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Everything posted by Deddly

  1. Thread has been reopened for discussion.
  2. Sure thing, @Numerlor. It's a shame it didn't work out as you had hoped.
  3. Since @Numerlor has decided to close this challenge, I have locked the thread at his request. All the best with the next one!
  4. You make some good points there, @jake867. But I would imagine that a release date would only increase the likelihood of another stress-botched release.
  5. Maybe the title of the next book is "Puny solar system gets crushed under the mighty hand of Valentina Kerbulan (who inadvertently also completes the Jool 5 challenge)"
  6. This isn't really the place to find the most up-to-date information about the situation. Keep an eye on the KSP weekly posts. The latest information is:
  7. Yes, go Gene, because there are absolutely no friendly craft remaining in LKO!
  8. Ok @TopHeavy11, I locked it for you. I hope you managed to get your issue worked out ok.
  9. Wow well done Kuzzter! I am very impressed you managed to piece it all together again after all that. What you have done is the equivalent of moving a building stone by stone to a new location. Amazing work
  10. Sorry, what's an amp server?
  11. Moved to Gameplay Questions for you, @cowboycomando54. Welcome to the KSP Forums!
  12. Since @hazard-ish was recently interviewed and explained what happened, it seems that there's nothing more to gain from this discussion. It's a fact that the craft was modified. I can understand why some people are upset, but isn't it a shame that some are so militant about it? The poor guy even said he got hate mail. Whatever the wrong, that kind of response is never appropriate. As a wise man said: On the other hand, it really makes me happy to see such reasonable comments from most of you here. So let's let this thread close on a good note and allow Hazard-ish the opportunity to correct his mistakes as he sees fit.
  13. It's good that so many in our community would like to make sure that no misinformation gets spread around. Of course, let's be careful it doesn't turn into a witch hunt. Well done for not doing that ..
  14. @Dj-D0M0 ok, I moved it for you. I hope you can get some help with this. Here's your thread:
  15. Hi @Dj-D0M0. That sounds really annoying! This is a bit of a chat thread, so would you like me to move your post to tech support, instead?
  16. @Abastro, why is that suspicious, and what is it suspicious of? By the way, four other languages were also announced but aren't in 1.3.
  17. Let's keep to the topic of helping him find a system. There are other threads for comparing your computer specs
  18. This one has a poor screen resolution and doesn't have the build quality, but it's more powerful and it's new: http://outlet.lenovo.com/outlet_us/itemdetails/80SN0003US/445
  19. If you're really fortunate and nobody else bids on it, this is currently a steal at $300: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Lenovo-ThinkPad-T450-20BUS09209-8GB-RAM-128GB-SSD-Core-i5-5300U-/122449822854?hash=item1c82940486:g:ILkAAOSwhQhY6oE0
  20. The conversation got a little out of hand here, so I hope you all don't mind that I stepped in and removed part of the discussion that was more about personalities than the problem at hand. I also made a few edits to some of the remaining posts because some of the points didn't make too much sense after the trimming I did. @Ninadragonborn, how's it going with the problem? I see you made some changes in the config. files and you mention that it fixed it. Does that mean you solved the issue?
  21. Everyone's saying discreet graphics, but seriously, modern integrated graphics is more than enough for stock KSP.
  22. Hmm, I can't think of anything in your price range, @MajesticEagle98. Perhaps a secondhand fairly modern machine in that price range will be better performance and quality than something new. As for the GPU, modern integrated is absolutely fine for KSP. I have HD520 graphics and usually don't have any GPU slowdown for KSP. Remember you need something with a CPU good for single-thread processes. That's good for you if you're looking for a cheaper machine because you don't need anything more than dual core for decent KSP performance. EDIT: I have a Lenovo Thinkpad Yoga 460. KSP runs very nicely, but it's out of your price range. EDIT2: @Nightside makes a good point that upgraded graphics in Scatterer or (who knows?) future updates of KSP will be more GPU heavy. But for stock KSP, integrated is OK. In my opinion, put your money on the CPU.
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