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Everything posted by Gargamel
Needs addressed please.
Gargamel replied to Talavar's topic in KSP1 Suggestions & Development Discussion
Squad has 3 options here: 1) They state they are not planning on implementing MP. This will be make a lot of people angry and be widely regarded as a bad move. 2) They say nothing, but have some devs working on it. If they fail, nothing is lost PR wise. 3) They say nothing, and do nothing. This will continue the status quo, and nothing is lost. 2 of the 3 options allow them to allocate resources as they see fit, without making a lot of people angry. So unless they have any major breakthroughs, don't expect them to address the issue at all, aside from sticking to what has been said previously. - And yes, I replied with a DA quote... -
Aerodynamics for large rockets
Gargamel replied to DeadMG's topic in KSP1 Gameplay Questions and Tutorials
You really shouldn't need batteries and solar panels on the launch stage anyways. Your payload (assumedely) has such things already. Why add more weight? You can stage the fairings at alt's higher than 50km, the air is thin enough the fairing just adds weight and doesn't do anything more for aerodynamics. As you're already using MJ, it has the option in the ascent guidance to stage them for you, and then open your solar panels once you reach space. The engines you're using, I'm assuming again, also have alternators on them, generating EC. Your batteries should stay fully charged the whole time the engines are firing. If your ship can't survive without juice for the few minutes it's launching, it's not going to make it to Duna and back. -
I'm 90% sure that tapatalk already works with this forum engine, I believe it just needs some implementation from the devs here.
Game won't launch
Gargamel replied to Habibi Aiwa's topic in KSP1 Technical Support (PC, unmodded installs)
What exactly do you mean won't launch? The game is notorious for extremely long load times. -
Bad science in fiction Hall of Shame
Gargamel replied to peadar1987's topic in Science & Spaceflight
It's only 4 episodes long, you're almost done! It's worth the finish. -
I don't think it is. Squad has stated they want players to figure it out on their own. Searching for the code in google is all it would take. This isn't the first time it's been posted in the forums, and it's been posted elsewhere. The original code wasn't discovered by players every where, on their own, at the same time. It had to travel somehow, either word of mouth or through literature at the time. I know I learned about the code working on Ice Hockey from a Nintendo Power mag, and on Contra from a friend. It was probably originally leaked by one of the devs to a friend, and it snowballed from there. The chances of a modern player finding this particular code on their own is quite slim, as the key combinations on modern controllers is far greater than those of old. The fact that this code is shorter than the original accounts for this. What would the A,B, select, and start buttons be on every controller on every platform? Now the OP has stated, blatantly, the code. I only made reference to it's origins. I think giving a younger player that tidbit of info would cause them to discover the world of gaming from back then. Figure out the the history of the code and maybe learn a little something in the process. I also think it's unfair for squad to have added what PC players consider a feature, as a hidden part of the console games. From what I've read and seen, the consoles are already playing with a short deck, and any feature that can be included should, and easily. It should be an easily accessible, and well documented, menu in the game.
Bad science in fiction Hall of Shame
Gargamel replied to peadar1987's topic in Science & Spaceflight
I literally just watched this series, again, last night. There's a lot of holes, scientifically, in the plot, but the premise is amazing. Again, this show is ruined for you if you read a spoiler and haven't seen it yet, SO STOP READING HERE: -
I'm curious to what the first two generations of consoles were? Atari and what else? I always try the Konami code on all new games I play, just seeing if the devs have a sense of history/humor.
Karmville mod & Contract Pack: All buildings start off at level 0 (Ie, no buildings). Contracts are offered to plant and harvest certain crops. Science is rewarded for completion. Eventually you will have enough science points to leave the agrarian culture you are in, and start a space program.
I dunno bout the autopilot, but I'm definitely not against it! I use one and do require it, but I don't see it being a thing for stock. An alarm clock is a necessity if you are trying to manage multiple missions at once. Dv readouts are a must to I'd say. Stock shows you how much dv it will take to run the next burn, but won't tell you how much dv you have. It will tell you how much fuel you have, but not how much you need. There needs to be something like KER or MJ (readouts) in the stock game.
