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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. I don't believe you are using MechJeb, but MJ has COM and other indicators available, and they appear as dots on the the screen. When you enter timewarp, they tend to jump all over the place, outside of the vessel. That's what these look like to me. And until we prove otherwise, we'll leave this thread here as I think it's mod related.
  2. Right. Some posts have been edited or removed. You can disagree with the argument, but don't attack the person. Let's try to remain civil.
  3. The license must be clearly stated in the OP of the mod release thread, along with a direct link to the source code. Having to click links on the Github site to find the source code is not acceptable.
  4. Also, you have not supplied an appropriate license as per our add-on posting guidelines. And seeing as this mod doesn't work at the moment, the download links have been removed until the license issues are resolved.
  5. Some Off topic posts that were nothing but personal attacks on each other have been removed. You have the right to attack a post, but nobody has the right to attack a person.
  6. Right. Let's not derail the conversation at hand, which seems to be of some importance at the moment, with talk of what Squad should be doing with their QA process. We already have a number of threads for this....
  7. That is what happens when you post something that is either off topic, or starts a discussion that becomes off topic. And since this discussion has continued with other members replying, it won't get deleted.
  8. Have you checked in the MJ thread? All that info is listed there.
  9. Some slightly off topic discussion has been split off into:
  10. "Overlapping threads have been merged" - @Vanamonde 2018
  11. Notice in that graph how XP and 7 are above their successor, yet 10 is on the top of the chart? Not only does that speak to the fact that Vista and 8 were total crap, but it also reflects how M$ forced win 10 on it's users if they wanted it or not. I wondered how that graph would be skewed if Vista and 8 were forced upon people. Now, don't get me wrong, I love 10. Best OS I've had. This was originally a 7 machine, and I'm happy with the upgrade.
  12. Discussion split off from: Hence the weird OP by @GoldForest.
  13. That's not how we work around here...... All discussion below this point has been split off into it's own thread. Locking this thread as the question has been answered any further discussion should be directed to this thread:
  14. Banned for not being banned last time
  15. Banned for not accounting for the prolific posting patterns of a certain poster.
  16. Yes, you wouldn't want a bunch of us in here.......
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