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Everything posted by LawnDartLeo

  1. Manual install...get this error... https://imgur.com/oujnvYh Still seems to work after hitting OK. It does not make any sense because its telling me the correct path and then telling me that the same path is incorrect. Is this a known issues due to the fact that the mod is not specifically 1.3.1 compliant?
  2. Jupiter's red dot swells in size by a factor of 10 making it likely the strongest storm ever in the history of our solar system... however Hubble is busy peering elsewhere and we miss it all. I wish for shoe laces.
  3. KSP, only while loading, will make my system screech. It's very audible. Perfectly quiet and cool during run but during the load phase as the bar creeps across the bottom, its unnerving. I have plenty of other games that are as much if not more graphically intensive, no issues running them. Anybody else have this? MSI GTX 970 OC for reference.
  4. Avalon are you going to put up your "tutorial"? Just a point of interest. I swear that MJ is rolling everything oddly from launch onwards. I do not have the roll and heading bug checked in MJ, all craft seem to go up at a45 degree roll angle.
  5. I'm in the same boat as Rooney. Seems since game went 1.0 that mechjeb just stopped working nicely with the KSO. Used to be buttah to launch and recover for me but now (for some time actually) I am unable to use MJ at all with the shuttle. if you have a screen cap of your MJ settings, they would be appreciated. for reference, I am using nothing but the latest KSO packs and dependencies and MJ, nothing else installed. I'm as clean as I can be for the sake of troubleshooting.
  6. Ok, I have the required files... is there an recommended installation order?
  7. That's the funny thing, Meeb... It was fine, previously. And it's not like its an assymetrical thrust issue, it's roll related. The KSOS just wants to be 90° off... rolled on its side as it were. Getting it rolled over on its back and heading down range is the rub. I even made the suggestion for the force roll angle a while back just for the KSOS and either it was a great idea or I wasnt the only one because it got implemented. Even that seems borked at the moment. Anyone have a kerboscript to feed K-OS for launching?
  8. I'll admit it's been a while and the only reason I am firing up Kerbal is because my favorite mod of all time has been updated.... that being said, what if any issues are there with MechJeb and the KSOS? It just seems to go everywhere but into the prescribed orbit. Might just be me, or maybe there is an issue. Thanks in advance. Both mods are the latest available.
  9. Has anyone successfully de-orbited and landed with 4.20/1.04? I have no issue surviving atmospheric reentry, that's the easy part. The "bounce" as I get lower in the atmosphere is, though. Still in the hot phase of reentry and all of the sudden I am climbing, fast, through the thicker part of the atmosphere. If anyone had made it home, where do you burn retrograde, from what altitude and what is your pitch profile as you descend? I'm starting from 100Km at the old mid mountain range point that was the spot back in 0.90 days and pitching 25° nose up. No overheat but it gliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiides for evahhhhhhhhhhhh. Too much kinetic energy to dissipate for that landing profile. I can make it 75% across the ocean east of the space center. Along those lines... since it's sand box anyways... is there a recovery mod that we can use to just call it a day from orbit. Tired of loosing Kerbals to the deep blue ocean. I'd rather just click recover and pretend that Jeb greased it in at Spaceport, ready for another mission.
  10. Sorry to go off topic but.... if I were a fish I'd be mounted on a wall over a wet bar in a basement somewhere.... I see shiny things for KSP and... OOOOOOOO!!! Lots of interesting looking stuff on that page.... Mind disclosing the identity of these mods? (legs I found and the top looks like a wheel mod that I see you have made)
  11. Thanks!... No prodding intended... just got back into KSP after a hiatus and am suffering from the incremental update blues as I try to piece it all back together.
  12. So with the utilitron package being kaput for the time being.... what does that leave us to use for end effectors?
  13. I'll test again... Convinced its KSPX that causes texture loss on the KSOS tank and boosters.
  14. Anything the community can do to help facilitate a 0.90 update? I use this and I loose some textures on other parts. Not sure what that is all about. Happy to edit files, test, whatever... or just shut up and wait. I miss my KSPX parts.
  15. No noted issues here, either. Wont say that KW is without flaw or blame but to this point it has worked without any noticeable deficit for me.
  16. KSP clean... hyper edit... put something into orbit... peripheral bits explode... engines, solar panel beams... whatever... something ALWAYS gets obliterated but never core elements of the craft. Help!
  17. Referencing my previous post (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/68429-0-24-2-Kerbin-Shuttle-Orbiter-System-v4-08?p=1369485&viewfull=1#post1369485)... are you stating that I should NOT have a difference of 1.4MB of memory?
  18. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/73184-WIP-KerbTrack-Webcam-based-head-tracking
  19. Most times you can cherry pick items out of game data as you see fit. I remove stuff from mods all the time where I might only want a part or two from something in particular.
  20. The packaged kso.cfg is borked (or we are just using it wrong... not sure which). Use the one from ATM. I went from 3.2M to 1.8M just by reverting.
  21. MM andf NP++ are thoroughly beating me over the head right now, Taki. Reading the wiki and it's all rather arcane to me. I'm trying tho.
  22. I was reading about Sumghai's service module system (https://github.com/sumghai/SDHI_ServiceModuleSystem/wiki/How-to-assemble-&-configure-a-complete-SDHI-CSM-stack) and ran across this in the documentation.... ... and thought, "What a great idea!" Is there a line that could be typed up in a modulemanager config that would cause the same functionality in the decouplers for Deadly Reeentry? This is the part of the existing cfg that needs changing.... I think. MODULE { name = ModuleDecouple ejectionForce = 40 //explosiveNodeID = bottom isOmniDecoupler = true staged = true }
  23. @woodstar... All I can tell you is do not overwrite the cfg's as you install package(s)... The cfg I use is the one included with active texture management. I've been told it's worth a try to not use any cfg. I really don't want to say what exactly to use because nothing is for certain. All I know is for me the kso.cfg within the full package causes a memory explosion.
  24. Install order... Clean install then ATM x86 basic then KSO 4.081... NOTHING ELSE! Ok... with this original KSO.CFG that was included with ATM I have a foot print of 1,840,000... ACTIVE_TEXTURE_MANAGER_CONFIG { folder = KSO enabled = true OVERRIDES { KSO/RPM/.* { compress = false mipmaps = false scale = 1 max_size = 0 make_not_readable = false } KSO/Parts/kerbin_orbiter { compress = false mipmaps = true scale = 1 max_size = 0 make_not_readable = false } KSO/Parts/altnames/mayhem { compress = false mipmaps = true scale = 1 max_size = 0 make_not_readable = false } KSO/Parts/altnames/chaos { compress = false mipmaps = true scale = 1 max_size = 0 make_not_readable = false } } } and with this one that is installed with the KSO 4.081 I have a foot print of 3,257,000 ACTIVE_TEXTURE_MANAGER_CONFIG { folder = KSO enabled = true OVERRIDES { KSO/RPM/.* { compress = false mipmaps = false scale = 1 max_size = 0 make_not_readable = false } KSO/Parts/.* { compress = false mipmaps = true scale = 1 max_size = 0 max_size_normals = 2048 make_not_readable = false } KSO/FX/.* { compress = false mipmaps = true scale = 1 max_size = 0 make_not_readable = false } KSO/Spaces/.* { compress = false mipmaps = true scale = 1 max_size = 0 max_size_normals = 4096 make_not_readable = false } KSO/Parts/altnames/mayhem { compress = false mipmaps = true scale = 1 max_size = 0 make_not_readable = false } KSO/Parts/altnames/chaos { compress = false mipmaps = true scale = 1 max_size = 0 make_not_readable = false } } } I think something in the new one is borked.
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