Check out the Konstruction mod. It has docking ports that can be 'welded' together in flight. They are removed from the vessel, reattaching the two main parts together. This really helps keep the part count down, removing two parts from every docking. I'd go up in pieces. Munar orbit isn't that hard to reach with a small tug craft. Build yourself a reusable "space taxi". Just a drone core with engines, rcs and a generic docking port on the front. Build it so it's capable of putting say 30 tons into Munar orbit. Then you can just load the taxi, and build each new section on top of that, or drop a subassembly on to it. You can build one, launch, do your munar transfer burn, then flip back and build and launch the next. You'll end up with a stream of taxis on the way to the Mun, and the next one will get there just as you're done docking the previous one. If you're playing career, make the taxi recoverable, just drop it into a 30km peri orbit around kerbin from the mun. If you were going to another planet, then I'd say build in LKO and go from there. But since the Mun has transfer windows that happen every LKO orbit, the logistics of multiple launches is much easier than building in LKO, and then trying to make an engine big enough to get it there. And from what you describe, I'm guessing the axis of thrust won't be close to the COM, so you'll have navigation issues too. (Maybe not, depends on how you build it) But a working sky hook would be cool to see.
Oh yeah. I tee'd off on the Asteroid like a golf ball trying to back into it! This thing will do crazy donuts too. Drifts pretty well too.
I can't be the first to have found this, so I'm curious as to what other people have done with it. Might have some implications on the Elcano challenges. This Rover, I think it's all stock, I tired using all stock parts (Aside from the MJ case): All tanks are empty. While pushing forward, hits about 13 m/s on flat terrain. But If I gently Hit Left or right (A/D) while pushing forward (W), the speed increases significantly, upwards of 75 m/s. Now this was my 4th attempt at getting an asteroid I had landed 20km from the KSP, back to the KSP, so I had tired of building 'correct' vessels, I was using inifinite Elec and no crash damage to hurry it along. Seeing as the wheels aren't turning to steer, I'm assuming one side is rotating faster than the other side in order to create 'differential' steering, like a tank track would. When running flat out, trying to steer adds more speed to one side, and the rest of the craft has to keep up. So spamming L/R gently back and forth keeps adding speed.
Checklists. When building a craft, use the Engineer's Report button to show you what you may have missed. Then step through Electrical, chutes, staging, docking, etc, to make sure you haven't missed anything. Same with Launching, step through all the settings you'll need so you don't miss anything. This is especially true if you use multiple mods and a bunch of them all need something tweaked. Any "next Step" type activity should have a checklist, mental or written down, that you step through for each new activity.
It occurred to me in the middle of the night that you might be asking this for a real life application, not in game. So my apologies to both you and @Vanamonde for my earlier reply in the other thread. 75kg, is either a really big RC drone, or a pretty small cruise missile. And over the distances you ask, I'm pretty sure is illegal in the US outside of a couple few restricted airspaces set aside for this, but even then you need some serious approvals to use it. How are you going to control this craft? If you plan on using cell service, then that implies you will be flying it over populated areas (they rarely put cell towers where nobody is). 100km is too far for LOS RC control, so you're stuck with a satellite connection. And now we're back into cruise missile territory. This sounds a lot like an XYZ problem. So before we can really help, we'll need more info. What is your intended purpose? What type of craft are you building? How effective is the pulse jet you have already, etc etc. Pictures would really help too. But if you are planning something illegal, even innocently illegal, then I think the forum will be unable to help.
For clarity, the world first indicator look like this in the top right of your screen: (happened to just earn one)
You can't 'build' a ramjet in KSP. Jets are parts that build craft. Never heard of anybody using kg as a unit of measurement in KSP, only tons. And a donkey could push 75kg for a long distance. Need more info. I betcha wikipedia has plans and measurements for a IRL ramjet. This post sure smells of fake post spam to me (says the forum moderator in me). EDIT: If this is a legit post, then we'd more than happy to help! We just need more clarification on what you mean.
I've transferred ore between my Drilling lander and a freighter designed to reenter Kerbin's atmo for a contract before and had no problems. I was worried about that too.
Well, then step through each of your mods, and their options, like a checklist. Make sure each them that would control throttle is disabled. Eliminate each error source one at a time till you find the culprit. Then report back here with your solution as it may help somebody else in the future.
(Note, this may be because I have the TCA mod installed, but...) If you right click each engine (while landed or in flight, not while under power), you should be able to set the thrust limiter for each one. Make sure they are perfectly even, maybe 10-20% for each, and then see how she flies.
Air brakes and grid fins are completely different animals. I agree airbrakes would be nice if they stood up to the heat a little better. Grid fins are used to steer a craft, they're used on large guided munitions and of course spacex, as they have more 'lifting' surface as compared to regular fins of the same size, but do add more drag. The fins are available from a number of mods already I believe, but I don't ever see these getting incorporated into stock.
Make RTGs have a set lifespan
Gargamel replied to Clockwork13's topic in KSP1 Suggestions & Development Discussion
I believe it doesn't change the stock RTG. At least mine isn't. But it does offer a variety of other RTG and Fission reactors that have limited lifespans.