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Everything posted by MR4Y

  1. Last time I tried to orbit Duna, Mechjeb placed me on a crash course with it. I then did it manually with the help of the interplanetary calculator. I probably could try to land on Duna.
  2. You all seem to forget one small thing. There's no guarantee that any of these will be implemented in the next version or on any version for that matter. Or should we go back about the hype of resources?
  3. Space planes are not hard. And I use FAR as standard. The problem with the mod is that it relies on it's ablative shields. It also makes impossible for you to orbit using SSTO's because they'll explode if you go above 1 Km/s when crossing the edge of atmosphere.
  4. That's not true. So far, DEADB33F is not interested in updating any of his mods at all. More than one people tried to contact him through various ways and he essentialy told all of them to leave him alone.
  5. I made a SpaceShipOne replica along with it's lifter aircraft, called White Knight. the SpaceShipOne was the first space plane made by a company not affiliated with the government, like NASA. Here it is, attached to the White Knight plane, which was used by NASA to carry some payloads to higher altitudes for testing, including some of their X-Planes. And here's is my SpaceShipOne + White Knight:
  6. Also, different materials and building methods are able to handle different amounts of g-force. Problem is that you can't apply real g-force loads on KSP aircrafts because they have wobbly joints and things like that.
  7. Exactly. Needless to say: -The Apollo 10 command module reentered the atmosphere at 11,086 m/s -The Stardust probe reentered the atmosphere at 12,900 m/s -You can't even reenter Kerbin at 2000 m/s without exploding the ablative shield.
  8. I wonder why I can't attach docking ports inside the cargo bays. I have to fight simmetry and the game to get even close, and more than that to get it centered. Also, Clampotron Sr. ports won't attach to MkV cargo bays.
  9. The only thing I hope is that this is not the only update 0.21 will receive.
  10. I would burn radially. Then you decide if you want to orbit the Mun or return to Kerbin.
  11. I use pWings now for everything wing related. Why lock myself with either big or small?
  12. Can these be tweaked to work with FAR?
  13. I'm still wondering why most wings on the B9 pack are huge. They don't integrate very well with stuff that is not MkIII or MKIV shaped.
  14. Could you perhaps make real time readouts for science parts too?
  15. I can never land my planes, but all of them take off at more than 100 m/s. Some even break the sound barrier before leaving the runway, like my SpaceShipOne + White Knight build. For me all builds with the CoL behind the CoM work well. Even if the CoL is way behind the CoM.
  16. The fact that you have to resort on mods that have hig odds of introducing a plethora of bugs even not related to the mod at all just to have simple features that should have been implanted in the first place. No, I'm not taking about Mechjeb. I'm talking about things like Maneuver Node Improvement, Kerbal Alarm Clock, Kerbal Crew Manifest, Graphotron....Things like that.
  17. I'm glad it has this option. I was considering assembling the ship by parts, bringing them on the water and assembling it there. Maybe using boats made with Friespitter's pontoons or something.
  18. I had this pack for about two weeks now and I ask: How you put those things on the water without using HyperEdit or some similar tool?
  19. Again, holding right click to disable snap doesn't work for me. It always snaps to the tip.
  20. Not really. Ferram stated that he doesn't like the way that the stock aeodynamics favor larger and shorter rockets. If you look at real life rockets, they are all tall and streamlined.
  21. Mais aviões! MFD Flying Squirrel: ORCA (Orbital Rendezvous and Carrier Aircraft) Mk VI: Phoenix Alpha: E finalmente: White Knight + SpaceShipOne: SpaceShipOne:
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