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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. Overlapping threads have been merged. Please look for existing threads in the correct sub forum before starting a new one, Thank You.
  2. And misplaced. Moving to KSP2 Discussion.
  3. Well, we could just keep guessing at what mods you have :D, or you could provide us with a list and logs, as mentioned here:
  4. @UtilitarianModder, Hi there! Welcome to the forums. Huge log files posted to the forums, even hidden in spoilers, can cause issues for some users viewing the forums. Please host your log files on a service like dropbox and link them here.
  5. HI @HonkHogan Beautiful work there. We'll need you to post a link to any source code you might have used, and to select a license, as per the Add-on posting rules found at the top of this subforum. Till then, we've had to remove the download link.
  6. Hi There, Welcome to the forums! We're going to need some logs:
  7. We're probably going to need the output log. How To Get Support (READ FIRST) - Technical Support (PC, modded installs) - Kerbal Space Program Forums
  8. Did you throttle down to 0 before staging? Some pics of your craft would help. And as I believe this is not an actual bug, but a design issue (or at best a random, non solvable kraken attack), I'm moving this thread over to Gameplay Questions.
  9. Perhaps.... there just might be :). Welcome to the Forums! If you see a thread that needs moved, please just use the Report Thread to the upper right and explain what's going on. That, and other wonderful tips on how things work, can be found in this thread:
  10. Moved to Add-on Discussion, you'll get better answers there.
  11. No, No No.... You don't get to posit a "ball of flesh" orbiting by Saturn and not give a little context there! Cheeky answer is 0, as I don't think there's a material capable of holding gaseous mercury (or gaseous anything) at that temp. Also, wouldn't you start to encounter some breakdowns in the fundamental forces at these energy levels? Ie similar to the plasma/goo immediately after the Big Bang?
  12. Guess if you are recovering some heavy boosters, you could chain a bunch of seats and kerbals together to have enough parafoil to bring it down safely..... "Yes Jeb, this mission is manned, but not the part that goes to space...."
  13. Hehehe yeah... later I was visualizing a game in my head and I had to mentally switch vessels without looking at the keyboard, just let the imaginary muscle memory do the work to figure out what buttons I'm hitting.
  14. How To Get Support (READ FIRST) - Technical Support (PC, modded installs) - Kerbal Space Program Forums Without logs or anything else.... not much we can do other than say to reinstall and see if that helps.
  15. Welcome to the forums. I'm brain farting here, but I'm 98% sure it's [ and ] to switch vessels (if not it's < >). Alternatively, you could go to the map mode, and click on the vessel you want to switch to and choose "Switch to", but this becomes very difficult at close ranges. Also, moving to Gameplay Questions.
  16. Please upload any log files to a hosting service like dropbox and then post the link here. How To Get Support (READ FIRST) - Technical Support (PC, modded installs) - Kerbal Space Program Forums
  17. Well..... you're a cat..... Does it work though? And you can obviously start new threads inside of subforums, so as long as it's not a major affect on you.... We'll pass it on up the ladder though.
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