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Everything posted by Zelda

  1. Oh that's good. In order to reference modules in kOS, you need to call for one by name (or index, but that's a pain). If the name changes but everything else stays the same, that should be a simple update.
  2. That's exactly the process. If you are copying a part, you use the +PART[partname] syntax to add a part, then you can give your copied part a new name and change what you need to directly below it. Put this in another file, and you'll never have to worry about mod updates overwriting your part copy. If you have questions, check out the ModuleManager wiki - it's pretty helpful: https://github.com/sarbian/ModuleManager/wiki Or you can ask on the ModuleManager thread. People there are generally pretty helpful as well.
  3. I put my custom configs (part copies, modifying parts, etc) in another folder I created in GameData, so it stays separate from any other mods. That way, you don't have to worry about mods overwriting them. You might try that.
  4. Well strangely enough, I just attempted to repro again to grab the logs and it worked this time. I did change the sort keys a bit, but that's it. Weird. Thanks for offering to help though!
  5. I'm having an issue with ScienceSubject functions. I am making unmanned Mun / Minmus lander contracts where each Biome should only be visited once, and the ScienceSubject needs to be something that can be done autonomously, but is not a robotic arm contract. How I am doing this is by filtering all experiments on the body through an exclusion list, which contains the manned experiments as well as all possible robotic arm combinations (i.e., ROCScience_MunStone, ROCScience_MunCrater, etc). My issue is that the only subjects returned by AllScienceSubjectsByBiome() are the robotic arm subjects, despite there being many other valid subjects, so my subsequent filtering starts returning null values because it's doing the right thing by removing them. At that point, the contract doesn't fail to load but it never gets offered, which I presume is because there's no ScienceSubject for the CollectScience parameter to work with. Assuming no known issues with ScienceSubject, then I'm sure I'm missing something simple. If anyone has the time, these are the relevant data nodes in my contract, though they are a little more verbose than normal since I'm trying to debug. Everything appears to function normally until tempSubjects0 returns only the possible ROCScience_* subjects for the selected biome. DATA { type = Biome uniquenessCheck = CONTRACT_ALL hidden = true selectedBiome = @/targetBody.Biomes().SelectUnique() } DATA { type = List<ScienceExperiment> hidden = true validExperiments = AvailableExperiments(@targetBody).ExcludeAll(@CREI:srfProbeExcludeList) } DATA { type = List<ScienceSubject> hidden = true tempSubjects0 = AllScienceSubjectsByBiome([@selectedBiome]). tempSubjects1 = @tempSubjects0.Where(s => @validExperiments.Contains(s.Experiment())) tempSubjects2 = @tempSubjects1.Where(s => s.Situation() == SrfLanded) validSubjects = @tempSubjects2.Where(s => s.RemainingScience() > 0) } DATA { type = ScienceSubject hidden = true selectedSubject = @validSubjects.Random() }
  6. Oh wow, that's very cool. Congrats @Nertea! The press is well deserved with what you've brought to this game.
  7. I'd start by asking in the Tweakscale thread. Even if it's not Tweakscale itself that is the problem, if Tweakscale is throwing the error, they should be able to help figure out what is causing it.
  8. That looks incredible. Excellent work as always, super excited to use these parts!
  9. Yes, it's a known issue, though it only happens AFAIK if you start the simulation at the Mun. I've never seen it happen if I start the simulation launching from Kerbin.
  10. New parts are looking amazing! I consider this mod a must-have for my play-throughs, thank you for all the work you've put into it. Question on the new modules - will the new ModuleAnimateGenericExtra modules fully replace ModuleAnimateGeneric? I have some kOS scripts that interact with ModuleAnimateGeneric today for things like dropping umbilicals, retracting swing arms, etc, so I'll need to update those when this drops if that's the case. Thanks!
  11. Might be another mod conflict, as I have been using StageRecovery with KSP 1.11.2 since it was released without issues.
  12. Okay, talk about insanely cute. Out of curiosity, what kind of dogs?
  13. Ah, thank you so much! I will give this a try. Edit: Hmm, I'm guessing that the HullCamVDS parts don't have the proper transforms because none of the ones I can see in Kerbal Object Inspector seem to work, or if they do, they are not oriented correctly. I'm probably doing it wrong though That said, I did try the small spotlight which looks like a little camera lens, and that worked perfectly, so I think I'll just make use of that instead. Thanks so much for the help!
  14. I'm sorry if this is obvious, but do you have an example of a MM patch to get this working with Hullcam? I've tried creating a patch and while it shows up in game, it doesn't seem to work; the preview display is empty and the buttons don't do anything. The buttons are also duplicated several times despite the module only showing up once in the MM cache. I'm stumped.
  15. It works fine in 1.11.2 for me. I do occasionally notice the bug you mention where changing snap / symmetry doesn't respond, but opening the toolbar button and clicking on "Reset mode and snap keys" (or something similar, can't check now) fixes it. FWIW I've noticed this in previous KSP versions too, not just 1.11.2.
  16. There isn't an AVP button, you'll find the AVP profile in the TUFX mod's button. You'll need to install TUFX separately.
  17. CKAN doesn't give you the Extras folder like you get downloading the release from GitHub. However, if you search for "System Heat" it will give you the option to install each of the configs found in the Extras individually, like "System Heat - Nuclear Engine Configuration" or "System Heat - Nuclear Reactor Configuration," etc. So you can install those, or just download the .zip and look at the contents.
  18. Thanks! I don't remember changing any settings but I have been exhausted from working a ton, so maybe I did without remembering / realizing. Anyway, thank you for the responses, I really appreciate it.
  19. I see, thanks so much for the reply! I was fooled by the UI, since it highlights "Integrated" but the text above says "no preset - custom settings." I haven't messed with the settings. So maybe it's not defaulting to integrated, but as I mentioned I get weird shadows unless I choose another preset before the flight scene. I did have the latest Astronomer's Visual Pack installed, but removing that didn't fix the issue. The only other visual mod I have is EVE. I will try reinstalling scatterer to see if that lets it default to one of the other presets. Here is the preset UI and all the settings pages I am seeing: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AmAxSBcQL19WnrZ_GbwSB4b_rYREUQ Edit: Just reinstalled and now defaults to Low. Sorry for not trying that first but I really appreciate the pointer!
  20. Excellent compositions, this will now be a part of my KSP experience moving forward. Well done!
  21. Apologies if this has been answered already, but what is the "Integrated" preset? My install defaults to that every time I boot up the game, but I get weird shadows with it. If I switch to another preset, it's fine, but I'm trying to figure out how to default to High, for example.
  22. From the wiki (https://github.com/post-kerbin-mining-corporation/SystemHeat/wiki/Building-Cooling-Loops): Uh oh. I placed the reactor and these red alerts have appeared! These indicate that the part is currently overheating.
  23. Is it possible to extend the existing Probe upgrade framework to automatically add a kOS processor module? Basically, I am wanting to make the second upgrade (SAS Level 2) add a kOSProcessor module to all probe cores from that point forward.
  24. I just discovered this issue myself, thanks for the quick fix!
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