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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. Hey Jim, we'll probably need more info, like logs and such:
  2. Hi there @ombrero! Yup, attach a probe core to the dropped experiments, make it a probe unto itself, and the dropped experiments should survive. Of course, you have to make sure the parachute you are using is strong enough to safely land the pod. And this has been moved to Gameplay Questions.
  3. Hey, @MantoF18, there’s a mod for that in KSP already, I believe it’s called “Lights Out”. Might fit the bill until they make it stock, if they ever do.
  4. Just like you would any other Sceen shot. Hit PrtScn. Open up Paint, Ctr-V, Select the area you want to show (we really don't need to see your whole desktop), crop, save, post to Imgur, then post that link here.
  5. The download links for this mod were removed, again, due to noncompliance with the add-on posting rules of this forum. Until the OP of the mod, @Karrot, fixes this situation, we cannot allow the links to remain. Please contact one of the moderators directly @Karrot.
  6. I know this is a thread about a show about the Space Race during the cold war, and some historical context will be necessary for some discussion, but let's leave current day politics out of it please, it never leads anywhere good. Some content has been removed.
  7. Just blew my nose so well, my whole outlook on life has improved.
  8. 8 GB is about the minimum you can get away with to run a modded KSP. I ran about 80 mods on a very old i3 machine with 8gb of Ram, and it was pretty stable.
  9. Gargamel


    Added to the leaderboard... 3767
  10. Apparently, GFN support ended at the end of June this year. I have no inside information, but I would assume the deal was not beneficial to one of the parties, and it wasn't a viable long term solution for them. I don't know if we'll see it on GFN again.
  11. Modders do their work in their own time, for no pay and little thanks. They update their mods when they can. Please check the mod thread itself for info regarding your question, but it appears to be actively worked on:
  12. Until very recently the skybox (the stars and such you see when looking up) included numerous nebulae and galaxies clearly visible. And not as just fuzzy dots. KSP has never been known for accuracy in Astronomy nor Planetary Science. Moved to KSP discussion.
  13. I think the water is fake since all the water in the game is at the same exact height. I don't think there are any lakes above 0m ASL.
  14. Best thing to do is ask in the mod thread itself:
  15. Change That to 2010 and it will all make sense. The military industrial complex will always cause confusion. I've seen first hand accounts of front line soldiers compared over the centuries, and if you adjust for the vernacular of the times, they all read the same.
  16. There are a number of people who Beta test already for SQUAD. There are also a number of paid QA people on SQUAD staff. But even with the best testing methods, some things are going to squeak through. Things that they just didn't think of. Imagine you're writing software for an automated coffee shop. You have thought of practically everything. Your QA testers come in and try to break the system. They order Small Venti Waters. They order 3 gazillion black coffees with milk. Everything you can throw at it you do. Passes with flying colors. As soon as you go live, the first customer walks into the store and asks to use the bathroom. Entire building burns to the ground. What might be obvious in hindsight was not very obvious at design time. And that's why KSP uses the testing group known as the community. I have never seen a more deranged and limit breaking group of gamers. If we don't require a bug patch with every update, then I become disappointed in the community. It just means we're not pushing the game hard enough. And yeah, maybe somethings should have been caught earlier, but the devs just didn't see them coming until it was too late. So yeah, we're 11 versions into the full release of KSP1, (and I'm almost sure at this point the difference between 1.0 and 1.11 is more than .23 and 1.0, so hats off to the devs for keeping the game alive) and each and every time we've need a couple patches to work out the usually minor bugs that have crept up. I just wait until the 1.x.1 update drops before I bother updating. That way the bugs that happen at initial release aren't a problem for me. I still have my 1.3.1 save I like to break out from time to time. Getting the newest and shiniest version isn't on my priority list. So, my point is, if the existence of the bugs upon update release bothers you, then wait a bit before updating. The Squad guys aren't going anywhere, they're going to fix the update, and usually rather quickly. If you like the cutting edge, and don't mind encountering a few quirks along the way, then by all means up date as soon as you can. And this Development suggestion has been moved to the Suggestions Forum.
  17. @marksh16, please be aware that you are asking about a problem that occurred 6 years ago, and the game has changed significantly during that time. Most of RemoteTech's original features were basically incorporated into the stock game with the CommNet system. Are you sure this question is valid for your game setup?
  18. I don't think they're asking for tech support here, I thought so at first too. I think they're asking for mod lists that others use to get higher quality graphics. Although, this does seem to be an XY problem in that they're trying to change mods rather than fix the ones they have. But for the time being, it looks like they're asking for mod lists.
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