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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. Moved to add on discussion
  2. Thread is again open for discussion. Let's remember that we need to keep it civil. The game has not yet been released, and pretty much all arguments to that point are moot. If you do have a point to make, and you've said your piece, then you've said it. If somebody offers discussion on that issue, then feel free to continue to discuss. Bringing up the same point over and over again is merely banging everyone's head against a wall. Yelling louder won't make your point any more valid or theirs any less.
  3. Even then, A lot of them were still in the cringe category. There has to be a whole department in the Jedi building full of maimed wannabe jedi. I mean, we only see them after they have mastered the use of their weapon. I still randomly stab myself with writing implements, and I've been using them for > 40 years.
  4. We ask that people not do this, as it will spam up people's activity streams and make it difficult for them to navigate the forums.
  5. And add 6 inches and 75lbs. (Christensen is 6’, Prowse was 6’6” and a body builder). What I don’t want is another emo Vader. I’m liking it so far. Really glad to see McGregor back in it. But I have issues with the spinning light saber. A normal shield is usually braced against your arm, I see this saber as being exceptionally easy to damage a lot of things you don’t want too.
  6. Well, that led me down a rabbit hole of “omg i love these guys and didn’t know it”.
  7. More Off Topic posts about multi player have been removed.
  8. 7000 people were on the forums at once.
  9. Actually @Stone Blue, apparently I do know how. Top of this page or so: But the fact that the picture no longer exists worries me, as I took it right from Invison’s page itself.
  10. Most of the articles I read were actually pretty good. Not because they espoused the "Magic Propulsion system found!" that most of the mainstream media talked about, but more of the "This shouldn't work, but hey we noticed something, can somebody check our math" style of article. I think that most science based topics will have this dichotomy of writing. The science journalists will write most of their articles to explain to non specialists in that field what is happening, and maybe they'll jump to a few conclusions, but the good ones do their best to not get over excited in their interpretations of a paper or experiment. Then there's the mainstream media who only take that single snippet from a paper and hyperbolize it for the clicks and ratings. I don't think that's the type of article @caecilliusinhorto is referring to though. I think they're asking about articles that are just plain wrong. Like the one they linked in the OP, it's not an article written to describe breaking news, it's one written to be a factual educational read. But it's just so, so wrong.
  11. Do not despair just yet.... IIRC, there is a work around for whatever change was made (I'm 90% sure there is, but not 100%). I do not know it, but I believe it was mentioned either in this thread or the ask the mods thread. Try your luck with a search (might have better luck playing keno though), but I'm pretty sure somebody with the answer will come along.
  12. Ahhhhhh geez...... *starts digging through the filled up garage of KSP links*. ... dig.... dig...... oh hey, I've forgot I had _that_ link....... dig dig.... Oh heh! Found it!
  13. Well this is news to me, what happened??
  14. Since the game hasn’t been released, and we don’t even know what it will contain, any conversation about releases after KSP2 is completely moot.
  15. I created a “Munar Archery” challenge years ago that did just that, launch a projectile on the Mun and see how close you can get to hitting the launching craft on the way back around.
  16. Let’s keep this thread to the discussion of how kerbal Starliner, and all other discussion to the linked thread.
  17. My first instinct is that you are using mechjeb and you have some sort of throttle limiter (max q?) enabled.
  18. Move to gameplay questions. The key to a stable and responsive plane is the correct positioning of your COL relative to your COM. There’s quite a few tutorials on here that describe this, and I bet somebody more eloquent than I will come along shortly (or perhaps already has posted) and describe this better.
  19. Ground weather vs air weather. One is just slower. Amounts to the same thing, primary and secondary missions are complete, anything left is just residual (but still useful) data gathering.
  20. Brushes. Like on a slot car tracks cept the brushes point up in This case. The drone has a circular port with concentric contacts for the brushes to touch, allowing it to land in any orientation. Or some such “plugless” concept, perhaps landing on a guiding cone to line up the contacts perfectly. But of all we’re doing is cleaning some panels, we really don’t need a fan. Just rotate them sideways and a small vibration motor knocks the dust off.
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