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Everything posted by Deddly

  1. Hi @oglommi! I moved your question to Gameplay Questions so you can get the best responses. I hope the issue isn't completely ruining your fun. @swjr-swis post asks some very important questions, and I think the answers will lead to a good solution.
  2. Be afraid. Be very, very afraid. Just you wait until he starts adding to the Moderation Nation Observation Station.
  3. You already had your name changed, @WinkAllKerb''
  4. I'm not saying this as a moderator, but any chance you could shorten that a little, @kerbiloid?
  5. It then slowly dawned upon him that he had woken up, not once, but twice since he heard those alarms. He became suspicious that he was being used in some kind of drug testing scheme. As he stood in the dingy light, drenched in his own filth and no alarms to be heard, he hoped fervently that this, too would turn out to be just a dream.
  6. Deddly


    Interesting Locked.
  7. Welcome back, @LeKiwi! Depending on the exact specs of your laptop, it could well be a GPU slowdown you're experiencing. Here's a suggestion: In graphics settings, please select the lowest resolution in the 4:3 aspect ratio. That will give your computer fewer pixels to render and it can really help with performance when the GPU is the bottleneck. That will hopefully let you install some nice graphics mods, if you want
  8. The website has been hijacked and tries to install malicious software on your computer, so we prevented people from linking to it
  9. Two similar threads merged. I was going to nominate Eeloo but they say they can't accept names that have "commercial value"
  10. @adsii1970 thanks for telling us. It looks like a recent forum uptade brought a bug with it (Who would have thought it??) I've informed our top Forum guy
  11. The randomness and suddenness of these recent events made him suspect he was dreaming, so he pinched himself hard. A beautiful purple butterfly fluttered past the window and the cows outside began to crow in the early morning sunshine. At this point, Kerman woke up on the iron-hard sheet of steel that he called his bed, staring at the ceiling with a feeling of helplessness. He heard footsteps.
  12. Looking frantically at the screens, Kerman was horrified to see that the autopilot had been programmed to send him on a collision course with the moon. He wrestled with the controls, but he was very thoroughly locked out.
  13. "We knew you would take any opportunity to escape. You just failed this test", concluded the voice that Kerman recognised as the prison guard who had brought him in.
  14. Interested party incoming! My apologies for not getting around to this a long time ago. I think the reason why so few have offered lists is because you have presented each character in such a good way that they are all cute and have great skill in their respective areas of expertise. See my list as "they're all great, but if I have to order them, this is how I'd do it." Here goes: Ability and cuteness chart (top is highest) ABILITY CUTENESS Valentina Lisa Jeb Clauselle Bob Kenlie Bill Melbe Dilsby Bill Kenlie Bob Tedus Jebediah Sarge Tedus Lisa Dilsby Melbe Valentina Clauselle Nimzo Nimzo Sarge
  15. Nice answer, @Geonovast, thanks for taking the time to do that. I moved the thread to Kerbin Network, since that's where we talk about forum stuff like this.
  16. The second Space Skuttle - the Contender - is finally complete and ready for launch. It is identical in design to the Collumn BR (pronounced with a British accent) except for the removal of the erroneous docking port that caused the disaster in the previous mission. Booster seperation... hold on to your seats... Better. Coasting to Apoapsis. I've come to really appreciate the engine-heating glow. External fuel tank ditched, now using on-board fuel and the OMS engines. Mission specifications request a 200x200 km orbit for the station. This will have to be close enough. And so it is my pleasure to present to you the first module of the: Moderation Nation Observation Station Crewed, incidentally, by a local hero who was the first kerbal ever to swim across an ocean and climb over a mountain in a spacesuit after everyone thought he was dead: Lagerdorf Kerman is back! Time to get the rest of the crew home Touchdown! The mission was a resounding success, but the pilots complain that the Skuttle flies like a slice of lemon wrapped around a large gold brick, and is extremely difficult to control even without a payload. It was decided to improve on the design. To that end, Deddly Design spent 500 science points on some nice new atmospheric engines. The rest of the Moderation Nation will be so pleased.
  17. ...and the vast majority of them completely inexperienced in directing a space programme or designing spacecraft, meaning that most (I hesitate to say all, but I expect that is the case) of us have made stupid miskates, reverted, tweaked and tried again, reverted, try again in an attempt to see what exactly happened... OK now for some reason it works ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I once had a pilot wrenched back to life from a horrifying explosion several times whilst I was troubleshooting a certain craft and each time he was screaming at the moment he spawned... So, whilst I respect your opinion, @regex, and somewhat agree with it, I do think the joke is more than just making fun of explosions, and I found the comic amusing.
  18. Moved to Gameplay Questions. Please just report it next time, then we can get to it sooner, thanks
  19. Yes. Please help us stop people doing that, because there are still people out there who think a Pentium 4 @ 4 GHz outperforms a modern CPU
  20. Hi Ian. I think the issue you are referring to is caused by the rocket flexing. This can usually be fixed by enabling "Advanced Tweakables" in the main settings menu, then right clicking the engine at the bottom the stack and clicking the button that says "autostrut" until it says "root part". This will make an invisible strut go right down the centre of your craft, hopefully reducing that unwanted flex. You can also try rigid attachments, which I believe is also one of the advanced tweakables.
  21. Sorry but this is only half true. You want highest single-core performance available. Number of GHz is largely irrelevant unless you are comparing two CPUs of the same architecture. KSP can and does use more than one core for some things, but single-core performance is still the major bottleneck for this game. Is that particular CPU overkill? Well, that depends on how many parts you would like to make your crafts out of. If you like to make things small and compact, it's probably overkill, yes. If you want to make a massive station with thousands of parts with no slowdown, then the more powerful the CPU the better.
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