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Everything posted by gilflo

  1. the links to version 2.2.9 on first page leads to version 2.2.8 on Curse forge
  2. The version file of this 2.0.7 file i just downloaded is dated from July 9th and says: "Version 2.0.5" KSP "1.1.3" The version file of the 2.0.6 version i download before is dated from October 18th and says:" version 2.0.6" KSP "1.2" So what is really the latest one???
  3. I saw the rules but with no engines/ wings and/or autopilot mods, it far less interesting.....at leat we should have a no mod challenge and a mod challenge.
  4. Well, one of my OPT plane flies like a charm.......
  5. Here is the dropbox link. It's a very big modded aircraft, OPT mod..... https://www.dropbox.com/s/rouinh83t56drjp/OPT Humpback supertanker.craft?dl=0 Thank you to look at the file
  6. But what can I do when my plane explodes on launch du to "structural failure on linkage between extra large gear and fuselage" ??? Landing gear is always strutted to heaviest part and whatever is set the rigid setting, on or off, same result. This plane was fine with KJR in 1.1.3 and now it's impossible to launch.....
  7. How does Autostrut and rigid attachment works? What is the differences between them ? How can I select Autostrut and/or Rigid Attachment for a whole craft? When i fly my mouse over the whole craft, all parts turn green and if I right click i can check the auto strut or the rigid attachment only for the part the mouse is pointing..... Thank's for replies...
  8. I got an EVA problem on the "Humpback" cockpit. The kebals get out by the roof, trying to grab or climb and if they succeed they appears like ghosts going through the roof....or they fall in the hold behind the cockpit. They won't get out via the side doors.
  9. OPT Humpback Supertanker SSTO 790T LF 99000L (495T) - 4 Drag chutes to assist breaking on landing. 8 extra large landing gears (48 wheels) and 2 Nose medium landing gears. 4 OPT J61 starwaster turboramjet (2x2.5m and 2x2.05m) - 2 MRS Nuke quand engines (4.15m) Working on 1.1.3 Exploding on launch on 1.2, whatever are the auto strut settings....Problems on linkage between gears and fuselage....!!! I can't solve it... take off and climb
  10. My OPT Supertanker SSTO 503T on take off, running on Liquid fuel only with 2 OPT J61 2.5m Starwaster turboramjet engines and 2 MRS Nuclear quad engines of 3.5m Total liquid fuel is 61360L (306.8T) - 80%Fuel left at 110km orbit Take off Climb Re-entry Landing
  11. Hello I got the last version of Mark IV system 2.2.1 and in KSP 1.1.3, I cannot connect any cargo bay or fuselage to the Vulture cockpit. I need to use a cubic octogonal strut to join both parts, then adjust it so that it's well aligned....Is there a trick, because it works perfectly with the standard cockpit?
  12. Just a question about the wings: As each wing/winglet type get his own set of ailerons or elevons, why are ailerons and elevons not included in the wings or winglet ? It would easier for building....
  13. Yes that's what I am talking about making them bigger. I thought it was a stock implementation.....not a tweak scale one. So if it is not stock, how do you use those tiny gears on big planes ?
  14. I confirm that the tweakable gears don't work at all, on stock game, only squad folder in the game data folder, new game in sandbox, mac osX El Capitan. Here is the screen of a plane I begin to build: I don't see any possibility to set the gear at 110% or something similar to get a greater gear......Maybe i missed some settings in the general settings. on this plane no matter, but it matters on big planes...You cannot set so small gears!!
  15. Tweak able landing gears are not working for me, even on the stock planes. Removed them and put new ones, still not tweak able....
  16. What's the meaning of "Advanced Tweakable" in the settings ? Gears are not tweakable at all, so some big aircrafts from 1.1.3 with tweak gears have now ridiculous landing gears....
  17. Well, i understand, but we could keep the rules of Elcano and give that challenge another name.....like Kerbin Grand Tour Race
  18. Broke the record for the Grand Kerbin Elcano Challenge Tour on a 159T Catamaran driven by 2 KE-90 "Dudley" Turbojet engines: 1DAY 5H 44mns
  19. RETURN OF THE TANKERS First one: Repacking chutes and retracting fuel lines Take off Climb is to fast and the aircraft overcomes the engine limit altitude: Engines shut down while crew struggle to descent to 24kms, avoid overheating and trying not to stall They eventually relight engines and stabilize cruise Approach to runway Landing Return of 2nd Tanker Turning final for night landing Everybody on the deck with Pilots and Engineers. The second crew damaged their left wing on landing but it will be fixed END
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