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Everything posted by GJNelson

  1. Totally love this mod, plus KCT and KRASH. Feels like a good challenging career campaign now. I've added CSS (Crowd Sourced Science) also, for it's cool missions. Thank you for the KSP v1.4.3 update. Awesome mod!
  2. @magico13 I absolutely love using this mod. It's become a must have mod for my KSP career campaign. Thank you for creating! It's working good with my KSP v1.4.3 and the mods I use. Look forward to it being fully compatible, if it's not already.
  3. @ev0 I don't know for sure why, but after I'd uninstalled and reinstalled everything , I'm not having problems with your mod anymore. During the process though, I discovered that the Surface Experiment Pack mod was causing my returned items with science to not be turned in for the science points. Uninstalling it took care of that problem. It's not listed yet as compatible with KSP v1.4.3, but initially seemed to be working correctly. It may have been the source for causing the problem I was seeing with your mod. All is good now though. Thank you for the quick response in trying to assist me!
  4. LOL, maybe I should have said very heavily modded. I'll see about getting you that info.
  5. @ev0 I recently added your mod (v1.0.4) to my heavily modded KSP v1.4.3 and started a new game. With your mod installed, I lost at least the Basic Science research block, and with it the early level battery and other items too. Removing this mod, all the missing items returned along with respective research blocks. It might be one of the mods I am using conflicts with your mod? Here is a list of the mods I use... If you need anything else from me, just ask.
  6. Cool, thanks for the reply! Might give it a try. If I do, I'll drop a line here of what I see.
  7. Does anyone know if this is working for KSP v1.4.2?
  8. Thanks for the update! I'm looking forward to the new KSP version along with the new Bon Voyage.
  9. Goofed in my post, the first version was supposed to be 1.4.2 also, and thanks for the answer. CKAN hasn't updated yet that it works for KSP v1.4.2, so I wanted to be sure before I force CKAN to download the mod. I love the idea of this mod. Thank you for creating and sharing!
  10. Does this mod work with KSP v1.4.1, and is it still maintained, so that it will be updated to be compatible with KSP v1.4.2?
  11. Updated: Awesome! If you could update it to KSP v1.4.3 also, that would be perfect. I love using this mod with my Alcubierre warp drives.
  12. Is this mod still maintained and will it be updated to the latest version of KSP v1.4.1? This mod looks quite interesting and useful.
  13. Cool, I went ahead and install and seems to be working for me too. Thanks for the reply!
  14. According to the post I quoted above your quoted post, try deleting the subfolder of parts called "Engine", to get it to work with KSP 1.3. I'm currently waiting for Nertea to update this mod, but might try this myself too. The subfolder is as follows... GameData\MarkIVSystem\Parts\Engine I'm guessing that one or all the engine parts are not compatible with the new KSP 1.3, so as long as you don't mind not using the engines from this mod for now, the rest of the mod may work. Hope this helps.
  15. Understand, thanks for the update. Hopefully all is well for you and your family.
  16. As far as being 100% compatible, I'm not sure, but I've been able to load KSY v1.3 with this mod installed, getting no crashes so far. Hopefully a definitive KSP v1.3 version will be released?
  17. I'm not sure of an estimate for an update to KSP v1.3, but I do know the current version of Kethane Mining is causing KSP v1.3 to crash during the game loading process, at least for me. Hopefully an update is in progress, because I too really enjoy using Kethane Mining.
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