forums. In particular, discussions of "Was x war worth it?" tend to be especially inflammatory, particularly for conflicts that are still within living memory for people who participated in them. Therefore, I'll be closing this one up.
  20. Welcome to the forums! Docking is definitely one of the more difficult aspects of the game to master, but also one of the most worthwhile. Here's to hoping you can use your new-found skill to accomplish even more ambitious projects.
  21. Let us know how that works out, Vaporized Steel. In the meantime, you may also find this chart handy if you want to try your hand at it manually, or if you want something to check MechJeb's results against.
  22. Thread moved to the Tutorials section
  23. Actually I'm referring to this news announcement by Harvester himself, which is in fact much more recent
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