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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. Why? There should never be crew inside a structural tube. Did you cover up a hatch with a tube?
  2. Moved to KSP Discussion. Where Jeb wants it.
  3. He does custom contract work too. He's made a lot of stuff that is bespoke to the client's request.
  4. It looks like this mod contains an arm you can use. Plus, @Angel-125's mod listed above is shown to work in the latest release. You can build custom arms from that. I have also merged the two overlapping threads that were running concurrently .
  5. Dunno if this still works, but you can try, there are various fixes to various problems listed in the thread.
  6. I think the game will be expensive enough at release. I agree. He deserves the nod.
  7. In general, higher speeds would normally equal higher performance. There are others here with a more in depth knowledge of this, but it seems to me two things might have been happening. First off, you might have been running up a RAM limit. Seems unlikely with 16gb, but if you had a bunch of other things in the background, and a heavily modded game, you might have run out of space. Secondly, the new RAM might just work better with your specific setup than the old. There might have been some slight incongruities that were causing some slight instabilities that KSP was deciding to munch on. But regardless, the notable increase in stability is far more desirable than the probably unnoticeable loss of speed.
  8. But to dock, you need to rendezvous, and there's some good stuff in that thread on it. Did you try reading it?
  9. Lots of good stuff in this thread that will help you out:
  10. Bob Ross is more famous than Van Gogh.
  11. This question has been moved to the Gameplay Questions Subforum. And there's no need to restate our Forum Rules. If a post doesn't meet our forum standards, it can be reported and the moderators will deal with it. Welcome to the forums @MrWookie2U! I don't think this is easily done in a stock game. The Ion engines don't have the thrust to get to Orbit, although it's been years since I've tried for that very reason.
  12. If there's a question you need one of the mod team to respond to, you can report the thread in question. There really shouldn't be that many situations that are outside of an existing thread, but if there is, you can PM any of the mods you do see around regularly and we'll get to it as soon as we can. If it's urgent, and doesn't pertain to a particular thread, you can always report any thread (one of the pinned locked threads is probably a good one) and any moderators that are on will see it.
  13. And so it is. Overlapping threads have been merged
  14. There was that one time I made a series of serious inquiries into obtaining depleted uranium to use as a keel weight in RC racing yachts. I never did get a response as to the cost per kilo. I’d only need like 3-4 kgs I said. You know this stuff is radioactive right? They said. Only much later it was pointed out that tungsten is denser, and available on Amazon. So yeah...... 99% sure I’m on some watch lists.
  15. As moderator, it’s statements like this From you guys that make me wonder if should notify PD/TTi Legal department before reading any farther. very nifty experiment though.
  16. Yeah I thought about it, but the Roci is in landing orientation, and she lands vertically. And the majority of the text is right side up, so.....
  17. Good luck with the writing. I know you haven't been able to get into KSP, but you have regaled us with quite a few questions on the subject. Hopefully we've been able to help some. Good luck sir/madam!
  18. And with deference to the OP, I consider Star Wars and Star Trek vessels (wessels!) to be in the same category here.
  19. A reddit thread I just saw says that since the SD’s Would orbit at about 400km, it would only be about 14 arcseconds, vs the the moon’s 40. So about a third the size. But I can see it being much bigger if you brought it in real low.
  20. This discussion about add Ons has been moved to add on discussions.
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