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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. While I agree with your sentiment, couple of things. People aren’t being cheap. Each person has their own motivations and budgets that we don’t know about. And even when you do buy the game, the devs still don’t owe anybody anything. Short out of outright legal agreements, implied or explicit, buying a game is always caveat emptor.
  2. Overlapping threads have been merged. Sorry, ninja'd.
  3. And that's why I think they're doing EA now (also known as paid open beta), so they can work out the bugs while listening to input. With most of the components at ~80% complete, my guess is we'll see a Christmas 2022 release for the vast majority of components being included, and looking for a couple major updates later on when other not so completed components are brought into the fold. But that's a guess based on no exact info. EDIT: Let's change that Spring 2023. For some reason I have it stuck in mind it's May
  4. Asking somebody to learn orbital mechanics to play a game is pretty niche by any standard. Also, I can’t find any source quoting a number units sold anywhere near that amount. Do you have a source?
  5. That's pretty much it. KSP is a niche game, and it's best marketing is word of mouth. Users find it, love it, and tell their friends who may also like it. It's not a game that appeals to the general gaming community. That said, they will, or at least should, have a standard marketing campaign. We'll see when it happens.
  6. Yeah, your math is a touch off there. Going 54mph in a 55 doesn’t turn your 8 hour dive into a 2 hour one. Edit: didn’t see “from the ships perspective”. Never mind then
  7. As I’ve said on a number of occasions, if they state the system requirements before they have then nailed down, there will be a number of upset fans. It will either be “You lied to us! Now I have to go buy a new machine!” Or “You lied to us! I spent $800 on new parts I didn’t need!”. So there’s no benefit to the studio to guess. They’ll announce when they have it nailed down. Unless you’re completely oblivious to the state of your machine, If you think you’re computer can run ksp2, then you’ll probably be fine; if you know you’re going to need a new computer sooner rather than later, then you should be setting money aside now.
  8. If we want to discuss Mutiplayer in regards to the release date, feel free, but any other discussion needs to head over to this stupendously long thread on the details of MP. We don’t want to clutter up this thread with the same discussion. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/187358-ksp-2-multiplayer-discussion-thread/
  9. I amended my response above to preemptively respond to that comment It would be nice to know, but in don’t think we’re going hear anything till the date is closer.
  10. Check the steam page, that may have been updated. Edit: But to be honest, they’re not going to offer a “general idea”. If they’re wrong and understate, they’re getting yelled at because “You lied and said my machine can run it”. If they overstate, “You lied and said my machine couldn’t run it and I spent $800 on new parts!” They’ll probably wait till closer to release date to say anything specific like that. It’s hard to tell without even them knowing what the EA game will be like exactly.
  11. AFAIK nothing has been released yet, and to say anything would be pure speculation.
  12. How would this differ from turning off the screen overlay and taking a screen shot? Cinematics and photo style shots are already fairly easy to do.
  13. As this is not about the KSP forums, it has been moved to Fan works.
  14. For those that missed the original post: Lots of good questions answered in that thread
  15. Thread about Star Wars series has been merged into the Star Wars Series thread, which has pretty much morphed into our standing Star Wars everything thread.
  16. As long as they conform to the rest of the forum rules, it should be fine. We would consider a cinematic to be scripted, and while any voice actors you have would be technically playing a role, that's not quite the same.
  17. We can't always respond immediately. You haveto be patient. Crossposting the same question in multiple locations causes confusion and is very frowned upon. I answered your question here:
  18. Roleplaying is just that, roleplaying. Players take on roles within a group or groups, and act out scenarios. It becomes a problem when arguments arise and it spills out into the forums. It got bad enough in the past that we had to just outlaw it completely. Now, There are "agencies" within mods, but that's not role playing, that's just a modder giving a name to a "publisher".
  19. I'd prefer to think it's about Felicia Day
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