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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. Gargamel


    2459... we're getting close... is "2459 a prime" is number 3 in google results
  2. Hey, binnnakrab, could you possibly expand on that a bit? It's kind of hard to respond to a post like that.
  3. Being the new guy on the team, I'm still adjusting how I get notifications. I had 70 some today alone. It took me about 4 hours to go through the forums to read and respond to all the threads I wanted to as a player.
  4. When we said manually, we were referring to independently of the bridge. As in the engineering crew has the ability to control them if needed.
  5. Take a look at this thread, same issue, but with a different approach to solving it. But that said, I would love an auto transmit mod that doesn't break warp.
  6. We're going to need the output log: And a few more details: When does it crash? Can you reproduce it? Mod list?
  7. Post split into it's own thread, as this is about a modded install, dissimilar to the thread it was in. You'll get better replies on it's own.
  8. Oops... when I posted that, I was referring to the XL3's. What @bewing said.
  9. Steve, Have you tried just editing that field in the save? Manually make it unshielded? Also, moved to gameplay Q's.
  10. That's the thing. Everything on these age of ships was controlled manually, in some form or another. They didn't increase the throttle and the engines immediately sped up, they sent a signal to the engineer and they increased the throttle. Ok, there were some things that were directly controlled, like the rudder, but they all had manual backups of some sort. But as Mag said, you needed someone to coordinate all of it together, and that was the job of the bridge.
  11. Same Here. @ManeTI? Moved the Kerbal Network from KSP discussion, as it is about the website, not the game.
  12. When I mentioned they work in a different fashion, I mean they work more like tank treads than wheels that turn to steer. So if you turn right, the wheels on the right spin backwards, while the ones on the left spin forward. Zero turn radius with practice. And you quickly learn that by pushing forwards, and quickly tapping left and right, you can achieve some insane speeds.
  13. WWII era battle ships also had "directors", which were basically spotters that helped coordinate the firing of the guns. They were usually located in spots other than the bridge, and would continue to press any attack. Without direct order's from the bridge, however, they would have to choose their own targets, and that might not be the best tactic for the ship over all at that time, running against the ideas of whoever was trying to re-establish command of the ship.
  14. That's an understatement. Simple speed tests of 4-6 wheeled rovers can hit very very high speeds. They work in a different fashion than the rest of the wheels. You can add more wheels to your rover, and that will increase power, but there's a downside. KSP doesn't have any stock hinges or bearings, so large sets of wheels have trouble making the transitions between different angles of slopes, as it won't conform to the terrain. At the bottom of a hill, only your front and rear sets of wheels will actually be touching the ground, which can lead to an under-power scenario again. So you sometimes need to have a bit of momentum when approaching hills. But not too fast, cause you can break the wheels.
  15. Mod list? Cause this output.log is taking like 6 years to load for me, you might want to consider pruning some of the mods, or looking for specific conflicts. I don't know if it's my computer or the hosting service, or if this log is actually this big, but I can't find the end of it.... <10 minutes later> OK found the end of the log... Geesh.... Ummm.... what's the error.log say?
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