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Everything posted by Deddly

  1. I found the official answer in the FAQ: I bought the game on the KSP Store, but I want it on Steam. Will you give me a steam key? In general no. The option to transfer KSP Store licenses to Steam is only available for those who bought KSP before it originally came out on Steam, March 20th 2013. Note that if you do qualify for a transfer and choose to do it, the process is OPTIONAL and IRREVERSIBLE. If you transfer your purchase to Steam, you will no longer be able to download or update the game from the KSP Store. To move to Steam, log in to your KSP Store profile and you will find the button to start the process next to your download link. If you can’t see the button in your profile it means you purchased the game after it was on Steam and you are not eligible, no exceptions, please don’t insist.
  2. I was just looking through the FAQ (which I had never noticed before) and it contains this interesting part: Can I install the game on more than one computer? Certainly, you can download and play the game on all of your personal computers with the same license. Even if some are Windows and some are mac computers.
  3. Actually, the KSP store updates at the same time as Steam, and you can now download small patches instead of having to download the entire game from scratch each time there is an update. To be honest, @JJ2478, the best advice Steam users of this game will receive is to immediately make a copy of their game so as to play from a folder completely detached from Steam in order to prevent the automatic updates. So many people have problems because Steam updates the game automatically, meaning that crowds of people suddenly can't play their save anymore because their favourite mods are now incompatible until they have also all updated. So basically, you're not missing out on a lot for being unable to transfer your game to Steam.
  4. Welcome to the forum, @Splargo! I put your question in the Gameplay Questions section so you get the best answers. Getting an encounter directly from Kerbin is more efficient because you can benefit more from the Oberth effect. I'll let someone else explain exactly how to do it well, because I'm sure they can explain it better than I.
  5. Opening cargo bays in the water actually increases their buoyancy, since it is calculated based on the size of the drag cube. It will go much slower, though. This is the method I used for increasing/decreasing buoyancy on the fly for my submarine project.
  6. Let's make an effort to keep this on topic, so as not to spoil the suggestion. Thanks
  7. If you can afford it, sure - it will be a much better experience for you. If you can't afford it, I think the best you can do is at least upgrade your RAM. That should make things much more stable
  8. @AndyChilly I don't have time to dig up the reference now, but they have said that performance is improved in the new version. It has improved enough for them to up the visual quality (e.g. real shadows).
  9. Welcome to the forum, @Vanguardian101! I moved your post to Suggestions to keep things tidy. Hope to see you around!
  10. Hi! I moved the question to the Tech Support section, but it looks like you already have your answer
  11. Hmm. According to my history, the last thing I searched for was "KSP Number War" In no time at all, the zombies will be caught up in innane arguments about the convoluted rules, reset points, rules lawyering and which number is actually or not actually valid. I think I just saved the entire world, but at what cost?
  12. Sounds very strange, @akron. No problems here on either Firefox or Comodo Dragon (a version of Chromium), and no problems on Chrome on mobile/tablet, either. Sorry for the obvious question but when did you last restart your device?
  13. Locked at OP request. Please refer to the post above this one for the most up-to-date information.
  14. Thanks, @erendrake, that makes it a lot easier to make the decision Locked
  15. Welcome to the forum, @RazzaTheSpaceKid! The app was last updated three years ago, so it doesn't look like it's coming back, sadly I'll go ahead and lock this thread, but if the OP comes back, of course I'd be happy to unlock it again! In the meantime, @AugustWest's post right above yours links to the Github for the project, so you might be able to get an old copy from there.
  16. Oh I don't think that is the case at all. Sure there have been a few posts from trolls, but I think the majority of PC players in the community are just frustrated that you are still stuck with a malfulctioning game and waiting for a very, very, very long time for a fix. We are with you on this one.
  17. @superstrijder15Ah, I thought you were talking about the comic and I was thinking: "How can he think @Kuzzter's artwork has become weird??" The forum software was updated, that's all. It's a work in progress.
  18. Do you have a download available for the V8 version, or shall I wait a few days to get the next development to play with?
  19. A very intersting and inspiring project, @Azimech! It got me thinking: I wonder if it would be possible to fuel it by dropping parts into the combustion chamber that get destroyed by the compression cycle.
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