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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. When launching craft for solar orbits, and you really don't care where they end up along the orbit (ie Sentinel Asteroid Telescope), you can launch to the orbit directly from Kerbin. For orbits lower than kerbin's, launch straight up at sundown, and hold vertical till in space, then switch to prograde (should only be a few degrees different). Keep burning until your solar periapsis is at the desired height and circularize when you get there (many many days later). For orbits higher than Kerbin, do the same, but launch predawn and burn till the solar apoapsis is the desired altitude. This will save you Dv and time by not wasting any in achieving a Kerbin orbit.
  2. Rumor is they affect the the randomness of the facial expressions.
  3. Pretty sure that's been around for a long long time..... Edit: Whoops, noticed it changed.
  4. Nope, not doing anything wrong, just another step on the learning curve.
  5. From the wiki: I actually haven't heard of these, I'll have to start using Kerbnet more..... But from that article, it seems they are random, which implies to me they may not spawn on every body.......
  6. TESS is launching soon, and I'm psyched. Similar to Keplar, but instead on focusing on one area of the sky, TESS will scan local stars, revealing candidates that our more conventional telescopes have a chance of gleaning more info on. https://tess.gsfc.nasa.gov/ Being a member of the Zooniverse, in particular the Keplar mission, I'm really excited to see the data that comes back from this.
  7. Yup, saw this last night too. At first it seemed serious, then a littel funny, then deep into campy. It looks like it should be fun, but not taken seriously. Having worked in a fabrication shop that dealt mainly with titanium, I can tell you it is a fairly soft and malleable metal, when compared to steel. it won't hold an edge worth a damn, again compared to steel.
  8. Thought they fixed that in .2?
  9. You can already do this in settings, the "require connection for probe control". Or some sort language. But the point of having that setting turned on is to force you to remember to do such things. If you want a cheat to quickly flip on and off, then there's no real point in having the setting enabled in the first place.
  10. That's why you limit the number of upgrades. The upgrades wouldn't be designed so you couldn't build a heavy lifter with just terriers. It would just make them slightly more efficient, only a few % points worth. And while that could feasibly break some designs, unless you are specifically min/maxing your designs, most people have a little cushion built in. And I would say keep the sandbox game at default, or maxed values, so if you are designing a challenge, the playing field is level. If the challenge is in career mode, then that would be specified.
  11. The forum software has this nifty feature that underlines common abbreviations used in KSP: VAB, SPH, RO, RSS, to name a few. If you mouse over them, it will show what they mean. The more you know :).
  12. Well, today I accidentally turned off the coolant on the CNC lathe I was running. I didn't notice till I reached in to remove the part from the machine. Now I have 1st degree burns all over the palm of my hand. Yay me. Aloe and Ibuprofen for a couple days.....
  13. Yeah, I bought it till I saw other's doing the math, but in theory it makes sense, so I roll with it. Its what the entire series is based on, so it kinda needs to work.
  14. We've all done it. As I said right of passage. I used to work in a computer shop, and we'd send a computer home with a customer. About once a month, they'd call back within a couple hours complaining it wouldn't turn on. I'd ask if it was plugged in correctly, they'd get upset that I called them an idiot. They'd then hang up when they realized it was in fact not plugged in. So I always start with the basic questions first.
  15. I know this has been suggested a few times before, but I've never added much to it, so I will now :). Maybe instead of unlocking new techs that affect all parts, we could unlock a tech that would allow us to upgrade existing parts individually. Lets say each part would have 3 tech levels, and you could spend science to upgrade the modules for the three levels. Your engine could have 3 choices, mass, thrust, or ISP. You could spend the first science tech on increasing the thrust, and the second on ISP. Same with structural parts. We can apply your new material to a certain tank, decreasing it's dry mass. The volume of fuel would stay the same, as they are still the same size, just better built. Some things would become more efficient overall. so something like a battery could use one of it's tech levels to make the material lighter, but the stored charge would be the same, or you could increase the charge, but keep the same mass. And with the third tech level, you could add another bit of charge to it (+2 charge) or reduce the weight also (+1 Charge, -1 mass). Antennas would have the same options, but with power and mass. Experiments again with mass or returned science. Parts could also have a cost element in the techs. Using a tech level to increase production efficiency would reduce the cost by say 5%. Each tech level would be a minor improvement, no more than 5% of original.
  16. As reputation decreases, the cost to hire a new kerbal should be reflective of their stupidity and courage. A stupid and courageous kerbal should cost less to hire than a Smart and timid one. Just apply this as a modifier to the base rate for each new hire. As reputation increases, the difference between the two modifiers decreases, maybe even inverting at high rep.
  17. That was my first thought too. but since he specifically said gun, I shrugged and ran with it.
  18. Well, if the hero can't make the same jump, then he's stuck. And firing at a moving target at that distance has a low probability of actually hitting him. Ricochet's and over shoots in a populated area are a bad thing (trust me, I know, I used to work in an urban trauma center). And if they want him alive, the chances of killing him if he does hit him is too great. Realism wise, I'm ok with this, but plot wise I guess it could be a bit jarring. Dangit, Ninja'd by @p1t1o!
  19. Well, if you add KOS along with the smart parts, you'll be set. Since most of the work is being done by SPs, the KOS script you'd have to write should be fairly simple, in contrast.
  20. Oldy but goody answer here: Look at the two ports in question real close in flight. Are they attached with the correct side facing out? Attaching a docking port facing the wrong way is an old KSP right of passage. If they are both on correctly, are they compatible? Some mods docking ports might look similar, but are incompatible with stock ports (I'm looking at you Konstruction). I also see you have MJ2 installed. Sometimes MJ can get wonky with docking, and fight the ports. If you are using MJ, and the above suggestions aren't the answer, take her in manually and see if you can get it to work. Some screenshots might help after that if you are still having trouble, there might be some parts blocking the ships from connecting or something weird.
  21. My laptop has a Function key (Fn). Fn-F12/F11 adjusts the brightness. Gonna be the guy that says this, but make sure you are hitting Alt, and not Fn (or another key).
  22. Problem is having the game determine what is a faulty rocket. I can just say it was supposed to do that. I've intentionally aborted launches just to test the LES's I've included. And since I use Final Frontier, I do recover those missions, not revert, so I can giver credit to those poor guinea pigs test pilots. Some rockets are intended to go suborbital, and sometimes scarily. My controlled precision landings for biome research are often neither controlled nor that precise, but they get there and count as a success. Kerbals don't have fear, since they are evolved from a hive mind organism, so being on a failed mission really doesn't bother them.
  23. Four twenty and seven years ago our fathers brought upon on this land, a new country, realized in right, and made to the plan that all men are created even. Now we are entered in a great family war, trying whether that country, or any country so realized and so made, can long last. We are met on a great fight-field of that war. We have come to make a piece of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that country might live. It is all fitting and right that we should do this. But, in a larger sense, we can not make— we can not God make— we can not sing— this ground. The strong men, living and dead, who fought here, have made it, far above our poor power to add or remove. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be made here to the not finished work which they who fought here have so far so acted strong going forward. It is rather for us to be here made to the great job remaining before us—that from these well known dead we take more love to that cause for which they gave the last full part of love— that we here really promise that these dead will not have died use less— that this country, under God, will have a new life of right— and that leaders of the people, by the people, for the people, will not die from the earth. Ok, that was really hard. Makes Abe sound kinda stuck up.
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