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Everything posted by Specialist290

  1. Nicely done! Best of luck with your Munar forays -- and don't be afraid to continue asking questions if you run into any other sticky situations.
  2. Welcome to the forums! Might you happen to have a screenshot of the craft you're having an issue with handy? We might be better able to get an idea of what's going on if we can see it for ourselves.
  3. You may also want to take a look at this illustrated guide, which includes a link to a "trainer" ship you can use in sandbox mode. Additionally, the Drawing Board, which is linked through my signature, should include a number of tutorials on the subject as well.
  4. Since this is a video, it seems to fit better under Live from Mission Control. Moving there
  5. Since this is a video, it seems to fit better under Live from Mission Control. Moving there
  6. Get rid of the "#" and everything after it in the album tag. That should make it display properly
  7. First, welcome to the forums! The real trick to getting the most efficient use out of your launchers, which is basically what your question boils down to, is that ultimately, it's less about the absolute size and more about the relative proportion of the mass of the bit of your craft that makes it to orbit versus the total mass of the entire vehicle on the launchpad. The ratio of your rocket's fully-laden mass to its mass when the rocket runs out of fuel is also known as its mass ratio, and this ratio (along with a measure of engine efficiency known as exhaust velocity, which in-game can be gotten by multiplying the specific impulse by the standard value of acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2)) is vitally important to calculating the total potential change in velocity (often abbreviated to delta-v) that your vehicle can achieve. For further reference, you may want to take a look at MyKSPCareer.com, which goes into detail about the basics that I've mentioned above and how you can use them to figure out what your rocket can (theoretically) do before it even leaves the launchpad. You may also want to take a look at these four web pages over at Atomic Rockets as well, which discusses the same principles as applied to non-KSP-specific general rocketry. Hope this helps!
  8. The simplest solution would be to add a Desktop shortcut to point to the .exe for the non-Steam install (correctly named so as to prevent confusion, of course).
  9. This is definitely a clever little trick. I'll have to keep this in mind the next time I'm messing about with spaceplanes.
  10. Hmm... There should be an option under "General Settings" in your personal account settings that allows you to toggle the option on and off. Can you double-check to make sure it's set to "Do not subscribe" right now?
  11. Geez, you guys... @alpha tech: On a serious note, providing screenshots of the craft in question would most definitely help, as would a detailed description of exactly when, where, and how the breakage occurs. Try to include as much as you remember; the smallest detail might be important. As for the technique for getting out to Duna: You might want to check out some of the tutorials that I've listed in the Drawing Board, which is conveniently linked in my signature. In particular, you might find this one useful; it's a bit older, but the technique really hasn't changed that much.
  12. Adding a little bit to this: I'm not 100% familiar with how things work on the technical side myself, but I think what happens is that when a new user edits a post, it goes back into the queue for review again if they're still under the cutoff.
  13. Welcome to the forums! I've gone ahead and merged your thread into our existing megathread for the topic.
  14. No offense taken Even if you don't find anything among what's already written, feel free to ask questions about any issues you may be facing in the main Gameplay Questions section.
  15. I'll definitely look into scoping out some new possibilities for updated video submissions. I'm on a monthly bandwidth limit through my ISP, which means I'm a bit constrained in the number and quality of the videos I can get to in a given timeframe, but I'll definitely set aside some time to look for new ones No problem!
  16. Just letting everyone know we've had to remove some posts pertaining to an off-topic discussion of a sensitive (and prohibited) nature from this thread. If you've noticed the thread seems a little lighter on posts than it was before, that's why. Let's try to keep things on-topic, shall we?
  17. sp1989: I merged your previous post into the outstanding remembrance thread for Robin Williams. Since we already have one thread for this (and this post is a duplicate of that one), I'll be closing this one. Feel free to continue the discussion in the linked thread
  18. Moving this over to the Kerbal Network subforum I'll bring this to the attention of some of my more forum-savvy peers so that we can determine what's going on.
  19. Merging these two threads. And yes, he'll definitely be missed I was a big fan of quite a few of his movies.
  20. First, welcome to the forums! Duna's atmosphere is quite thin compared to that of Kerbin's; as you can see here, it's as thin at "sea level" as Kerbin's atmosphere is around ~8km up. Parachutes certainly aren't useless as the extra drag will help slow down your craft to a more manageable speed, but you'll need a lot more of them to get the same effect as you would on Kerbin. Typically, I tend to opt for a mix of standard and drogue 'chutes for Duna landings; drogues don't slow you down as much when they fully open, but they do so slightly higher than the main 'chutes do and help to smooth things out so that your mains don't tear off the craft due to the sudden deceleration. On top of that, for that last little stretch right before you touch down, I'd fire up my engines just enough to ensure you have a safe and soft landing; again, as Duna's atmosphere is rather thin, you'll probably be falling a bit faster on Duna than you would on Kerbin even with fully open 'chutes unless you brought a lot of them, which adds extra weight you don't strictly need.
  21. Indeed. It's likely that whatever mod those parts were from is as long-gone as this user and craft appear to be. On that note, please don't bump older threads if you don't have anything significant to contribute to the discussion, especially if said discussion has been long-dead.
  22. Indeed. On top of that, you can refer to this post specifically to see exactly what's going on. Needless to say, as this is the latest in a long line of several duplicate topics on the subject, I'll be closing this thread. Feel free to continue any further discussion in the thread that's already been linked, and have a nice day
  23. Once you're within ~60km or so of your target, the Navball should automatically switch over to Target Mode, which shows your velocity relative to your target. (If it doesn't, you can manually toggle it by clicking on the velocity indicator to cycle between "Target," "Orbit," and "Surface" modes.) Once you're in Target mode, you can burn in the retrograde direction (the closed yellow marker on the Navball) to slow down relative to your target so you can fly your way over. It's not the most efficient way to do it, but it's the way I'd recommend to a beginner at docking until you get a better feel for how performing certain burns in certain directions can affect your velocity vector. While you're at it, feel free to check out some of the Rendezvous and Docking tutorials I've listed in the Drawing Board, which is conveniently linked in my signature. Feel free to ask further questions if you're still encountering problems. Hope this helps!
  24. Welcome to the forums! In addition to some of the recommendations that other users have already made, you may want to take a look at bigalqd's Beginner Science tutorial, which is essentially a comprehensive series that walks you through a sequence of missions to progressively unlock the entire tech tree in an efficient manner. You don't have to follow his profile perfectly as such, but it might make for a handy reference as you progress up the tech tree yourself. Also, in general, feel free to refer to any of the tutorials that I've listed in the Drawing Board (conveniently linked through my signature) for anything you may need help with, whether it's a design or a piloting issue. And as always, we're more than willing to answer any specific questions you may have as you encounter new situations. Hope this helps!
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