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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. Wrong again insert random user name here @Hai45Gkadrpzbgsv
  2. Looks at KSP. Looks at console ports. Looks at complaints list. Looks at mobile platform, with an even worse control system than the consoles and an inevitably buggier port.
  3. You tell us. There's some moderators that are visibly active on the forums, and others that lurk. But we all contribute to the moderation team in decision making. Trivial stuff like moving posts usually gets handled without any conversation, but anything slightly non-trivial is discussed. Nothing we do is in a vacuum.
  4. Because when someone asks you if you are a god, you say yes!
  5. Right... I don't understand how it works either, but I know we're not doing it. Stay in the game!
  6. Overlapping Trains of Hype threads have been merged.
  7. If this is a serious request, send one of us a PM, it can be arranged without any public indecencies.
  8. Hank Aaron https://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/30759123/long-home-run-king-hank-aaron-dies-86
  9. Ok yeah, I have to agree with that one. But that's not a gameplay thing, that's a business model. Given the crew in charge of making it happen, I don't think this will be a problem at all. Same with your other concern, I think the lead guys would rather not have that happen.
  10. I don't see why anything should not be included in the game, as long as the gameplay leading up to them is not compromised.
  11. Very cool @TheShadow1138, but if you could please include a link to any source code you might have used, that'd be great! Thanks!
  12. Oh, you don't have to remove it, we'll just MERGE THEM! BHAHAHAHAHA... oh sorry..... EDIT: Although, I do prefer your title Spiff, as it allows some that aren't working (students etc), to be included in the thread.
  13. You guys are mean. That’s a good question. There is no real purpose to it. We don’t give out prizes or recognition for a certain number of likes. But people do like to have others appreciate their work or ideas, and this is just a simple way of letting others know they are appreciated. It also serves to cut way back on the spammy “+1”, “^”, and “This” posts.
  14. Through the advanced tweakables (enabled in the settings) you can disable steering on them. I use whatever gear is appropriate for the size of plane I’m building.
  15. As this would require a mod, this question has been moved to add-on discussion.
  16. Got to thinking about this on my drive home this morning..... Would there be any lensing around what would basically be the point source of the black hole? Would there be a nice and slow "windows screen saver" lens slowly traveling across the sky every night? And day too... but you can't see background stars during the day.......... although...... there would have to be some lensing going on.... what effect on "eclipses" (more like transits now) would there be???
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