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Everything posted by Specialist290

  1. Another trick I've used before is to mount an upside-down decoupler (i.e. arrow pointing down) to the base of the LES, then set up your staging so that the decoupler and the LES activate at the same time. You don't have to even set up a custom action group to get that working properly, and the decoupler gets dealt with along with the LES, since it decouples at the bottom.
  2. Unfortunately, I don't think even the largest asteroids in-game are large enough to be truly world-ending even if that was a possibility. But yes, I'm hoping they'll eventually make things a bit more dramatic myself
  3. Welcome to the forums! Am I correct in assuming that you're the same suclearnub I've seen in the IRC?
  4. Well, this looks like it's going interesting places Can you get an all-SRB spaceplane into space, I wonder?
  5. Many of those weren't merged into the megathred, but rather were moved to sections of the forums where they were more appropriate. In particular, the Launch Abort System thread is still its own thing, it just got moved to Gameplay Questions because it was, well, a gameplay question. Many of the others are similar cases.
  6. EVA your pilot. You can then collect a report from the asteroid, just like you can transfer reports between your science modules and your command pod.
  7. Let's keep the discussion related to the article, and not to certain people's reactions in the comments, please
  8. You may find this thread to be helpful Just substitute the quicksave for your old persistent.sfs in the instructions; the file structure is essentially the same.
  9. After reading this bit, it suddenly becomes clear to me exactly what your issue is. There is a rather annoying, deceptive, and (in my own opinion) malicious banner ad that masquerades as a notification stating "You have private messages!" That is not provided by our forum. We do not require you to install any special programs to view Private Messages. In all probability, the software you just installed is probably some sort of spyware or malware, and I'd recommend that you uninstall it ASAP and perform a virus / spybot / malware scan immediately thereafter. In the meantime, I'm uploading this screenshot to show you where the proper place to check for private messages is, since a picture is worth a thousand words: We on the staff have been made aware of this ad in the past, but I'll mention this particular incident to them anyway, as it might help get that particular ad removed more quickly. While you're at it, it's probably a good idea to familiarize yourself with the Forum FAQ, so you better understand what tools you have available at your disposal here on the forums. Hope this helps
  10. I think I know what the issue is in this case, especially since you mentioned the "approx. four times longer" figure specifically. The 0.23.5 update added an option to toggle between Earth Time (24 hours per day, 365 Earth days per year) and Kerbin Time (6 hours per day, 426 Kerbin days per year). After the update, your copy of the game might have chosen to default to the Kerbin Time display rather than the Earth Time one. Fortunately it's a simple fix, as you just have to toggle off an option in the preferences
  11. There's a new option in the Preferences that allows you to toggle between Earth Time (365 24-hour days) and Kerbin Time (426 6-hour days). I think the update changed the defaults to Kerbin Time, but you can reset it back to how it was.
  12. Like biohazard mentioned, some of the parts got shuffled around the tech tree in the latest updates. Thus, if you've managed to update after you've already made a fair bit of progress, you might see the game telling you to "unlock" parts you already have. Fortunately, it's pretty much just a harmless glitch You'll keep any parts you already have access to.
  13. You can recover science from an asteroid with a kerbal on EVA, just like you can transfer science from modules to pods. No Claw required
  14. I don't believe you can reconfigure Action Groups in flight, at least not in the stock game (although I do recall seeing something by the name of "Actions on the Fly" or something like that among the add-ons that might be what you're looking for). However, Action Groups are preserved across craft when you dock them together, so with a little pre-planning, you can set them up before launching each component. Just don't forget which button is supposed to activate what parts
  15. I can assure you that it's an official release by Squad. You can find more information about it here, as well as continue the discussion in that thread. Have a nice day
  16. You're in luck. In the real world, a Class C would only cause a loud "BANG" and then a (relatively) small meteorite shower. No one would get hurt unless they're unlucky enough to get hit by one of the fragments But yes, in KSP, not much really happens. They'll reenter and hit the surface just like any other craft.
  17. Just tried this out with the new ARM pack. It seems to still work fine for the most part, but there are a few oddities with its interactions with the new parts -- the Flight Engineer doesn't update the in-flight vessel stats (TWR, delta-v, etc.) when the new engines are firing, for one.
  18. A few do start out on a collision course with Kerbin, but as far as I'm aware, tracking them doesn't "activate" them as such. They still follow their own course through the solar system; choosing to track them just allows you to see where they're going.
  19. Welcome to the forums! In addition to the above, may I recommend that you take a look at the Drawing Board, which is linked in my signature? I've tried to collect some good tutorials and other resources there, and many of them are specifically intended to help new users hone their skills.
  20. Since this is a forum policy question, it really goes in the Forum Forum. I've taken the liberty of moving it there Making it a hard-and-fast requirement probably isn't the way to go, since there are a lot of more abstract and theoretical questions that get asked in that forum as well (such as "What is this 'delta-v thing everyone keeps talking about?' and 'What is the best engine to use, and why shouldn't I use this other engine?'). Making it an automatic recommendation might be more feasible, but I wouldn't be the guy to talk to about that, since I'm not the one who tinkers with forum code.
  21. Temporarily closed for maintenance. Stand by EDIT: I've cleaned up a fair bit of off-topic discussion of things that are against forum rules to discuss anyway. As long as you all can stay on the topic of whether or not another space program could have feasibly gotten us into space or put a man on the Moon well before those things happened historically, this discussion can continue. (While I've allowed the discussion of classic science fiction movies to stay, I'd highly recommend that y'all start another thread for that, so that we can keep this one on scope.)
  22. I think the "4500 m/s" figure was arrived at through multiple field tests, not derived analytically. At least, I haven't been able to pinpoint a source where someone actually laid out the calculations.
  23. Welcome to the forums! Glad to hear that you've been enjoying yourself with the game. Feel free to ask questions or swap stories with everyone else, as it takes your fancy. If you run into any further trouble, or even if you just want to learn something new that you can use to make your rockets that little bit better, feel free to check out some of the resources I've listed in the Drawing Board (conveniently linked through my signature). The sentiments you've expressed about KSP being the sort of game you wished was available for many years is a pretty common one; in fact, it's one I actually had myself. This game is the sort of thing I've wanted to play since I was very young; various other games had some of the other mechanics in place (craft construction and customization, realistic physics, etc.), but none of them quite combined it into the "full package" I was looking for until I discovered KSP myself almost a year ago. (Wow, has it really been that long?) Of course, in the '90s I was still in elementary school, so I couldn't be quite as proactive about it as you apparently were As far as economy-adding mods go, let me point you in the direction of Mission Controller Extended. I have yet to try it myself, but it's on my to-do list, and from what I've heard it might be something like what you're looking for. Hope this helps!
  24. Welcome to the forums! As others have already said, feel free to ask questions if you get stuck anywhere. I also keep a list of tutorials and other tools up as well; it's called the Drawing Board, and it's conveniently available through the link in my signature. A few of the things on it are intended specifically for new players, so you might find them useful. Hope this helps!
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