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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. You'd probably OD on potassium first, which is half of the sodium potassium pump that drives your heart. Too much of one causes the heart to go wonky. But you'd probably die from your stomach exploding before you got to this point anyways.
  2. THREADS OF THE MONTH August 2020 It's that time of the month again! We gather to recognize the great works our community has created, either with their initial post or the subsequent discussion that arises. This month we take a look at an overly detailed airliner, a mod that adds some wiggle to your craft, a melancholy retrospective, the visualization of one of the forum's great works, and how to use ISRU for fun and profit. Who says noodle rockets are bad? Well, we all kind of do, but what if only a few parts of your rocket had a little jiggle and wiggle? Well, @Icecovery thinks adding a little wobble to rocket parts is a good idea, and we tend to agree. It adds some realistic motion to parts that should shimmy a little bit. Next.... well next is a doozy. Whoa boy. We've seen some detailed and intricate models done with stock KSP before, but we think this one takes it to a whole other level. This B737 replica by @Maxorin is absolutely bonkers in it's level of detail. And now a somber note. @StrandedonEarth started this thread a while ago to commemorate those who have passed, and has done a great job of maintaining the title changes as events occur. We salute you in your dedication to the thread, and may those mentioned within rest in peace. Step 1: Build a Munar Base. Step 2: ???? Step 3: Profit. Actually we know what step 2 is. And it's got a whole lot of smaller steps within it, as @katateochi shows us in their attempts to fund their space program by exploiting distant worlds. And it seems a year cannot pass without some mention of this work in a TOTM post. @Oraldo revak has yet again produced a stunning cinematic, this time adapting @Just Jim's fantastic saga "Emiko Station". We cannot wait for future episodes to come out. We congratulate all the winners of this month's Thread of the Month Award! Feel free to add the badge at the top of this post to your signature and to your thread. We would also like to thank the members who have nominated threads for consideration: @Servo, @dnbattley, @Misguided_Kerbal, @JorgeCS, @GuessingEveryDay, and @Lo var Lachland. Without your nominations, we might miss some really great threads. Just use that report button, and tell us that you'd like to nominate that thread for TOTM. And as always, thanks to @adsii1970 for the badges! See you guys next month!
  3. Isn't there a minimum experience level to use chutes? I don't use them enough to know.
  4. That's not a link to an image, that's a link to a page. Click on the pic in imgur, and then right click the image, "Copy image location", then paste that here. https://i.imgur.com/tdfXU1I.png
  5. KSP is very tolerant of older machines. Let's not dash all hope of finding a solution without having to make a serious investment. The Issue isn't KSP vs a computer with these specs, the issue is how old the hardware is, and it seems to be failing to adequately cool itself. KSP is not a GPU intensive game, it's mainly a CPU one. KSP shouldn't be stressing your vcard more than it can handle, even one that old. Get a can of air and blow out all the air ducts on the card and try to improve cooling.
  6. Seeing how most of this is answered in other threads, and the Klaw has had a few bugs fixed since this thread was originated, we'll just lock this one down. If you have fresh issues with more recent versions, it's probably best to start a new thread.
  7. Conjecture: The bacon number for any two spoken languages is no more than 2. Take any two random humans on the planet, the max number of interpreters to allow them to converse is two, where the interpreters would share a common known language. There are enough polyglots on the planet that there should never been a need for a third interpreter between the other two.
  8. You do realize that 685 posts per day is roughly 25 pages per day? You're about 4 months behind schedule. Past attempts to break the forum using code usually results in perma-bans. Since this is literally how a DoS attack works, it might result in more than just bannings. Let's not go there. What? No.... sigh.....
  9. It might help if we also saw the build too. Do you have a link?
  10. Wait...... what? Have I been doing this wrong for the last 8 years???
  11. But the problem with logarithmic scales is that they severely distort scale and distance. That pic makes it look like our oort cloud extends all the way into AC's "SOI", to misuse a term. But for those that can read it, it's a nice pic.
  12. If your on Steam, you can just right click the entry in your library, select Properties, and verify your files. That should replace the missing exe.
  13. While I might choose different words personally , we have had nothing but issues here with people trying to use the Twitch installer do hickey whatever it is. There are few things more useless than the KSP launcher, but the twitch thingy seems to be one of them. If you want to use an Installer, use CKAN. If you want to do it manually, do it. For help, use this guide, unless the specific mod you want has different instructions: Thread moved to Add-on Discussion.
  14. I guess we can lock it if you wish @Munarmunar, but I'd suggest letting it sit for a bit. Some people don't come on here every day, and one of them might have some good insight. Your choice though.
  15. Very nice. Got a kick out of reading that.
  16. @Lewie, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we can't allow this to take place on the forums, we have a specific rule for this (2.2j). Role Playing through KSP has never ended well on the forums, even a turn based one such as this. One player says something the other team doesn't like, nations get attacked, feelings get hurt, and then it spills over into the forums and it's all messy. So, if you would like to proceed, we ask that you would host the game on a discord, email list, or a BBS (and to please leave it there and not bring any fallout here). And as this thread is now about recruiting players for your game, it has been moved to the Kerbal Network.
  17. Since some of you are going to be entering college in the near future, I'll again plug Alpha Phi Omega, the national co-ed service fraternity based on the Scout Oath and Laws. When you're doing your campus tours, ask about visiting a chapter (if they have one, most do), the brother's (male and female) there would be more than happy to meet you. It's like Scouts for college kids, but with less camping (That's what the outdoor clubs are for!).
  18. They should take the Cleveland minor league team as their affiliate then, keep the sea monster theme going.
  19. I have found the best way to get rid of those blocks is to put the cursor immediately before it, and then hit backspace. The GUI here is kinda weird and doesn't always behave as you think it should (try editing a table). But although, it could just be the mobile interface. I've never used the "cut" tool before.
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