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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. But But... that's not guacamole..... It's good, but not guac.
  2. Did you read the thread posted above? In there is where to find the ksp.log file you need to share with us. Please DO NOT post it in the forum, but use a third party service like drop box to host the file, as it is very large. If you look closely, you'll notice this is only the date and time of the crash, no other info... The logs mentioned in the sticky would be very useful.
  3. Buy Squad. Finish up and release 1.5 Make KSP 2. Make it free to previous users and anybody with an .edu address. Use that popularity to expand Squad's library, and make them profitable. Start a university that hands out free emails. Buy whatever company is/was Firaxis and have them fix the Bugs in Sid Meiers RailRoads. Host Kerbal-Kon.
  4. Pretty sure this is just another thread like the "How to rep farm one", but much more cleverly executed. @The_Cat_In_Space is just relying on reverse psychology for us to come mess up his perfect score.
  5. If you dig through the Royal Insitute lectures on Youtube, there's a pretty good talk about similar stuff, but mainly as an accelerator around the surface of the moon, but he does touch into orbital accelerators. But, IIRC, an accelerator the size of the moon would suffice enough for 'the next step' in power. Anything bigger wouldn't be able to reach sufficient energies until is was a ring about the size of the orbit Neptune.
  6. Burning Human Flesh. One of the worst smells I've ever had to endure, and I've done more times than I'd like to remember. But.... did we evolve to recognize the smell as bad and a possible warning sign of danger, or does it just really smell bad to all animals? I find the smell of cooking/burning meat to be quite delightful, but burnt people not so much.
  7. True, true, but waiting for Hohmann windows just doesn't make for good a dramatic moment....
  8. Are those stock ports? They don't look like stock ports, unless the model has been updated in 1.4/MH (I haven't played enough with that yet). Known issue, being worked on, reportedly.
  9. While the science mechanic is very, well, mechanical as you say, the biggest complaint I have seen is that it is too easy to max out the tech tree without leaving Kerbin's SOI, increasing the contract rewards would just inflate this issue. Without a balancing nerf to the rest of the science collection mechanics, this would just make the game even easier. And nerfing the rest of the science just doesn't seem like a good idea to me. So while I agree that survey contracts should have more of a reward, the balancing offset to this would not improve the game. As for test contracts, I would think there would be a limit to how much science you should be able to get from testing a prototype part. The theory is already there, so the science to build the item has already been researched, they just want a place/scenario to test their theories. So the return to your space program is limited. Now if there was a small chance of failure when the test is run (ie big explosion), that should boost the science return for that contract. When looking for experimental results to confirm a theory, it is usually more interesting and informative when the experiment is a failure.
  10. I know where the root folder is, and I know where to put mods. Those are not the same thing. Unless the mod creator has a very specific reason for having files out side of Gamedata, and they will almost always specify what that reason is, always follow the guide given above by @4x4cheesecake.
  11. Would that have been in-vertical fertilization then?
  12. Only if you think Tolkien is better than Haggard. That's where they got the name from. One of the episodes does deal with the novel and the silent movie.
  13. Oh, I beg to differ there. In Apollo 13, the events were well documented, during and after the fact. The filmmakers basically just had to make a well written movie that stayed true to the events. It basically wrote itself IMO. In the Martian, the author had to do so much research on existing techs, and then extrapolate the advances that might be made by then. The amount of historical/scientific research he had to sort through to come up with a very plausible storyline and science was completely based on real stuff. HE had to get everything right (and he came close). To me, the martian is just a projection of history into the future. We can bump any other discussion of the specifics over to the sc-fi thread if you'd like. But as movies, they are about equal to me. But if you add "From the Earth to the Moon" into the mix with Apollo 13, which I freely do, since it was done in the same light and by a bunch of the same film makers, A13+FTETTM is far superior to The Martian. A13 can easily replace the Apollo 13 episode in FTETTM, as that episode was forced to take a different narrative line.
  14. I've found that if I report a post that is in the wrong place, it is usually moved fairly promptly. It's completely understandable for a newer poster to think a post regarding some of the heavier maths and such involved in the game should belong there.
  15. I haven't messed with any of this, so I really don't know, but wouldn't that end up with the launchsites being in the wrong place on the map? Wouldn't some sort of correction be needed?
  16. Album displays are no longer supported IIRC. But to show an image, when viewing it on your hosting site of choice, right click the image, select "Copy Image Location" and then in the forums, click "Insert Other Media" and paste the URL.
  17. If you're a direct downloader from the store, you just need to save your previous downloads. Steam has options to do something like this, but I think it only goes back a few versions. I don't believe there is any way to get pre 1.0 versions without already having a copy. Corrected, see 4x4's answer below.
  18. That's called seam taping, and is common in higher end tents and outdoor gear.
  19. Too well, as in, there was a chicken in the box upon landing?
  20. I never did an egg drop challenge, but Cedar Point closes their doors to the public one day a year, and invites HS physics classes to come do experiments on the rides. That was a fun day.
  21. Which kills any potential sales. Although, if it was like a $3-$5 DLC, I can see it having a niche. Squad owns the parts, and I don't think it would be unreasonable for them to ask the creator of that mod to withdraw that mod, as the IP he is distributing is technically Squads. (And yes, I know the can of worms I just opened. I apologize in advance, but let's keep the rhetoric to a minimum please.) And yeah, there's that point too.
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