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Everything posted by Deddly

  1. That's a very valid question. When the aurora is faint, the human eye uses a different set of light receptors and can only see it as monochrome, making it appear pale white, wheras the camera can see the colours clearly. The first picture (the one in the OP) was not quite as vibrant to the eye but was definitely bright enough to see it in colour (though more washed out to the eye than to the camera). All of the other pictures reflect approximately what it actually looked like to the eye, except for the fact that my camera isn't very good in low light so I needed 30 seconds exposure to capture it properly. The result is that the aurora is slightly blurred in the pictures, but in reality it had more sharp edges and I could distinctly see red colours that don't come out so clearly in the photographs.
  2. Had another storm. This was class G3 (Kp 7)
  3. They did say that, yes, and they are sticking to that promise.
  4. I don't think we've had to lock any, but they have been merged into the main one.
  5. Darn right! Actually, do not go there in any thread on this community Political content has been removed (as per rule 2.2b)
  6. Whilst I agree with the general sentiment, @Snark, it's not quite true that all businesses only exist to make money. Most of them, probably yes. But there are also businesses set up as hobbies by the owners, and they make little to no money and the owner doesn't mind. There are also businesses where the owners feel that all they need is a steady enough income to pay their employees, and they aren't interested in expanding to get more money. Then there are businesses where the owners are more interested in investing all profits into R&D for a certain field, even if they don't benefit from it directly. It all depends on the mentality of the owner. But there are few people who would say "we've earned enough money now, so let's just keep paying our employees to keep working even though we'll get nothing back from it."
  7. Everyone in this thread gets banned for impersonating moderators.
  8. Things you consider to be stupid and do not appreciate does not translate to things everyone thinks are stupid and nobody appreciates them. You are entitled to your opinion, but it's maybe not so wise to be so bold as to assume that your opinion is shared by everyone else.
  9. A couple of off-topic posts were removed at the poster's request.
  10. Ok. Please let me know if you would like it opened again.
  11. As far as I know we're all ok thanks. I hope that all the rest of our community members are as well.
  12. It's also drama, and as previously requested, that kind of drama should stay within your Minecraft community and not spill over into this one. It would be greatly appreciated if you could take any further discussion of such things into your private channels rather than here in this thread.
  13. Plus the claw already breached the hull before he even started cutting the window out.
  14. Surrend-aaaaaaaaaaah? Isn't there a St. Aaaaaaaaaagh in Cornwall? Or you don't suppse he meant the Camaaaaaaaaagh? It's in France, I think.
  15. What if multiplayer came as a DLC? Back in 2013, they said: Since those things would represent a very large amount of development time and cost, I don't see a problem with that. Those who aren't interested in the features they are producing don't have to pay for it, so it seems fair enough to everyone. Source
  16. It was a few months ago: . Sorry, we forgot to take the announcement about it down until now.
  17. @linuxgurugamer Mediafire links are no longer a problem
  18. Permission granted, @Wrench Head Sorry that yours was a bit complicated, but glad it worked out. Looking forward to seeing how your modding projects come along.
  19. WOW! Special congratulations to @leoc1108 who submitted an entry as his first post on the forum! Hope we see more of your creativity
  20. Welcome to the forum, @PimBARF! I'm no expert but I have to say it looks like your GPU is on the way out, and I would have been convinced about that except for the fact that the glitches stopped when you were recording! That's very odd. Have you tried updating the drivers for your GPU?
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